3,283 research outputs found

    Effectiveness in Prosthodontics with Mechanically Strong, Paltform Switched Implant Systems

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    Presudno obilježje današnjeg dvodijelnog implantacijskog sustava je mehanički čvrsta, pouzdana površina usatka koja će biti u dodiru s kosti. Tom se zahtjevu može na optimalan način udovoljiti precizno izrađenim spojem s nosačem konusnog oblika (Morseov konus). Taj je spoj s nosačem konusnog oblika vrlo otporan na savijanje i torziju pri obavljanju kliničke funkcije, čime se znatno smanjuje mogućnost kidanja vijaka ili njihova labavljenja. Uz to, spoj s nosačem konusnog oblika omogućava i izradu oblika platforme na koronalnom dijelu usatka. Time se omogućava stvaranje debelog sloja gustog, mekog tkiva oko vrata nosača i prekrivanje preostalog, horizontalnog dijela platforme. Tim se debelim slojem tkiva prikriva boja titana na cervikalnom dijelu fiksne proteze i omogućava da taj dio poprimi boju normalnog tkiva. Takav oblik usatka s platformom također omogućava da se mjesto kontakta implantat-nosač s vanjskog gornjeg ruba pomakne prema središtu ramena implantata, čime se dobiva biološka širina u smjeru okomitom na uzdužnu os implantata. Tako se održava visina rubnog koštanog grebena (grebenska kost) na koronalnom vrhu ramena implantata - što ima presudnu ulogu u stvaranju i dugoročnom održavanju papila. Uz to, oblik implantata s platformom olakšava postavljanje nosača u submukozu i sprječava utiskivanje mekog tkiva u područje kontakta između usatka i nosača. Velika čvrstoća i inicijalno mali promjer nosača omogućavaju postizanje: (1) izvrsne estetike i (2) suprastruktura koje su klinički vrlo slične zubu koji je u mostu.A decisive feature of the two-piece implant system of today is a mechanically strong, reliable implant abutment interface. This demand can be optimally achived by a precisely machined, tapered cone abutment (Morse taper) connection. This tapered abutment connection provides high resistance to bending and rotational torque during clinical function which significantly reduces the possibilities of screw fracture of loosening. Additionally, tapered abutement connection causes a platform switched design at the coronal portion of the implant. It enables a thick layer of dense soft tissue to form around the neck of the abutment an dcover the remaining horizontal area of the platform. This thick tissue masks the colour of the titanium that is cervical to the fixed prosthesis and is responsible for normal tissue colour. This platform switched implant design also moves the site of the implant-abutment interface from the outer top margin to the center of the implant shoulder, enabling the establishment of a bilogical width that is perpendicular to the long axis of the implant. The height of the marginal osseous crest (crestal bone) is maintained at the coronal top of the implant shoulder- it plays a decisive role in the formation and long term maintenance of papillas. Additionally, the platform switched design facilitates the mounting of submucosal placed abutments, preventing imapction of soft tissue between the implant-abutment interface. Both the high strength and initial small diameter of the abutment make it possible to obtain: (1) excellent aesthetics and (2) suprastructures that are clinically very similar to tooth borne prostheses

    „Neugier beflügelt unsere Wahrnehmung“ – eine effektive Lernmethode im Fremdsprachenunterricht

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    As in any human action, motivation is playing a key role in learning foreign languages. There are different types of motivation – one of them is curiosity. Curiosity is one of the strongest motivators, since it is based in the human character. Psychologists call curiosity the core of motivation. In my paper I will address a new learning technique, which consists of two didactic concepts at the same time: Learning by teaching and subject orientated learning. Subject orientated learning means the combination of a specific content to be learnt and a given person.As in any human action, motivation is playing a key role in learning foreign languages. There are different types of motivation – one of them is curiosity. Curiosity is one of the strongest motivators, since it is based in the human character. Psychologists call curiosity the core of motivation. In my paper I will address a new learning technique, which consists of two didactic concepts at the same time: Learning by teaching and subject orientated learning. Subject orientated learning means the combination of a specific content to be learnt and a given person

    KASTEL Industry 4.0 Demonstrator: Provably Forgetting Information in PLC software

