83 research outputs found

    Simulating Observations of Dark Matter Dominated Galaxies: Towards the Optimal Halo Profile

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    Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxies are dominated by dark matter, and their rotation curves thus reflect their dark matter distribution. Recent high-resolution rotation curves suggest that their dark matter mass-density distributions are dominated by a constant-density core. This seems inconsistent with the predictions of Cold Dark Matter (CDM) models which produce halos with compact density cusps and steep mass-density profiles. However, the observationally determined mass profiles may be affected by non-circular motions, asymmetries and offsets between optical and dynamical centres, all of which tend to lower the observed slopes. Here we determine the impact of each of these effects on a variety of halo models, and compare the results with observed mass-density profiles. Our simulations suggest that no single systematic effect can reconcile the data with the cuspy CDM halos. The data are best described by a model with a soft core with an inner power-law mass-density slope #11; = −0.2±0.2. However, no single universal halo profile provides a completely adequate description of the data

    Dark Energy and Extending the Geodesic Equations of Motion: Connecting the Galactic and Cosmological Length Scales

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    Recently, an extension of the geodesic equations of motion using the Dark Energy length scale was proposed. Here, we apply this extension to the analyzing the motion of test particles at the galactic scale and longer. A cosmological check of the extension is made using the observed rotational velocity curves and core sizes of 1393 spiral galaxies. We derive the density profile of a model galaxy using this extension, and with it, we calculate σ8\sigma_8 to be 0.73±0.120.73_{\pm 0.12}; this is within experimental error of the WMAP value of 0.761−0.048+0.0490.761_{-0.048}^{+0.049}. We then calculate R200R_{200} to be 206±53206_{\pm 53} kpc, which is in reasonable agreement with observations.Comment: 25 pages. Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitation. Paper contains the published version of the second half of arXiv:0711.3124v2 with corrections include

    Neutralino dark matter stars can not exist

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    Motivated by the recent "Cosmos Project" observation of dark-matter concentrations with no ordinary matter in the same place, we study the question of the existence of compact objects made of pure dark matter. We assume that the dark matter is neutralino, and compare its elastic and annihilation cross sections. We find that the two cross sections are of the same order of magnitude. This result has a straightforward and important consequence that neutralinos comprising a compact object can not achieve thermal equilibrium. To substantiate our arguments, by solving Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation we constructed a model of the star made of pure neutralinos. We explicitly showed that the condition for the thermal equilibrium supported by the Fermi pressure is never fulfilled inside the star. This neutralino state can not be described by the Fermi-Dirac distribution. Thus, a stable neutralino star, which is supported by the Fermi pressure, can not exist. We also estimated that a stable star can not contain more than a few percents of neutralinos, most of the mass must be in the form of the standard model particles.Comment: published in JHE

    A solution for galactic disks with Yukawian gravitational potential

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    We present a new solution for the rotation curves of galactic disks with gravitational potential of the Yukawa type. We follow the technique employed by Toomre in 1963 in the study of galactic disks in the Newtonian theory. This new solution allows an easy comparison between the Newtonian solution and the Yukawian one. Therefore, constraints on the parameters of theories of gravitation can be imposed, which in the weak field limit reduce to Yukawian potentials. We then apply our formulae to the study of rotation curves for a zero-thickness exponential disk and compare it with the Newtonian case studied by Freeman in 1970. As an application of the mathematical tool developed here, we show that in any theory of gravity with a massive graviton (this means a gravitational potential of the Yukawa type), a strong limit can be imposed on the mass (m_g) of this particle. For example, in order to obtain a galactic disk with a scale length of b ~ 10 kpc, we should have a massive graviton of m_g << 10^{-59} g. This result is much more restrictive than those inferred from solar system observations.Comment: 7 pages; 1 eps figure; to appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Estimating the star formation rate at 1 kpc scales in nearby galaxies.

