41 research outputs found

    Continuous trench, pulsed laser ablation for micro-machining applications

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    The generation of controlled 3D micro-features by pulsed laser ablation in various materials requires an understanding of the material's temporal and energetic response to the laser beam. The key enabler of pulsed laser ablation for micro-machining is the prediction of the removal rate of the target material, thus allowing real-life machining to be simulated mathematically. Usually, the modelling of micro-machining by pulsed laser ablation is done using a pulse-by-pulse evaluation of the surface modification, which could lead to inaccuracies when pulses overlap. To address these issues, a novel continuous evaluation of the surface modification that use trenches as a basic feature is presented in this paper. The work investigates the accuracy of this innovative continuous modelling framework for micro-machining tasks on several materials. The model is calibrated using a very limited number of trenches produced for a range of powers and feed speeds; it is then able to predict the change in topography with a size comparable to the laser beam spot that arises from essentially arbitrary toolpaths. The validity of the model has been proven by being able to predict the surface obtained from single trenches with constant feed speed, single trenches with variable feed speed and overlapped trenches with constant feed speed for three different materials (graphite, polycrystalline diamond and a metal-matrix diamond CMX850) with low error. For the three materials tested, it is found that the average error in the model prediction for a single trench at constant feed speed is lower than 5 % and for overlapped trenches the error is always lower than 10 %. This innovative modelling framework opens avenues to: (i) generate in a repeatable and predictable manner any desired workpiece microtopography; (ii) understand the pulsed laser ablation machining process, in respect of the geometry of the trench produced, therefore improving the geometry of the resulting parts; (iii) enable numerical optimisation for the beam path, thus supporting the development of accurate and flexible computer assisted machining software for pulsed laser ablation micro-machining applications

    Data-driven modeling of electron recoil nucleation in PICO C3F8 bubble chambers

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    [EN] The primary advantage of moderately superheated bubble chamber detectors is their simultaneous sensitivity to nuclear recoils from weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter and insensitivity to electron recoil backgrounds. A comprehensive analysis of PICO gamma calibration data demonstrates for the first time that electron recoils in C3F8 scale in accordance with a new nucleation mechanism, rather than one driven by a hot spike as previously supposed. Using this semiempirical model, bubble chamber nucleation thresholds may be tuned to be sensitive to lower energy nuclear recoils while maintaining excellent electron recoil rejection. The PICO-40L detector will exploit this model to achieve thermodynamic thresholds as low as 2.8 keV while being dominated by single-scatter events from coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering of solar neutrinos. In one year of operation, PICO-401, can improve existing leading limits from PICO on spin-dependent WIMP-proton coupling by nearly an order of magnitude for WIMP masses greater than 3 GeV c(-2) and will have the ability to surpass all existing non-xenon bounds on spin-independent WIMP-nucleon coupling for WIMP masses from 3 to 40 GeV c(-2).The PICO Collaboration wishes to thank SNOLAB and its staff for support through underground space, logistical and technical services. SNOLAB operations are supported by the Canada Foundation for Innovation and the Province of Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation, with underground access provided by Vale at the Creighton mine site. We wish to acknowledge the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) for funding. We acknowledge the support from National Science Foundation (NSF) (Grants No. 0919526, No. 1506337, No. 1242637, No. 1205987, and No. 1806722). We acknowledge that this work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics (under Award No. DE-SC-0012161), by DGAPA-UNAM (PAPIIT No. IA100118) and Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT, M¿exico, Grants No. 252167 and No. A1-S-8960), by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India, under the Centre for AstroParticle Physics II project (CAPP-II) at the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP), European Regional Development Fund¿Project ¿Engineering Applications of Microworld Physics¿ (Project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/ 16_019/0000766), and the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Red Consolider MultiDark, Grant No. FPA2017-90566-REDC). This work is partially supported by the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago through NSF Grant No. 1125897, and an endowment from the Kavli Foundation and its founder Fred Kavli. We also wish to acknowledge the support from Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which is operated by Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05- 76RL01830. We also thank Compute Canada [75] and the Center for Advanced Computing, ACENET, Calcul Qu¿ebec, Compute Ontario, and WestGrid for computational support.Amole, C.; Ardid Ramírez, M.; Arnquist, I.; Asner, DM.; Baxter, D.; Behnke, E.; Bressler, M.... (2019). Data-driven modeling of electron recoil nucleation in PICO C3F8 bubble chambers. Physical Review D: covering particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology. 100(8):1-18. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.100.082006S1181008Amole, C., Ardid, M., Arnquist, I. J., Asner, D. M., Baxter, D., Behnke, E., … Chen, C. J. (2019). Dark matter search results from the complete exposure of the PICO-60 C3F8 bubble chamber. Physical Review D, 100(2). doi:10.1103/physrevd.100.022001Agnese, R., Anderson, A. J., Aramaki, T., Arnquist, I., Baker, W., Barker, D., … Bowles, M. A. (2017). Projected sensitivity of the SuperCDMS SNOLAB experiment. Physical Review D, 95(8). doi:10.1103/physrevd.95.082002Amaudruz, P.-A., Baldwin, M., Batygov, M., Beltran, B., Bina, C. E., Bishop, D., … Broerman, B. (2018). First Results from the DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search with Argon at SNOLAB. Physical Review Letters, 121(7). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.121.071801Arnaud, Q., Asner, D., Bard, J.-P., Brossard, A., Cai, B., Chapellier, M., … Zampaolo, M. (2018). First results from the NEWS-G direct dark matter search experiment at the LSM. Astroparticle Physics, 97, 54-62. doi:10.1016/j.astropartphys.2017.10.009Aguilar-Arevalo, A., Amidei, D., Bertou, X., Butner, M., Cancelo, G., … Castañeda Vázquez, A. (2016). Search for low-mass WIMPs in a 0.6 kg day exposure of the DAMIC experiment at SNOLAB. 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    The best motley row in bacteriological assay

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    Asymptotic power of the two-sample test of Wilcoxon for logistic shift alternatives, and comparisin with simulati results

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    In this paper the power of the two-sample test of WILCOXON for Logistic shiftaltematives is computed by using two approximations. based on the asymptotic Normality of the test statistic. The sample sizes considered are m = n . 6, m = n = 10 and m = n = IS. These approximations are compared with the results of an experimental determination by Monte Carlo techniques