3,445 research outputs found

    Matching the Statistical Model to the Research Question for Dental Caries Indices with Many Zero Counts

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    Marginalized zero-inflated count regression models have recently been introduced for the statistical analysis of dental caries indices and other zero-inflated count data as alternatives to traditional zero-inflated and hurdle models. Unlike the standard approaches, the marginalized models directly estimate overall exposure or treatment effects by relating covariates to the marginal mean count. This article discusses model interpretation and model class choice according to the research question being addressed in caries research. Two datasets, one consisting of fictional dmft counts in two groups and the other on DMFS among schoolchildren from a randomized clinical trial (RCT) comparing three toothpaste formulations to prevent incident dental caries, are analysed with negative binomial hurdle (NBH), zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB), and marginalized zero-inflated negative binomial (MZINB) models. In the first example, estimates of treatment effects vary according to the type of incidence rate ratio (IRR) estimated by the model. Estimates of IRRs in the analysis of the RCT were similar despite their distinctive interpretations. Choice of statistical model class should match the study’s purpose, while accounting for the broad decline in children’s caries experience, such that dmft and DMFS indices more frequently generate zero counts. Marginalized (marginal mean) models for zero-inflated count data should be considered for direct assessment of exposure effects on the marginal mean dental caries count in the presence of high frequencies of zero counts

    Simulating novel gas turbine conditions for materials assessment: cascade design and operation

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    Integrated gasification combined cycles can incorporate pre-combustion carbon capture. High-H2 syngas produces high H2O levels after combustion, potentially accelerating gas turbine component damage. Determining materials systems’ suitability for this novel environment requires exposures in representative environments. Thus, an existing 0.7 MW burner rig was modified to generate the combustion environment and incorporate a cascade of 15 air-cooled turbine blades. Computational fluid dynamic calculations using blade dimensions and flow requirements supported the cascade design and determined blade placement within the gas flow. Trials of the modified unit have shown that a simulated combusted H2-rich syngas composition was generated at gas temperatures ≤1440°C. A 1000 h exposure has been carried out with thermal barrier coated blades to demonstrate the operation of the unit

    On the use of blow up to study regularizations of singularities of piecewise smooth dynamical systems in R3\mathbb{R}^3

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    In this paper we use the blow up method of Dumortier and Roussarie \cite{dumortier_1991,dumortier_1993,dumortier_1996}, in the formulation due to Krupa and Szmolyan \cite{krupa_extending_2001}, to study the regularization of singularities of piecewise smooth dynamical systems \cite{filippov1988differential} in R3\mathbb R^3. Using the regularization method of Sotomayor and Teixeira \cite{Sotomayor96}, first we demonstrate the power of our approach by considering the case of a fold line. We quickly recover a main result of Bonet and Seara \cite{reves_regularization_2014} in a simple manner. Then, for the two-fold singularity, we show that the regularized system only fully retains the features of the singular canards in the piecewise smooth system in the cases when the sliding region does not include a full sector of singular canards. In particular, we show that every locally unique primary singular canard persists the regularizing perturbation. For the case of a sector of primary singular canards, we show that the regularized system contains a canard, provided a certain non-resonance condition holds. Finally, we provide numerical evidence for the existence of secondary canards near resonance.Comment: To appear in SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical System

    Silikagel als Austauschadsorbens - Literaturuebersicht -

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    Prediction of dissolved reactive phosphorus losses from small agricultural catchments: calibration and validation of a parsimonious model

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    Eutrophication of surface waters due to diffuse phosphorus (P) losses continues to be a severe water quality problem worldwide, causing the loss of ecosystem functions of the respective water bodies. Phosphorus in runoff often originates from a small fraction of a catchment only. Targeting mitigation measures to these critical source areas (CSAs) is expected to be most efficient and cost-effective, but requires suitable tools. <br><br> Here we investigated the capability of the parsimonious Rainfall-Runoff-Phosphorus (RRP) model to identify CSAs in grassland-dominated catchments based on readily available soil and topographic data. After simultaneous calibration on runoff data from four small hilly catchments on the Swiss Plateau, the model was validated on a different catchment in the same region without further calibration. The RRP model adequately simulated the discharge and dissolved reactive P (DRP) export from the validation catchment. Sensitivity analysis showed that the model predictions were robust with respect to the classification of soils into "poorly drained" and "well drained", based on the available soil map. Comparing spatial hydrological model predictions with field data from the validation catchment provided further evidence that the assumptions underlying the model are valid and that the model adequately accounts for the dominant P export processes in the target region. Thus, the parsimonious RRP model is a valuable tool that can be used to determine CSAs. Despite the considerable predictive uncertainty regarding the spatial extent of CSAs, the RRP can provide guidance for the implementation of mitigation measures. The model helps to identify those parts of a catchment where high DRP losses are expected or can be excluded with high confidence. Legacy P was predicted to be the dominant source for DRP losses and thus, in combination with hydrologic active areas, a high risk for water quality

    Re-induction of the cell cycle in the Arabidopsis post-embryonic root meristem is ABA-insensitive, GA-dependent and repressed by KRP6

