1,508 research outputs found

    Numerical arc segmentation algorithm for a radio conference: A software tool for communication satellite systems planning

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    The Numerical Arc Segmentation Algorithm for a Radio Conference (NASARC) provides a method of generating predetermined arc segments for use in the development of an allotment planning procedure to be carried out at the 1988 World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC) on the Use of the Geostationary Satellite Orbit and the Planning of Space Services Utilizing It. Through careful selection of the predetermined arc (PDA) for each administration, flexibility can be increased in terms of choice of system technical characteristics and specific orbit location while reducing the need for coordination among administrations. The NASARC software determines pairwise compatibility between all possible service areas at discrete arc locations. NASARC then exhaustively enumerates groups of administrations whose satellites can be closely located in orbit, and finds the arc segment over which each such compatible group exists. From the set of all possible compatible groupings, groups and their associated arc segments are selected using a heuristic procedure such that a PDA is identified for each administration. Various aspects of the NASARC concept and how the software accomplishes specific features of allotment planning are discussed

    Joint Blind Motion Deblurring and Depth Estimation of Light Field

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    Removing camera motion blur from a single light field is a challenging task since it is highly ill-posed inverse problem. The problem becomes even worse when blur kernel varies spatially due to scene depth variation and high-order camera motion. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm to estimate all blur model variables jointly, including latent sub-aperture image, camera motion, and scene depth from the blurred 4D light field. Exploiting multi-view nature of a light field relieves the inverse property of the optimization by utilizing strong depth cues and multi-view blur observation. The proposed joint estimation achieves high quality light field deblurring and depth estimation simultaneously under arbitrary 6-DOF camera motion and unconstrained scene depth. Intensive experiment on real and synthetic blurred light field confirms that the proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art light field deblurring and depth estimation methods

    Optimal Location of Sources in Transportation Networks

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    We consider the problem of optimizing the locations of source nodes in transportation networks. A reduction of the fraction of surplus nodes induces a glassy transition. In contrast to most constraint satisfaction problems involving discrete variables, our problem involves continuous variables which lead to cavity fields in the form of functions. The one-step replica symmetry breaking (1RSB) solution involves solving a stable distribution of functionals, which is in general infeasible. In this paper, we obtain small closed sets of functional cavity fields and demonstrate how functional recursions are converted to simple recursions of probabilities, which make the 1RSB solution feasible. The physical results in the replica symmetric (RS) and the 1RSB frameworks are thus derived and the stability of the RS and 1RSB solutions are examined.Comment: 38 pages, 18 figure

    Do big athletes have big hearts? Impact of extreme anthropometry upon cardiac hypertrophy in professional male athletes.

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    AIM: Differentiating physiological cardiac hypertrophy from pathology is challenging when the athlete presents with extreme anthropometry. While upper normal limits exist for maximal left ventricular (LV) wall thickness (14 mm) and LV internal diameter in diastole (LVIDd, 65 mm), it is unknown if these limits are applicable to athletes with a body surface area (BSA) >2.3 m(2). PURPOSE: To investigate cardiac structure in professional male athletes with a BSA>2.3 m(2), and to assess the validity of established upper normal limits for physiological cardiac hypertrophy. METHODS: 836 asymptomatic athletes without a family history of sudden death underwent ECG and echocardiographic screening. Athletes were grouped according to BSA (Group 1, BSA>2.3 m(2), n=100; Group 2, 2-2.29 m(2), n=244; Group 3, 13 mm, but in combination with an abnormal ECG suspicious of an inherited cardiac disease. CONCLUSION: Regardless of extreme anthropometry, established upper limits for physiological cardiac hypertrophy of 14 mm for maximal wall thickness and 65 mm for LVIDd are clinically appropriate for all athletes. However, the abnormal ECG is key to diagnosis and guides follow-up, particularly when cardiac dimensions are within accepted limits

    3. Launching the New Enterprise

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    As the academic year of 1945-46 approached, the intensity of activity in preparation for actually opening the school in the fall term became overwhelming. Incredible though it may seem, Ives and Day were able in a period of a few weeks to assemble the nucleus of a faculty, several of whom formed a continuing source of counsel and advice both during the school’s formative years and thereafter. Includes: The First Dean and the School’s Dedication; A Participant’s View of the Early Years; Ives Moves On; Several Views of Martin P. Catherwood; The Founders

    Baryon charge from embedding topology and a continuous meson spectrum in a new holographic gauge theory