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    Im Zuge von industriellen Revolution 4.0 werden Fertigungsstraßen untereinander und mit der Außenwelt vernetzt. Dies erhöht das potenzielle Risiko für erfolgreiche Angriffe auf Fabrikanlagen. Fabrikanlagen sind ein lohnendes Angriffsziel, denn sie beherbergen Geschäftsgeheimnisse in Form von Prozessinformationen und -parametern. Im Rahmen von KASTEL SVI (Arbeitspaket 4.6) haben wir eine Methode entwickelt, mit der wir nachweisen können, dass eine Fabrikanlagensteuerung Geschäftsgeheimnisse vergisst. Dadurch erlangen erfolgreiche Angreifer nur einen limitierten Informationumfang und der Schaden wird begrenzt

    NLO Corrections to Deeply-Virtual Compton Scattering

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    We have calculated the NLO corrections to the twist-2 part of the deeply-virtual Compton scattering amplitude. Our results for the transverse and antisymmetric parts agree with recent calculations by Ji and Osborne and by Belitsky and M\"uller. In addition we present NLO results for the longitudinal part of the amplitude.Comment: 8 pages, Latex. Error in polarised gluonic coefficient in Eq.(8) correcte

    Field study on the importance of calcium for potato peel quality and storage capacity

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    Peel quality of the potato tuber is becoming increasingly important in potato cultivation. Consumers primarily demand potatoes that have an even, smooth, and fine peel. Tubers that have different types of scabs or other stains are rejected. In addition, farmers get paid more at higher peel quality. The storage capacity is also positively affected by a high peel quality prior to storage. In recent years, calcium (Ca) has been increasingly discussed in connection with tuber quality, but most often regarding the inner quality of the tubers. Research on how and to what extent Ca affects diseases on the peel is lacking. However, due to the central role of Ca in the plant’s membranes and cell walls, Ca could potentially also affect the quality of the tuber peel. One hypothesis is that higher concentration of Ca in the soil and thus in the peel leads to an improved tuber peel quality, something that was tested in this work. In this field study, which was carried out on commercial farms in Småland and Östergötland counties in Sweden, the effect of the Ca concentration in the soil and in the peel on tuber peel quality of potatoes in freshly harvested and stored potatoes. A total of 22 fields were included in the study. In each field, three areas with varying concentrations of plant available Ca were selected to achieve a gradient across the field. In each area, samples of 2x15 kg of potato tubers were collected. Half of each sample was analysed ocularly immediately after harvesting, whereas the other half was stored for later analysis. The evaluated parameters were skin discolorations, black scurf, powdery scab, common scab, silver scurf and skin cracking and the results were presented as percentage of infected tubers. In addition, peel nutrient concentrations were determined. The results showed that a higher Ca concentration in the peel led to lower levels of peel discoloration in stored potatoes. The level of silver scurf after storage also decreased at higher levels of Ca in the peel. The opposite effect was noticed for black scurf in stored potatoes as higher Ca concentrations correlated with higher levels of black scurf. There was no correlation between the Ca content in the soil and the different analysed peel diseases. Soil Ca concentration in the field should according to recommendations be above 100 mg Ca/100 g soil to avoid Ca related quality defects on the tuber, and this assumption was also tested. The result did not agree with this recommendation, however, it turned out that the level of skin discoloration as well as the total amount of all skin diseases decreased as Ca-AL increased in the section below 100. In this study, the concentrations of other nutrients in the peel were also shown to correlate with skin quality. Positive correlations were found between manganese and phosphorus concentrations and the skin discoloration in freshly harvested tubers. In addition, there was a negative correlation between skin discolorations and the calcium-to-magnesium ratio and the calcium-to-potassium ratio, respectively. Furthermore, there was also a negative correlation between peel zinc concentration and the total amount of all skin diseases in stored potatoes. To minimize the risk of reduced potato peel quality, farmers need to focus more on Ca, especially when Ca-AL is below 100 mg Ca/100 g soil. The potential positive impact of zinc in stored potatoes should also be further investigated. In addition, there is a need to focus more on manganese, which is added regularly in today’s potato production, and which might have a negative impact on the peel quality. Keywords: calcium, cultivation, manganese, peel finish, potato, potato quality, zincPotatisknölens skalkvalitet blir allt viktigare i dagens potatisodling. Konsumenten kräver framför allt potatisar som har ett jämt, slätt och fint skal. De knölar som har olika sorters skorv eller andra fläckar väljs bort. Dessutom får lantbrukaren bättre betalt ju bättre skalkvalitet potatisarna uppvisar och även lagringsdugligheten påverkas positivt ju finare skalet är vid inlagringen. De senaste åren har kalcium (Ca) diskuterats mer och mer i samband med potatisens kvalitet, dock framför allt när det gäller knölens inre kvalitet, och forskningsunderlaget om och i vilken omfattning kalcium påverkar sjukdomar på skalet är bristfälligt. På grund av kalciums centrala roll i växtens membran och cellväggar borde kalcium även kunna påverka skalets kvalitet. En hypotes är att mer kalcium i marken och därmed i skalet leder till en förbättrad skalkvalitet, vilket testades i det här arbetet. I den här fältstudien, som har genomförts på potatisgårdar i Småland och Östergötland, har det undersökts hur kalcium i marken och i skalet påverkar potatisens skalkvalitet i nyskördade och lagrade potatissorter. Totalt ingick 22 fält i studien och på varje fält valdes 3 områden ut som uppvisade en variation i växttillgänglig halt av Ca så att en gradient över fältet uppnåddes. På varje område togs det prover à 2x15kg. Hälften har analyserats av SMAK okulärt direkt efter upptaget, andra hälften lagrades in för senare analys. Parametrarna som SMAK tittade på var skalmissfärgningar, lackskorv, pulverskorv, vanlig skorv, silverskorv och skalbristning i % angripna knölar. YARA har genomfört en analys av näringsämneshalterna i skalet. Utvärderingen visade att en högre halt av Ca i skalet ledde till att lagrade potatisar uppvisade mindre nivåer av skalmissfärgningar. Även nivån av silverskorv minskade efter lagringen då högre halter Ca fanns i skalet. Det fanns tvärtom en tendens till högre angrepp av lackskorv vid högre kalciumhalt i skalet. Det fanns inga samband mellan kalciumhalten i marken och de olika skalsjukdomarna. Då det dock rekommenderas att Ca-talet i fält bör ligga över 100 mg Ca/100 g jord för att undvika Ca relaterade kvalitetsfel testades detta i arbetet. Resultatet stämde inte överens med denna hypotes, däremot visade sig att nivån av skalmissfärgningar samt den sammanlagda angreppsnivån minskade då Ca-AL-tal ökade i avsnittet under 100 mg Ca/100 mg jord. Även andra näringsämnen i skalet visade sig påverka skalkvalitet. Mangan och fosfor verkade öka skalmissfärgningar i nyskördade potatisar. En högre kvot av kalcium/magnesium respektive kalcium/ kalium verkade minska skalmissfärgningarna i lagrade potatisar. Dessutom tycks zink minska den sammanlagda angreppsnivån i lagrade potatisar. För att minimera risken för en sämre skalkvalitet behöver odlarna fokusera mer på Ca, speciellt när Ca-AL är under 100 mg Ca/100 g jord. Det bör även forskas mer kring den positiva påverkan av zink i lagrade potatisar. Dessutom behöver det fokuseras mer på mangan, som tillsätts regelbundet i dagens odlingar, och dess eventuella negativa påverkan på skalkvaliteten. Nyckelord: kalcium, mangan, odling, potatis, potatiskvalitet, skalfinish, zin