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    Seeding establishment following seed germination requires activation of the root meristem for primary root growth. We investigated the hormonal and genetic regulation of root meristem activation during Arabidopsis seed germination. In optimal conditions, radicle cell divisions occur only after the completion of germination and require de novo GA synthesis. When the completion of germination is blocked by ABA, radicle elongation and cell divisions occurred in these non-germinating seeds. Conversely under GA-limiting conditions, ABA-insensitive mutants complete germination in the absence of radicle meristem activation and growth. Radicle meristem activation and extension can therefore occur independently of completion of the developmental transition of germination. The cell cycle regulator KRP6 partially represses GA-dependent activation of the cell cycle. Germination of krp6 mutant seeds occurs more rapidly, is slightly insensitive to ABA in dose-response assays, but also hypersensitive to the GA synthesis inhibitor PAC. These conflicting phenotypes suggest the cell cycle uncouples GA and ABA responses in germinating Arabidopsis seeds, and that KRP6 acts downstream of GA to inhibit mitotic cell cycle activation during germination

    Endometrial Histopathology in Patients with Laparoscopic Proven Salpingitis and HIV-1 Infection

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    Study Objective. To identify sensitive and specific histological criteria for endometritis in women with laparoscopically-confirmed acute salpingitis. Methods. Women, age 18–40 years of age presenting with complaints of lower abdominal pain ≤2 weeks and no antibiotics use in past two weeks, were enrolled. They underwent clinical examination, screening for HIV; other sexually transmitted infections plus endometrial biopsy sampling for histopathology. Diagnostic laparoscopy confirmed the diagnosis of acute salpingitis. Controls were women undergoing tubal ligation and HIV-1 infected women asymptomatic for genital tract infection. Results. Of 125 women with laparoscopically-confirmed salpingitis, 38% were HIV-1 seropositive. Nineteen HIV-1 negative controls were recruited. For the diagnosis of endometritis, ≥1 plasma cells (PC) and ≥3 polymorphonuclear lymphocytes (PMN) per HPF in the endometrium had a sensitivity of 74% for HIV-1-seropositive, 63% for HIV-1-seronegative women with a specificity of 75% and positive predictive value of 85% regardless of HIV-1-infection for predicting moderate to severe salpingitis. For HIV-1-seronegative women with mild salpingitis, ≥1 PC and ≥3 PMN had a sensitivity of 16% and a PPV of 57%. Conclusion. Endometrial histology, did not perform well as a surrogate marker for moderate to severe salpingitis, and failed as a surrogate marker for mild salpingitis

    Maintaining exercise and healthful eating in older adults: The SENIOR project II: Study design and methodology

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    The Study of Exercise and Nutrition in Older Rhode Islanders (SENIOR) Project II is an intervention study to promote the maintenance of both exercise and healthful eating in older adults. It is the second phase of an earlier study, SENIOR Project I, that originally recruited 1277 community-dwelling older adults to participate in behavior-specific interventions designed to increase exercise and/or fruit and vegetable consumption. The general theoretical framework for this research is the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of Health Behavior Change. The current intervention occurs over a 48-month period, using a manual, newsletters, and phone coaching calls. Annual assessments collect standardized data on behavioral outcomes (exercise and diet), TTM variables (stage of change and self-efficacy), psychosocial variables (social support, depression, resilience, and life satisfaction), physical activity and functioning (SF-36, Up and Go, Senior Fitness Test, and disability assessment), cognitive functioning (Trail Making Test and Forward and Backward Digit Span), physical measures (height, weight, and waist circumference), and demographics. The SENIOR Project II is designed to answer the following question as its primary objective: (1) Does an individualized active-maintenance intervention with older adults maintain greater levels of healthful exercise and dietary behaviors for 4 years, compared to a control condition? In addition, there are two secondary objectives: (2) What are the psychosocial factors associated with the maintenance of health-promoting behaviors in the very old? (3) What are the effects of the maintenance of health-promoting behaviors on reported health outcomes, psychosocial measures, anthropometrics, and cognitive status

    Отказоустойчивый многофазный асинхронный электропривод с несинусоидальными токами

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    Рассмотрен принцип построения многофазного асинхронного электропривода, позволяющего при неоднократных отказах преобразователя частоты и двигателя обеспечить отказоустойчивое управление, на основе программируемых несинусоидальных токов с восстановлением работоспособности за счет активизации алгоритма восстановления в управляющем микроконтроллере. Приведены результаты моделирования для аварийной ситуации типа "обрыв фазы" для случая трехфазного двигателя с частичным восстановлением работоспособности асинхронного двигателя

    Characterization of the Horizontal and Vertical Sexual Transmission of Chlamydia Genital Infections in a New Mouse Model.

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    Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common sexually transmitted bacterial pathogen worldwide, and there is a need to control this epidemic. So far there is no established animal model in which both the horizontal and the vertical transmission of Chlamydia can be studied. To implement a horizontal sexual transmission model, male mice were inoculated in the meatus urethra with Chlamydia muridarum and they were caged with naive female mice. Urine and vaginal swab specimens were collected for culture. To study vertical transmission, newborns were euthanized and specimens were cultured. As controls, females were mated with sham-infected male mice. All C. muridarum-inoculated male mice had positive urine cultures. As determined by serology, all females caged with C. muridarum-inoculated males became infected, and 93% of them had positive vaginal swab specimen cultures. More females mated with C. muridarum-infected male mice (35%) than females mated with sham-infected male mice (0%) were infertile (P &lt; 0.05). Also, C. muridarum-infected females delivered significantly fewer pups (3.8 ± 3.2/mouse) than control females (6.3 ± 1.6/mouse) (P &lt; 0.05). Of the newborn mice, 32% were C. muridarum positive either in the lungs or in the intestines. Female mice housed with sham-infected males had no positive vaginal swab specimen cultures or C. muridarum-positive pups. This new mouse model of horizontal and vertical sexual transmission of Chlamydia closely parallels C. trachomatis sexual transmission in humans and may be a good model system to better understand the pathogenesis of these infections