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    We study a new holographic gauge theory based on probe D4-branes in the background dual to D4-branes on a circle with antiperiodic boundary conditions for fermions. Field theory configurations with baryons correspond to smooth embeddings of the probe D4-branes with nontrivial winding around an S^4 in the geometry. As a consequence, physics of baryons and nuclei can be studied reliably in this model using the abelian Born-Infeld action. However, surprisingly, we find that the meson spectrum is not discrete. This is related to a curious result that the action governing small fluctuations of the gauge field on the probe brane is the five-dimensional Maxwell action in Minkowski space despite the non-trivial embedding of the probe brane in the curved background geometry.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, 10 figures, v4: previously ignored effects of coupling to RR-fields included, meson spectrum qualitatively changed, v5: journal versio

    The Suaineadh Project : a stepping stone towards the deployment of large flexible structures in space

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    The Suaineadh project aims at testing the controlled deployment and stabilization of space web. The deployment system is based on a simple yet ingenious control of the centrifugal force that will pull each of the four daughters sections apart. The four daughters are attached onto the four corners of a square web, and will be released from their initial stowed configuration attached to a central hub. Enclosed in the central hub is a specifically designed spinning reaction wheel that controls the rotational speed with a closed loop control fed by measurements from an onboard inertial measurement sensor. Five other such sensors located within the web and central hub provide information on the surface curvature of the web, and progression of the deployment. Suaineadh is currently at an advanced stage of development: all the components are manufactured with the subsystems integrated and are presently awaiting full integration and testing. This paper will present the current status of the Suaineadh project and the results of the most recent set of tests. In particular, the paper will cover the overall mechanical design of the system, the electrical and sensor assemblies, the communication and power systems and the spinning wheel with its control system

    Quantifying Water Diffusivity and Metamorphic Reaction Rates Within Mountain Belts, and Their Implications for the Rheology of Cratons

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    Abstract: The distribution of rheologically strong cratons, and their weakening by metamorphic hydration reactions, is of fundamental importance for understanding first‐order strength contrasts within the crust and the resulting controls on the tectonic evolution of the continents. In this study, the Douglas Harbor structural window within the Paleoproterozoic Trans‐Hudson orogen of Canada is used to study the hydration of the footwall Archean Superior craton basement by water released from the overlying Paleoproterozoic Cape Smith thrust‐fold belt. Phase equilibria modeling is applied to quantify the Archean and Paleoproterozoic metamorphic conditions, and to determine the effect of hydration on basement mineralogy. The amount of structurally bound water within the basement is calculated and shown to decrease as a function of distance below the basal dĂ©collement of the thrust‐fold belt. Applying a reactive fluid transport model to these results, the rate coefficient for fluid‐rock reaction is constrained to be 10 − 19 m o l − 1 m 3 s − 1 , and the diffusivity of water through the grain boundary network to be 10 − 9 m 2 s − 1 at the ambient metamorphic conditions of 570 ° C and 7.5 kbar. This newly documented rate of water diffusion is three orders of magnitude slower than thermal diffusion, implying that hydration by diffusion may be the rate‐limiting factor in the weakening of cratons, and therefore plays an important role in their geological persistence. This conclusion is consistent with field observations that Paleoproterozoic strain in the Douglas Harbor structural window is restricted to hydrated portions of the Archean Superior craton basement

    Geometric Entanglement of Symmetric States and the Majorana Representation

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    Permutation-symmetric quantum states appear in a variety of physical situations, and they have been proposed for quantum information tasks. This article builds upon the results of [New J. Phys. 12, 073025 (2010)], where the maximally entangled symmetric states of up to twelve qubits were explored, and their amount of geometric entanglement determined by numeric and analytic means. For this the Majorana representation, a generalization of the Bloch sphere representation, can be employed to represent symmetric n qubit states by n points on the surface of a unit sphere. Symmetries of this point distribution simplify the determination of the entanglement, and enable the study of quantum states in novel ways. Here it is shown that the duality relationship of Platonic solids has a counterpart in the Majorana representation, and that in general maximally entangled symmetric states neither correspond to anticoherent spin states nor to spherical designs. The usability of symmetric states as resources for measurement-based quantum computing is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; submitted to Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS

    Social mobilization against large hydroelectric dams: A comparison of Ethiopia, Brazil, and Panama

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    Large‐scale hydroelectric dams have—throughout their history—had adverse impacts on local population groups, natural resources, and entire eco‐systems furthering resistance and protest against them. In this paper, we aim to investigate the impact of social mobilization against large‐scale dams by considering political opportunity structures, actor constellations, and frames. We comparatively analyze three case studies in varying political systems, that is, Gibe III in Ethiopia, Belo Monte in Brazil, and Barro Blanco in Panama. Our investigation is based on field research in these countries comprising data collection of governmental reports, newspaper articles, materials published by civil society organizations, and semi‐structured interviews. The analysis reveals that the impact of mobilization against dams is certainly limited in contexts with authoritarian governments. In democratic contexts, the impact depends on the degree of external involvement, as well as the ability of movements to avoid fracture, especially in view of temporal dimensions of large infrastructure projects