    GTD Project Management for Windows Mobile

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    Práce se zabývá metodou GTD a vývojem aplikace usnadňující její agendu. Snaží se analyzovat tuto metodu organizace času pro řízení projektů. Dále popisuje platformu Windows Mobile, pod kterou aplikace poběží. Též se zmíní o nástrojích použitých při vývoji této aplikace.This work deals with the GTD method and application, to facilitate its development agenda. The method allows us to become familiar with the organization of projects. It describes the Windows Mobile platform, under which applications will run, and outlines the tools used to develop this application.

    Provably Forgetting of Information in Manufacturing Systems: Verification of the KASTEL Industry Demonstrator

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    During the manufacturing process, information are generated and aggregated that constitute a business secrets and therefore need a high protection. On the other hand, if we can prove, that an information is absented, the effort for the protection for this system could be invested on different information, aspects or systems. For this, we develop the notion of information forgetting of a reactive system. This notion describes that a reactive system needs to forget the information about a secret within a certain amount of cycles. This property limits the amount of historical information an attacker can learn by observing a manufacturing system. Moreover, we formalise and prove the notion of an information forgetting system with Relational Test Tables. We evaluate the verification on the industry demonstrator for \textsc{kastel svi} project, which was provided by the Fraunhofer IOSB and developed by industrial third-party contractor. In this demonstrator, we are able to show, that a selected business secret – the number of wheel turns – is not forgotten. We suggest and prove a fix of the leak. We close with an elaborate discussion on the verification and results and also with remarks to the how information forgetting relates supports quantifiable security