1,095 research outputs found

    Optical tsunamis: shoaling of shallow water rogue waves in nonlinear fibers with normal dispersion

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    In analogy with ocean waves running up towards the beach, shoaling of prechirped optical pulses may occur in the normal group-velocity dispersion regime of optical fibers. We present exact Riemann wave solutions of the optical shallow water equations and show that they agree remarkably well with the numerical solutions of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, at least up to the point where a vertical pulse front develops. We also reveal that extreme wave events or optical tsunamis may be generated in dispersion tapered fibers in the presence of higher-order dispersion

    Spatiotemporal chaos and order in fiber lasers

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    We introduce a model that permits the unified description of the emergence of different regimes of complex temporal structures in noise-like or quasi-CW fiber lasers. The model is based on the vector Ginzburg-Landau equation that also permits to reproduce the experimentally observed polarization antiphase behavior and the synchronization of spatiotemporal turbulence into polarizations domain wall solitons

    Instability and noise-induced thermalization of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence in the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation

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    We investigate the spontaneous growth of noise that accompanies the nonlinear evolution of seeded modulation instability into Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence. Results from the Floquet linear stability analysis of periodic solutions of the three-wave truncation are compared with full numerical solutions of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. The predicted initial stage of noise growth is in good agreement with simulations, and is expected to provide further insight in the subsequent dynamics of the field evolution after recurrence breakup

    Temporal cavity soliton formation in an anomalous dispersion cavity fiber laser: Comment

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    A recent paper [J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 31, 3050 (2014) [CrossRef] ] reports the experimental observation of the generation of stable pulse trains in a ring fiber laser. Contrary to what is stated, the theory published in that paper does not support the claim that the generation mechanism of the pulse train is the cavity-induced modulation instability effect

    Comment on GHz pulse train generation in fiber lasers by cavity induced modulation instability

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    A recent invited paper (Tang et al., 2014) reports the experimental observation of the generation of stable pulse trains in a ring fiber laser with repetition rates varying in the range between 3 GHz and 285 GHz. Contrary to what is stated, the theory published in that invited paper does not support the claim that the generation mechanism of the pulse train is the cavity induced modulation instability effect

    Mid-Infrared Soliton and Raman Frequency Comb Generation in Silicon Microrings

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    We numerically study the mechanisms of frequency comb generation in the mid-infrared spectral region from cw pumped silicon microring resonators. Coherent soliton comb generation may be obtained even for a pump with zero linear cavity detuning, through suitable control of the effective lifetime of free-carriers from multiphoton absorption, which introduces a nonlinear cavity detuning via free-carrier dispersion. Conditions for optimal octave spanning Raman comb generation are also described

    Bragg grating rogue wave

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    We derive the rogue wave solution of the classical massive Thirring model, that describes nonlinear optical pulse propagation in Bragg gratings. Combining electromagnetically induced transparency with Bragg scattering four-wave mixing, may lead to extreme waves at extremely low powers

    Parametric Frequency Conversion of Short Optical Pulses Controlled by a CW Background

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    We predict that parametric sum-frequency generation of an ultra-short pulse may result from the mixing of an ultra-short optical pulse with a quasi-continuous wave control. We analytically show that the intensity, time duration and group velocity of the generated idler pulse may be controlled in a stable manner by adjusting the intensity level of the background pump

    Dynamics of microresonator frequency comb generation: models and stability

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    Microresonator frequency combs hold promise for enabling a new class of light sources that are simultaneously both broadband and coherent, and that could allow for a profusion of potential applications. In this article, we review various theoretical models for describing the temporal dynamics and formation of optical frequency combs. These models form the basis for performing numerical simulations that can be used in order to better understand the comb generation process, for example helping to identify the universal combcharacteristics and their different associated physical phenomena. Moreover, models allow for the study, design and optimization of comb properties prior to the fabrication of actual devices. We consider and derive theoretical formalisms based on the Ikeda map, the modal expansion approach, and the Lugiato-Lefever equation. We further discuss the generation of frequency combs in silicon resonators featuring multiphoton absorption and free-carrier effects. Additionally, we review comb stability properties and consider the role of modulational instability as well as of parametric instabilities due to the boundary conditions of the cavity. These instability mechanisms are the basis for comprehending the process of frequency comb formation, for identifying the different dynamical regimes and the associated dependence on the comb parameters. Finally, we also discuss the phenomena of continuous wave bi- and multistability and its relation to the observation of mode-locked cavity solitons
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