347 research outputs found

    Prediction of time to prosthesis implantation as a function of joint anatomy in patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip

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    BACKGROUND: Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) can lead to pain and premature secondary osteoarthritis at an early stage. Joint-preserving osteotomy is an established solution to this problem. In contrast, a conservative approach would result in pain persistence, ultimately raising the patients question for a possible date of expected prosthesis implantation. The aim of the study was to identify the relationship between the dysplastic hip anatomy and the time of prosthesis implantation in order to enable prognostic predictions in younger patients with symptomatic DDH. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data from 129 hips who received THA due to secondary DDH osteoarthritis were evaluated. The preoperative hip anatomy was evaluated for AI and LCE angle. Multiple linear regression analyses were then used to correlate the influence of these parameters with the patient's age at the time of surgery. In addition, a graphical relationship was derived by the method of power least squares curve fitting with second-degree polynomials. RESULTS: The mean age for THA was 54.3 ± 11 years. The time of surgery correlated significantly with LCE (0.37) and AI (- 0.3) (p < 0.001). The mean age of patients with LCE angle ≤ 10° was 41.9 ± 14.0 years, for LCE 11-20° 52.7 ± 9.5 years, and for LCE 21-30° 57.0 ± 10.3 years. The following formula could then be determined for the calculation of the potential patient age at the time of THA as a function of LCE angle: age pTHA = 40.2 + 0.8 × LCE angle - 0.01 × (LCE angle)2. CONCLUSION: A significant correlation between the extent of dysplasia and the time of prosthesis implantation was identified. In particular, the LCE and the AI correlated strongly with the time of implantation. The more dysplastic the angles were, the sooner the THA was necessary. Using the calculations presented in this study, the probable age of prosthesis implantation can be prognosticated and included in a counseling session about treatment options for DD

    Cerclages after Femoral Osteotomy Are at Risk for Bacterial Colonization during Two-Stage Septic Total Hip Arthroplasty Revision

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    Aims: In cases of a two-stage septic total hip arthroplasty (THA) exchange a femoral osteotomy with subsequent cerclage stabilization may be necessary to remove a well-fixed stem. This study aims to investigate the rate of bacterial colonization and risk of infection persistence associated with in situ cerclage hardware in two-stage septic THA exchange. Patients and Methods: Twenty-three patients undergoing two-stage THA exchange between 2011 and 2016 were included in this retrospective cohort study. During the re-implantation procedure synovial fluid, periprosthetic tissue samples and sonicate fluid cultures (SFC) of the cerclage hardware were acquired. Results: Seven of 23 (30%) cerclage-SFC produced a positive bacterial isolation. Six of the seven positive cerclage-SFC were acquired during THA re-implantation. Two of the seven patients (29%) with a positive bacterial isolation from the cerclage hardware underwent a THA-revision for septic complications. The other five patients had their THA in situ at last follow-up. Conclusions: Despite surgical debridement and antimicrobial therapy, a bacterial colonization of cerclage hardware occurs and poses a risk for infection persistence. All cerclage hardware should be removed or exchanged during THA reimplantation

    Wybrane skutki niedoboru uwagi i nadużywania ICT

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    The article attempts to organize and outline a map of the problems, which are a result of overuse of ICT and unlimited consumption of media content on the Web. The excessive in&shy;volvement of attention and time spent in the virtual space are changing lifestyle and culture

    Smart city applications during a pandemic and social isolation in Poland in 2020

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    According to data from the Ministry of Development, in 2019 the 16 largest Polish cities were implementing at least some elements of the smart city concept. Social isolation and the freezing of the economy due to the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 can be a test of these ICT innovations. The aim of the article is to investigate how they were used and whether in reality they were in greater demand by both residents and local administration in this extreme situation. The results of a review of initiatives taken by local authorities, enterprises and citizens in some Polish cities related to the smart city concept are presented during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Observation of the various types of reaction in such uncommon conditions could serve as a guideline for the further development of applications based on intelligent ICT tools and the creative involvement of all participants in city life.Według danych resortu rozwoju w 2019 r. 16 największych polskich miast realizowało przynajmniej niektóre elementy koncepcji smart city. Izolacja społeczna i zamrożenie gospodarki z powodu pandemii koronawirusa w 2020 r. mogły stać się testem działania wdrażanych od lat innowacji ICT. Celem artykułu jest sprawdzenie, w jaki sposób zostały one wykorzystane i czy rzeczywiście okazały się bardziej potrzebne w tej ekstremalnej sytuacji zarówno mieszkańcom, jak i lokalnej administracji. W artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki przeglądu inicjatyw związanych z koncepcją smart city w polskich miastach podczas pierwszej fali pandemii COVID-19, organizowanych zarówno przez władze lokalne, przedsiębiorstwa, jak i oddolnie przez mieszkańców miast. Obserwacja różnego typu reakcji w tak niecodziennych warunkach może posłużyć jako wskazówka dla dalszego rozwoju aplikacji opartych na inteligentnych narzędziach ICT oraz twórczym zaangażowaniu wszystkich interesariuszy życia w mieście

    Functional Assessment and Patient-Related Outcomes after Gluteus Maximus Flap Transfer in Patients with Severe Hip Abductor Deficiency

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    (1) Background: Degeneration of the hip abductor mechanism, a well-known cause of functional limitation, is difficult to treat and is associated with a reduced health-related quality of life (HRQOL). The gluteus maximus muscle flap is a treatment option to support a severely degenerative modified gluteus medius muscle. Although several reports exist on the clinical outcome, there remains a gap in the literature regarding HRQOL in conjunction with functional results. (2) Methods: The present study consists of 18 patients with a mean age of 64 (53‒79) years, operatively treated with a gluteus maximus flap due to chronic gluteal deficiency. Fifteen (83%) of these patients presented a history of total hip arthroplasty or revision arthroplasty. Pre and postoperative pain, Trendelenburg sign, internal rotation lag sign, trochanteric pain syndrome, the Harris Hip Score (HHS), and abduction strength after Janda (0‒5) were evaluated. Postoperative patient satisfaction and health-related quality of life, according to the Short Form 36 (SF-36), were used as patient-reported outcome measurements (PROMs). Postoperative MRI scans were performed in 13 cases (72%). (3) Results: Local pain decreased from NRS 6.1 (0-10) to 4.9 (0-8) and 44% presented with a negative Trendelenburg sign postoperatively. The overall HHS results (p = 0.42) and muscular abduction strength (p = 0.32) increased without significance. The postoperative HRQOL reached 46.8 points (31.3-62.6) for the mental component score and 37.1 points (26.9-54.7) for the physical component score. The physical component results presented a high level of positive correlation with HHS scores postoperatively (R = 0.88, p < 0.001). Moreover, 72% reported that they would undergo the operative treatment again. The MRI overall showed no significant further loss of muscle volume and no further degeneration of muscular tissue. (4) Conclusions: Along with fair functional results, the patients treated with a gluteus maximus flap transfer presented satisfying long-term PROMs. Given this condition, the gluteus maximus muscle flap transfer is a viable option for selected patients with chronic gluteal deficiency