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    Using combinations of H alpha, ultraviolet (UV), and infrared (IR) emission, we estimate the star formation rate (SFR) surface density, Sigma(SFR), at 1 kpc resolution for 30 disk galaxies that are targets of the IRAM HERACLES CO survey. We present a new physically motivated IR spectral-energy-distribution-based approach to account for possible contributions to 24 mu m emission not associated with recent star formation. Considering a variety of "reference" SFRs from the literature, we revisit the calibration of the 24 mu m term in hybrid (UV+IR or H alpha+IR) tracers. We show that the overall calibration of this term remains uncertain at the factor of two level because of the lack of wide-field, robust reference SFR estimates. Within this uncertainty, published calibrations represent a reasonable starting point for 1 kpc-wide areas of star-forming disk galaxies, but we re-derive and refine the calibration of the IR term in these tracers to match our resolution and approach to 24 mu m emission. We compare a large suite of Sigma(SFR) estimates and find that above Sigma(SFR) similar to 10(-3)M(circle dot) yr(-1) kpc(-2) the systematic differences among tracers are less than a factor of two across two orders of magnitude dynamic range. We caution that methodology and data both become serious issues below this level. We note from simple model considerations that when focusing on a part of a galaxy dominated by a single stellar population, the intrinsic uncertainty in H alpha- and FUV-based SFRs is similar to 0.3 and similar to 0.5 dex.Peer reviewe

    Scalar field "mini--MACHOs": a new explanation for galactic dark matter

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    We examine the possibility that galactic halos are collisionless ensembles of scalar field ``massive compact halo objects'' (MACHOs). Using mass constraints from MACHO microlensing and from theoretical arguments on halos made up of massive black holes, as well as demanding also that scalar MACHO ensambles of all scales do not exhibit gravothermal instability (as required by consistency with observations of LSB galaxies), we obtain the range: m\alt 10^{-7} M_\odot or 30 M_\odot\alt m\alt 100 M_\odot. The rather narrow mass range of large MACHOs seems to indicate that the ensambles we are suggesting should be probably made up of scalar MACHOs in the low mass range (``mini--MACHOs''). The proposed model allows one to consider a non--baryonic and non--thermal fundamental nature of dark matter, while at the same time keeping the same phenomenology of the CDM paradigm.Comment: 5 pages, 1 eps figure. RevTex 4 style. To appear in Physical Review

    On the Origin of the Supergiant HI Shell and Putative Companion in NGC 6822

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    We present new Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys imaging of six positions spanning 5.8 kpc of the HI major axis of the Local Group dIrr NGC 6822, including both the putative companion galaxy and the large HI hole. The resulting deep color magnitude diagrams show that NGC 6822 has formed >50% of its stars in the last ~5 Gyr. The star formation histories of all six positions are similar over the most recent 500 Myr, including low-level star formation throughout this interval and a weak increase in star formation rate during the most recent 50 Myr. Stellar feedback can create the giant HI hole, assuming that the lifetime of the structure is longer than 500 Myr; such long-lived structures have now been observed in multiple systems and may be the norm in galaxies with solid-body rotation. The old stellar populations (red giants and red clump stars) of the putative companion are consistent with those of the extended halo of NGC 6822; this argues against the interpretation of this structure as a bona fide interacting companion galaxy and against its being linked to the formation of the HI hole via an interaction. Since there is no evidence in the stellar population of a companion galaxy, the most likely explanation of the extended HI structure in NGC 6822 is a warped disk inclined to the line of sight.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, in press. Full-resolution version available on request from the first autho

    Rotation Curve of Galaxies by the Force Induced by Mass of Moving Particles

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    We suggest that there is a novel force which is generated by the mass of relatively moving particles. The new force which we named Mirinae Force is a counterpart of the magnetic force operating between electrically charged moving particles. Instead of using the conventional dark matter, we applied the mirinae force to a particular model system of the spiral galaxy in which most of the galaxy's mass is located within the central region where some portion of the inner mass is in revolving motion at a relativistic speed. The calculation yielded three important results that illustrate the existence of mirinae force and validate the proposed model: First, the mirinae force in this model explains why most of the matters in the galactic disk are in the circular motion which is similar to cycloid. Second, the mirinae force well explains not only the flat rotation curve but also the varied slope of the rotation curve observed in the spiral galaxies. Third, at the flat velocity of 220 Km/s, the inner mass of the Milky Way calculated by using the proposed model is 6.0\times10^11 M\odot, which is very close to 5.5\times10^11 M\odot (r <50 Kpc, including Leo I) estimated by using the latest kinematic information. This means that the mirinae force well takes the place of the dark matter of the Milky Way
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