2,277 research outputs found

    A queueing model of pilot decision making in a multi-task flight management situation

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    Allocation of decision making responsibility between pilot and computer is considered and a flight management task, designed for the study of pilot-computer interaction, is discussed. A queueing theory model of pilot decision making in this multi-task, control and monitoring situation is presented. An experimental investigation of pilot decision making and the resulting model parameters are discussed


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    The relationship between student achievement and school inputs has long been a subject of academic research. The general conclusion of past research is that school inputs, such as the number of teachers relative to pupils, has little impact on student academic outcomes. This paper provides a fresh look at this issue. Seventeen alternative measures of student performance in North Carolina school districts are related to a wide array of school policy inputs and socioeconomic characteristics of students and their families. Both static and dynamic analyses are performed. The key findings are (1) the school policy inputs significantly related to student achievement vary by the measure of student achievement used, (2) the joint contribution of school policy inputs to student achievement is relatively small, and (3) the results differ between the static and dynamic analyses; in particular, changes in the number of teachers relative to the number of pupils in the district have a much stronger association with student achievement in the dynamic analysis.public education, student achievement, Public Economics,

    An Explication of Satire in Mark Twain’s Letters from the Earth.

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    This thesis discusses an explication of the key criticisms Mark Twain levies against modern day Christians, the Church, and God. While some scholarly sources are employed, the main comparison of Twain’s Letters from the Earth comes from the book he most often references in Letters: the Bible. This work also examines a few select points of his later life in the context of his writing

    Student Motivation, Anxiety and Pass/Fail Grading: A SoTL Project

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    This SoTL project explored sources of student anxiety and motivation across student assessment conditions of traditional numerical grading and pass/fail grading and sought to determine if pass/fail grading was helpful in lowering student anxiety while increasing student motivation to learn. Results indicated that students scored equally well on a test of student learning across pass/fail and numerical grading groups, indicating that pass/fail grading did not lead to poorer course objective mastery. Students were similar in terms of sources of anxiety and levels of anxiety. Motivation across groups was also similar, largely extrinsic in nature, and consistent pre- to post-course. Results coupled with subjective instructor reflection provide some, yet weak, support for the use of pass/fail grading in helping to ease course-related anxiety (at least for some) while still facilitating student development toward course learning goal mastery

    Pilot interaction with automated airborne decision making systems

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    An investigation was made of interaction between a human pilot and automated on-board decision making systems. Research was initiated on the topic of pilot problem solving in automated and semi-automated flight management systems and attempts were made to develop a model of human decision making in a multi-task situation. A study was made of allocation of responsibility between human and computer, and discussed were various pilot performance parameters with varying degrees of automation. Optimal allocation of responsibility between human and computer was considered and some theoretical results found in the literature were presented. The pilot as a problem solver was discussed. Finally the design of displays, controls, procedures, and computer aids for problem solving tasks in automated and semi-automated systems was considered

    Vermiforichnus (Polychaeta) Borings in Paraspirifer Bownockeri (Brachiopoda: Devonian)

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    Author Institution: Department of Geology, Bowling Green UniversityShells of Paraspirifer bownockeri (Stewart) from the Silica Formation, Middle Devonian of northwestern Ohio, commonly contain numerous borings of a polychaete worm forming the endolithic trace fossil Vermiforichnus clarki Cameron (1969a) which can be exposed by acidizing the specimens. The borings are most abundant on the brachial valve, and their surface openings tend to be concentrated along major growth lines thence extending dominantly in the general direction of the beaks of the valves. Infestations of the polychaete occurred at 2 different time intervals as indicated by the spacing of the borings on 2 major growth lines with renewed shell growth between them. Growth of the host was severely reduced immediately following the infestation and in some areas damage to the mantle caused deformation in the shell of the host

    A general equilibrium model for Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) with ecosystem considerations

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    A framework is presented for assessing the economic ramifications of ecosystem-based management decisions, with attention focused on Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) in New England. The Atlantic herring has often been referred to as the most important fish in the northeastern United States because it is a filter-feeder, is believed to improve water quality, and is very important to the health, growth, and abundance of major gamefish, marine mammals, seabirds, and several species of fish. Although many approaches for examining the potential economic ramifications of ecosystem-based management are possible, attention is focused on one method that can be used given existing data. A static, deterministic input/output (I/O) optimization (IOLP, input/output linear programming) model is developed that breaks out the impact of different decisions on herring allocation on the 2006 New England regional economy of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. The IOLP model is a promising approach for informing policy-makers of the economic implications of various allocation choices. The framework is also flexible enough to allow further disaggregation of the small model presented to include additional fishing and non-fishing sectors

    Instructional Case: Can Management Accounting Help Aid Associations Make Tough Choices in Haiti?

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    Based on an actual situation, this case explores the use of management accounting analysis in a difficult make-or-buy decision in the real world of humanitarian aid. An aid organization produces a specially designed, highly nutritious peanut butter medicine to save the lives of Haiti’s malnourished children. The challenge is deciding whether to source the peanuts from Haitian farmers and pay more or from foreign suppliers and pay less. Students perform both quantitative and qualitative cost-benefit, break-even, operating leverage, and product costing analysis. Performance measurement, incentive issues, short-term versus long-term thinking, micro and macroeconomics, and ethical issues are also considered. The case is best suited for cost accounting and managerial (particularly MBA managerial) accounting courses

    Experimental evaluation of CTD package hydrodynamic behavior and recommendations for improved lowering techniques

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    This report is the last of a series of three reports on a comprehensive study of CTD instrument lowering mechanics. The first report, WHOI 79-81, "A Study of CTD Cables and Lowering Systems", examines the causes and modes of lowering cable failures, both mechanical and electrical, and makes recommendations to improve existing instrument packages and lowering procedures. The second report, WHOI 81-76, "Hydrodynamics of CTD Instrument Packages", is a theoretical study of instrument package stability when cable lowered or free falling. The model is used to predict the hydrodynamic response of CTD packages in their present or improved configuration. This report, WHOI 83-21, is more factual. It describes the tests performed on scale models and actual CTD packages to actually observe and/or measure their hydrodynamic behavior. Analytical results and experimental data obtained in this study are used to draw recommendations for CTD package improvement and future lowering procedures.Prepared for the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-72-C-0019
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