1,005 research outputs found

    The plans of the policy concerning to give birth and be born as a human : focused on the period under the occupation of Japan

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    本論文は, 「人として産み, 生まれること」にかんする政策の構想を分析する。その時期は, 被占領期とする。そのため, 研究方法は, 経済背景より政治背景を優先する。まず, 人口政策の転換をとりあげる。敗戦による激動が, 最初に人口問題にみられた。それは過剰人口と認識され, 対策が求められた。ついで, 母性保護条文の提案と日本国憲法の関係を問題とする。憲法制定過程で, 最も弱い立場になる母性の保護を求める動きがあったからである。さらに, ライフ・ステージごとの政策の構想を検討する。(1)勤労女性の母性の保護を意図する労働基準法, (2)母児の健全な生活保証を意図した母性保護政策, (3)社会保障政策, それを構想する審議会である。この期の政策の構想は, 「新生日本」の建設に呼応した理想に燃えたものであった。それは現実を無視したものでもあった。ここに, 被占領期の政策の構想の特徴があるのである。The purpose of this paper is to analyze the plans of the policy concerning to give birth and be born as a human. This time, we deal with the period of under the occupation of Japan. Then, the political background should be preceded the economical one. First, we refer to the convention of the population policy. After being defeated in the war, severe change was found in the population problems. It is recognized as surplus population and some counter measures were required. Secondly, we refer to the relation between the text of a law about guardianship for motherhood and the Constitution of Japan. Because, there were some movements to require the guardianship for motherhood. Further, we examine the plans of the policy for every life stages. (1) The labor Standard Law for the guardianship of working women, (2) The policy of guardianship for motherhood intended the guarantee of sound living, (3) the social security system and the deliberative council that planed those. The plans of the policy at this time had an ideal to establish New Japan. That ignored realities. Those were the feature of the plans of the policy the period of under the occupation of Japan


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    本論文の目的は、大正、昭和、平成と生きた開業助産婦の軌跡をたどることによって、助産技術を考察した。研究方法は、面接による聞き取り調査を行った。その結果、妊娠期、分娩期、産褥期における助産技術は、現代にもまったく通ずるものであった。現代の病院管理分娩への批判、自然分娩への回帰などは、分娩が生理的で自然に進むものであるという前提ありきの流れである。われわれ助産師は、正常で自然な分娩への援助、そして母乳栄養確立への援助、育児援助など、助産師の専門性を発揮するための援助を確実にしなければならない。そのことがひいては「人として産み、生まれること」の保障をもたらすことにつながると考える。The purpose of this paper is to consider the techniques of midwife by tracing the practicing midwives who have lived for Taisho, Showa, Heisei. The method of investigation is to have interview. The results are as follows. The techniques of midwife during the pregnancy, the intrapartum period, and the puerperal period are accepted absolutely today. The current of the criticism for controlled delivery at present hospital and the revolution for natural delivery supposes that delivery advances physically and naturally. We midwives should support natural delivery, establishment the feed on mother s milk, and childrearing and so on, to demonstrate the specialty of midwife. And in the end, we think [Giving Birth and Being Born as a Human] is guaranteed

    Fundamental Study to Create a Joint Modeling Bringing up a Skill to Build a Relationship in a Childcare Facility

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    近年の社会変化により,子どもの遊びには変化が見られ,主体性を発揮して夢中になれる活動や,友達とやりとりをしながら創造性を発揮する機会が,必要とされている。つまり,遊びを通した子ども同士の関わりは,道徳性・社会性を育み,人間関係形成能力を育むための重要な課題であると指摘できる。人間関係形成能力を育むための活動の1つとして,共同造形制作が考えられる。本論では,子ども同士の関わりを作る造形表現活動の実践は,1人では作ることができない大きな作品で,アイデアを多く必要とする「寄せがき方式」の制作遊びを設定して行うことが望ましいと考えられる。創造的な遊びには,子どもにとって友達とイメージを共有して作る要素が多く,テーマや色や形を工夫していくことができると考える。Due to recent social changes, we can see changes in how children play and it is required to have activities that they can really into by exercising independence or opportunities in which they can exercise creativity by communicating with friends. Accordingly, we can indicate that communication among children through playing will be an important issue to grow morality and sociality as well as growing skills to build a relationship. As one of activities to grow skills to build a relationship, we can consider a joint modeling. In this study, we consider that practices of activities to express modeling that build a relationship among children should be a big work that cannot be created alone therefore it is desirable to proceed such practices by setting a play to create a “message method” that require a lot of ideas. Creative play has many elements created by sharing images with friends for children and we consider that they can devise themes, colors, and shapes

