21,000 research outputs found

    Isotopic evidence for biogenic molecular hydrogen production in the Atlantic Ocean

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    Oceans are a net source of molecular hydrogen (H2) to the atmosphere. The production of marine H2 is assumed to be mainly biological by N2 fixation, but photochemical pathways are also discussed. We present measurements of mole fraction and isotopic composition of dissolved and atmospheric H2 from the southern and northern Atlantic between 2008 and 2010. In total almost 400 samples were taken during five cruises along a transect between Punta Arenas (Chile) and Bremerhaven (Germany), as well as at the coast of Mauretania. The isotopic source signatures of dissolved H2 extracted from surface water are highly deuterium-depleted and correlate negatively with temperature, showing ÎŽD values of (−629 ± 54) ‰ for water temperatures at (27 ± 3) °C and (−249 ± 88) ‰ below (19 ± 1) °C. The results for warmer water masses are consistent with biological production of H2. This is the first time that marine H2 excess has been directly attributed to biological production by isotope measurements. However, the isotope values obtained in the colder water masses indicate that beside possible biological production a significant different source should be considered. The atmospheric measurements show distinct differences between both hemispheres as well as between seasons. Results from the global chemistry transport model TM5 reproduce the measured H2 mole fractions and isotopic composition well. The climatological global oceanic emissions from the GEMS database are in line with our data and previously published flux calculations. The good agreement between measurements and model results demonstrates that both the magnitude and the isotopic signature of the main components of the marine H2 cycle are in general adequately represented in current atmospheric models despite a proposed source different from biological production or a substantial underestimation of nitrogen fixation by several authors

    The spectroscopic evolution of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis during its 2011 outburst. II.The optically thin phase and the structure of the ejecta in recurrent novae

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    We continue our study of the physical properties of the recurrent nova T Pyx, focussing on the structure of the ejecta in the nebular stage of expansion during the 2011 outburst. The nova was observed contemporaneously with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT), at high resolution spectroscopic resolution (R ~ 65000) on 2011 Oct. 11 and 2012 Apr. 8 (without absolute flux calibration), and with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope, at high resolution (R ~ 30000) on 2011 Oct. 10 and 2012 Mar. 28 (absolute fluxes). We use standard plasma diagnostics (e.g. [O III] and [N II] line ratios and the HÎČ\beta line fluxes) to constrain electron densities and temperatures. Using Monte Carlo modeling of the ejecta, we derive the structure and filling factor from comparisons to the optical and ultraviolet line profiles. The ejecta can be modeled using an axisymmetric conical -- bipolar -- geometry with a low inclination of the axis to the line of sight, i=15+/-5 degrees, compatible with published results from high angular resolution optical spectro-interferometry. The structure is similar to that observed in the other short orbital period recurrent novae during their nebular stages. We show that the electron density scales as t−3t^{-3} as expected from a ballistically ejected constant mass shell; there is no need to invoke a continuing mass outflow following the eruption. The derived mass for the ejecta with filling factor f ~ 3%, M_ej ~ 2E-6$M_sun is similar to that obtained for other recurrent nova ejecta but inconsistent with the previously reported extended optically thick epoch of the explosion. We suggest that the system underwent a common envelope phase following the explosion that produced the recombination event. Implications for the dynamics of the recurrent novae are discussed. (truncated)Comment: accepted for publication in A&A (10 Nov. 2012), 10 pgs, 16 fig

    Marangoni shocks in unobstructed soap-film flows

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    It is widely thought that in steady, gravity-driven, unobstructed soap-film flows, the velocity increases monotonically downstream. Here we show experimentally that the velocity increases, peaks, drops abruptly, then lessens gradually downstream. We argue theoretically and verify experimentally that the abrupt drop in velocity corresponds to a Marangoni shock, a type of shock related to the elasticity of the film. Marangoni shocks induce locally intense turbulent fluctuations and may help elucidate the mechanisms that produce two-dimensional turbulence away from boundaries.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, published in PR

    Mechanical investigation of glass ceramic brazed ceramic and steel composites

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    Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) convert chemical energy from hydrogen, methane, or other hydrocarbons directly into electrical energy and heat. Advantages are low noise during operation as well as relatively low pollutant emissions. This makes them interesting for stationary applications, eg combined heat and power plants for domestic use and for mobile applications, when there is a demand for integrating auxiliary power units. The high operating temperatures of about 850°C and the simultaneous presence by both, reducing and oxidizing atmospheres place high demands on the components of a SOFC. Due to these requirements, glass‐ceramics are proposed as sealants between interconnector and electrolyte. They provide lower costs and lower weight than commercially used silver solders. Furthermore, they have the following impressive benefits: The sealants are electrical insulating, chemical stable and by careful materials selection and adapted manufacturing processes, they adhere well on steel and on ceramic substrates. In order to characterize the adhesion of glass‐ceramic sealants on steel and on zirconia substrates, layer‐like composites are fabricated by screen‐printing and subsequent sintering in air. It turns out that the formation of crystalline phases at the interface is crucial for the adhesion behavior

