4,996 research outputs found

    Characterization of a 30-GHz IMPATT solid state amplifier

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    Described are the characterization and testing of a 20 W solid state amplifier operating in the Ka band to be used in low cost experimental ground terminals. The amplifier was developed by the TRW Electronic Systems Group under NASA Contract NAS3-23266 as a proof-of-concept (POC) device in support of the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) program. Additional goals were development of high-power IMPATT devices and circulators, and multistage diode circuits, which are an integral part of the amplifier. The amplifier underwent acceptance testing at the NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Characteristics measured include the output power of 42 dB m, gain of 30 dB, an injection-locking RF bandwidth of 260 MHz, and an overall direct current-to-radiofrequency (dc-to-RF) efficiency of 6.7 percent

    First Law of Black Rings Thermodynamics in Higher Dimensional Dilaton Gravity with p + 1 Strength Forms

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    We derive the first law of black rings thermodynamics in n-dimensional Einstein dilaton gravity with additional (p+1)-form field strength being the simplest generalization of five-dimensional theory containing a stationary black ring solution with dipole charge. It was done by means of choosing any cross section of the event horizon to the future of the bifurcation surface.Comment: 6 pages, to be published in Phys.Rev.D1

    Trapped surfaces in prolate collapse in the Gibbons-Penrose construction

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    We investigate existence and properties of trapped surfaces in two models of collapsing null dust shells within the Gibbons-Penrose construction. In the first model, the shell is initially a prolate spheroid, and the resulting singularity forms at the ends first (relative to a natural time slicing by flat hyperplanes), in analogy with behavior found in certain prolate collapse examples considered by Shapiro and Teukolsky. We give an explicit example in which trapped surfaces are present on the shell, but none exist prior to the last flat slice, thereby explicitly showing that the absence of trapped surfaces on a particular, natural slicing does not imply an absence of trapped surfaces in the spacetime. We then examine a model considered by Barrabes, Israel and Letelier (BIL) of a cylindrical shell of mass M and length L, with hemispherical endcaps of mass m. We obtain a "phase diagram" for the presence of trapped surfaces on the shell with respect to essential parameters λ≡M/L\lambda \equiv M/L and μ≡m/M\mu \equiv m/M. It is found that no trapped surfaces are present on the shell when λ\lambda or μ\mu are sufficiently small. (We are able only to search for trapped surfaces lying on the shell itself.) In the limit λ→0\lambda \to 0, the existence or nonexistence of trapped surfaces lying within the shell is seen to be in remarkably good accord with the hoop conjecture.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    A general variational principle for spherically symmetric perturbations in diffeomorphism covariant theories

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    We present a general method for the analysis of the stability of static, spherically symmetric solutions to spherically symmetric perturbations in an arbitrary diffeomorphism covariant Lagrangian field theory. Our method involves fixing the gauge and solving the linearized gravitational field equations to eliminate the metric perturbation variable in terms of the matter variables. In a wide class of cases--which include f(R) gravity, the Einstein-aether theory of Jacobson and Mattingly, and Bekenstein's TeVeS theory--the remaining perturbation equations for the matter fields are second order in time. We show how the symplectic current arising from the original Lagrangian gives rise to a symmetric bilinear form on the variables of the reduced theory. If this bilinear form is positive definite, it provides an inner product that puts the equations of motion of the reduced theory into a self-adjoint form. A variational principle can then be written down immediately, from which stability can be tested readily. We illustrate our method in the case of Einstein's equation with perfect fluid matter, thereby re-deriving, in a systematic manner, Chandrasekhar's variational principle for radial oscillations of spherically symmetric stars. In a subsequent paper, we will apply our analysis to f(R) gravity, the Einstein-aether theory, and Bekenstein's TeVeS theory.Comment: 13 pages; submitted to Phys. Rev. D. v2: changed formatting, added conclusion, corrected sign convention

    On leading order gravitational backreactions in de Sitter spacetime

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    Backreactions are considered in a de Sitter spacetime whose cosmological constant is generated by the potential of scalar field. The leading order gravitational effect of nonlinear matter fluctuations is analyzed and it is found that the initial value problem for the perturbed Einstein equations possesses linearization instabilities. We show that these linearization instabilities can be avoided by assuming strict de Sitter invariance of the quantum states of the linearized fluctuations. We furthermore show that quantum anomalies do not block the invariance requirement. This invariance constraint applies to the entire spectrum of states, from the vacuum to the excited states (should they exist), and is in that sense much stronger than the usual Poincare invariance requirement of the Minkowski vacuum alone. Thus to leading order in their effect on the gravitational field, the quantum states of the matter and metric fluctuations must be de Sitter invariant.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, typos corrected and some clarifying comments added, version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    On the fate of black string instabilities: An Observation

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    Gregory and Laflamme (hep-th/9301052) have argued that an instability causes the Schwarzschild black string to break up into disjoint black holes. On the other hand, Horowitz and Maeda (arXiv:hep-th/0105111) derived bounds on the rate at which the smallest sphere can pinch off, showing that, if it happens at all, such a pinch-off can occur only at infinite affine parameter along the horizon. An interesting point is that, if a singularity forms, such an infinite affine parameter may correspond to a finite advanced time -- which is in fact a more appropriate notion of time at infinity. We argue below that pinch-off at a finite advanced time is in fact a natural expectation under the bounds derived by Horowitz and Maeda.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 1 figure, references adde

    An axisymmetric generalized harmonic evolution code

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    We describe the first axisymmetric numerical code based on the generalized harmonic formulation of the Einstein equations which is regular at the axis. We test the code by investigating gravitational collapse of distributions of complex scalar field in a Kaluza-Klein spacetime. One of the key issues of the harmonic formulation is the choice of the gauge source functions, and we conclude that a damped wave gauge is remarkably robust in this case. Our preliminary study indicates that evolution of regular initial data leads to formation both of black holes with spherical and cylindrical horizon topologies. Intriguingly, we find evidence that near threshold for black hole formation the number of outcomes proliferates. Specifically, the collapsing matter splits into individual pulses, two of which travel in the opposite directions along the compact dimension and one which is ejected radially from the axis. Depending on the initial conditions, a curvature singularity develops inside the pulses.Comment: 21 page, 18 figures. v2: minor corrections, added references, new Fig. 9; journal version

    On Cosmological Implication of the Trace Anomaly

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    We establish a connection between the trace anomaly and a thermal radiation in the context of the standard cosmology. This is done by solving the covariant conservation equation of the stress tensor associated with a conformally invariant quantum scalar field. The solution corresponds to a thermal radiation with a temperature which is given in terms of a cut-off time excluding the spacetime regions very close to the initial singularity. We discuss the interrelation between this result and the result obtained in a two-dimensional schwarzschild spacetime.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    New thought experiment to test the generalized second law of thermodynamics

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    We propose an extension of the original thought experiment proposed by Geroch, which sparked much of the actual debate and interest on black hole thermodynamics, and show that the generalized second law of thermodynamics is in compliance with it.Comment: 4 pages (revtex), 3 figure
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