    Severe macular edema induced by pioglitazone in a patient with diabetic retinopathy: a case study

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    We report a case of severe diabetic macular edema (DME) that developed after pioglitazone was used by a patient with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. A 30-year-old woman with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus visited our clinic in 2004. She had moderate pre-proliferative diabetic retinopathy OU. Because of the rapid progression of the diabetic retinopathy, she received pan-retinal photocoagulation in both eyes. Two weeks before using pioglitazone, her visual acuity was 0.9 OD and 0.7 OS. On October 2007, pioglitazone was prescribed by her internist because of poorly controlled blood glucose level. Two weeks later, her body weight increased, and her face became edematous. Her visual acuity decreased to 0.5 OU, and ophthlamoscopy showed severe DME in both eyes. Two weeks after stopping pioglitazone, her visual acuity improved to 0.8 OD and 0.5 OS, but the DME was still severe in the optical coherence tomographic images. Then, one half the usual dose (25 mg) of spironolactone, a diuretic, was given and her macular edema was resolved. Her final visual acuity improved to 0.9 OD and 0.7 OS. We recommend that when a patient taking pioglitazone complains of decreased vision, the physician should promptly consult an ophthalmologist

    Childcare Practice Study of Rythmique that Draws Proactive Physical Expression from Children (1st Report) : Mainly Including Cases of Classes for One, Two, and Three Years Old in a Childcare Facility

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    近年の先行研究を「身体表現」「音楽教育」「リトミック」「遊戯」をキーワードに概観すると,100 年を超える歴史の中で,リトミックの捉え方が変容していることと,リトミックの新しい保育実践研究が必要であることが,明らかになった。そこで本論では,保育施設におけるリトミックの実践から,子どもが何を学び,何が育っているのかを論考した。その結果,以下のことが示唆された。(1)1歳児学級の子どもは,保育者の模倣を活発に行う段階である。(2)2歳児学級においては,子どもが自由に想像し表現できるよう,保育者は,配慮する必要がある。(3)3歳児学級においては,表現することの楽しさを通して心が解放される気持ち良さを感じることや,リトミックの主題や保育者の姿に集中することや,何かを達成する喜びを感じること等が重要である。When we outline recent prior-research with key words, “physical expression”,“music education”, “Rythmique” , and “play” , it was clarified that how we consider Rythmique had been changed in the history over 100 years and new study for Rythmique practice is required. Accordingly, this article discussed what children learn from Rythmique practice in a childcare facility and what is grown. As the result, the followings were suggested. i. One years old children are in a phase where they actively imitate their guardians. ii. For a class for two years old children, guardians need to take care of children so that they can freely express. iii. For a class for three years old children, it is important to feel comfort by which their mind can be released and concentrate on a subject of Rythmique or appearance of guardians, and feel pleasure to achieve something through how fun it is to exp ress


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    本論文の課題は、1990年以降の「人として産み、生まれること」について、助産学的・経済学的視点から分析することである。第1に、妊産婦の属性およびマタニティ・ライフを分析した。1990年代以降の妊産婦の典型は、「ワーキング・マザー」である。晩婚・晩産化は、不妊治療を容認している。妊娠中は、健やかさ、快適さを求める反面、喫煙率や飲酒率の上昇という問題点もある。施設分娩が主流であるが、管理分娩への反発もみられる。第2に、妊娠・出産をより健やかに安全にするための援助について分析した。妊娠期は、母子健康手帳による定期健診の励行、特定年齢層および感染妊婦に対する援助が重要となっている。また、産まされる出産から主体的に産む出産が求められるようになっている。第3に、妊娠・出産にかかわる費用を分析した。晩婚化にともない、不妊治療に要する費用の保証が求められる一方で、医療保険は、異常分娩のみ医療の保障を行っている。The purpose of this paper is to analyze Giving birth and being born as a human after 1990\u27 on maternity nursing and economical point of view. First, we analyzed the attribute of pregnant women and maternity life. After 90\u27, the typical pregnant women are working mothers. The late marriage trend admit the infertility treatment. In the period of pregnancy, they look for health and comfortableness. On the other hand, the rate of smoking and drinking alcohol increases. The delivery in hospital is popular. But, there are some claims for managed delivery. Second, we analyzed the support for healthier and safer pregnancy and giving birth. During the term of pregnancy, it is important that the regular medical examinations carried out with maternal and child health book and the support for special age or infected pregnant women.And, most of the pregnant women prefer subjective birth to passive one.Third, we analyzed the expense for matters concerning pregnancy and birth. The idea that the expense for infertility treatment should be guaranteed is accompanied with the trend of late marriage. However, only the case of abnormal delivery is guaranteed by medical insurance