    Constraints on the Equation-of-State of neutron stars from nearby neutron star observations

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    We try to constrain the Equation-of-State (EoS) of supra-nuclear-density matter in neutron stars (NSs) by observations of nearby NSs. There are seven thermally emitting NSs known from X-ray and optical observations, the so-called Magnificent Seven (M7), which are young (up to few Myrs), nearby (within a few hundred pc), and radio-quiet with blackbody-like X-ray spectra, so that we can observe their surfaces. As bright X-ray sources, we can determine their rotational (pulse) period and their period derivative from X-ray timing. From XMM and/or Chandra X-ray spectra, we can determine their temperature. With precise astrometric observations using the Hubble Space Telescope, we can determine their parallax (i.e. distance) and optical flux. From flux, distance, and temperature, one can derive the emitting area - with assumptions about the atmosphere and/or temperature distribution on the surface. This was recently done by us for the two brightest M7 NSs RXJ1856 and RXJ0720. Then, from identifying absorption lines in X-ray spectra, one can also try to determine gravitational redshift. Also, from rotational phase-resolved spectroscopy, we have for the first time determined the compactness (mass/radius) of the M7 NS RBS1223. If also applied to RXJ1856, radius (from luminosity and temperature) and compactness (from X-ray data) will yield the mass and radius - for the first time for an isolated single neutron star. We will present our observations and recent results.Comment: refereed NPA5 conference proceedings, in pres

    The influence of chiral surface states on the London penetration depth in Sr2_2RuO4_4

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    The London penetration depth for the unconventional superconductor Sr2_2RuO4_4 is analyzed assuming an order parameter which breaks time reversal symmetry and parity simultaneously. Such a superconducting state possesses chiral quasiparticle states with subgap energies at the surface. We show that these subgap states can give a significant contribution to the low-temperature behavior of the London penetration depth yielding a T2 T^2 power-law even though bulk quasiparticle spectrum is gapped. The presence of several electron bands gives rise to interband transition among the subgap surface states and influences the properties of the surface impedance. Furthermore, the surface states lead also to a non-linear Meissner effect.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, the definition of the Nambu field operator introduced, and some typos correcte

    Multifrequency Observations of the Gamma-Ray Blazar 3C 279 in Low-State during Integral AO-1

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    We report first results of a multifrequency campaign from radio to hard X-ray energies of the prominent gamma-ray blazar 3C 279 during the first year of the INTEGRAL mission. The variable blazar was found at a low activity level, but was detected by all participating instruments. Subsequently a multifrequency spectrum could be compiled. The individual measurements as well as the compiled multifrequency spectrum are presented. In addition, this 2003 broadband spectrum is compared to one measured in 1999 during a high activity period of 3C 279.Comment: 4 pages including 6 figures, to appear in: 'Proc. of the 5th INTEGRAL Workshop', ESA SP-552, in pres

    Anderson localization vs. Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition in disordered, interacting lattice fermion systems

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    We review recent progress in our theoretical understanding of strongly correlated fermion systems in the presence of disorder. Results were obtained by the application of a powerful nonperturbative approach, the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT), to interacting disordered lattice fermions. In particular, we demonstrate that DMFT combined with geometric averaging over disorder can capture Anderson localization and Mott insulating phases on the level of one-particle correlation functions. Results are presented for the ground-state phase diagram of the Anderson-Hubbard model at half filling, both in the paramagnetic phase and in the presence of antiferromagnetic order. We find a new antiferromagnetic metal which is stabilized by disorder. Possible realizations of these quantum phases with ultracold fermions in optical lattices are discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, typos corrected, references update

    Detailed study of dissipative quantum dynamics of K-2 attached to helium nanodroplets

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    We thoroughly investigate vibrational quantum dynamics of dimers attached to He droplets motivated by recent measurements with K-2 [1]. For those femtosecond pump-probe experiments, crucial observed features are not reproduced by gas phase calculations but agreement is found using a description based on dissipative quantum dynamics, as briefly shown in [2]. Here we present a detailed study of the influence of possible effects induced by the droplet. The helium droplet causes electronic decoherence, shifts of potential surfaces, and relaxation of wave packets in attached dimers. Moreover, a realistic description of (stochastic) desorption of dimers off the droplet needs to be taken into account. Step by step we include and study the importance of these effects in our full quantum calculation. This allows us to reproduce and explain all major experimental findings. We find that desorption is fast and occurs already within 2-10 ps after electronic excitation. A further finding is that slow vibrational motion in the ground state can be considered frictionless.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure
