9,513 research outputs found

    Technical Skills for Students of Architecture

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    Architects employ science in order to understand the structural and environmental performance of their products, and apply technology in order to assemble them. And although the role of the architect has changed/evolved even within recent history, the relationship between engineering science, construction technology and the design of the built environment has been at the core of architectural practice throughout history. 2000 years ago, Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (80-15 BC) commenced The Ten Books on Architecture with a chapter on “The Education of The Architect”, where he states: “The architect should be equipped with knowledge of many branches of study and varied kinds of learning, for it is by this judgement that all work done by the other arts is put to the test”. Vitruvius proceeds to explain and differentiate between practice and theory with the need for an architect to have “a thorough knowledge of both”.1 This paper describes the pedagogic approach of the Technical Studies department at the University of Westminster to the architecture course for degree (B.A.) students. It demonstrates the product of this approach in the form of a small sample of student work over a period of roughly ten years

    An Investigation into the Suitability of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria as Models for Martian Forward Contamination

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    The NASA Planetary Protection policy requires interplanetary space missions do not compromise the target body for a current or future scientific investigation and do not pose an unacceptable risk to Earth, including biologic materials. Robotic missions to Mars pose a risk to planetary protection in the forms of forward and reverse contamination. To reduce these risks, a firm understanding of microbial response to Mars conditions is required. Sulfate-reducing bacteria are prime candidates for potential forward contamination on Mars. Understanding the potential for forward-contamination of sulfate-reducers on Mars calls for the characterization of sulfate-reducers under Mars atmosphere, temperature, and sulfate-brines. This study investigated the response of several sulfate-reducing bacteria, including spore formers and psychrophiles. The psychrophile Desulfotalea psychrophila was found to inconsistently survive positive control lab conditions, attributed to an issue shipping pure cultures. Desulfotomaculum arcticum, a spore-forming mesophilic sulfate-reducer, and Desulfuromusa ferrireducens, an iron and sulfate-reducer, were metabolically active under positive control lab conditions with complex and minimal growth medium. A wastewater treatment sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) isolate was subjected to sulfate + growth-medium solutions of varied concentrations (0.44 & 0.55% wt. SO42-). The wastewater SRB displayed higher cellular light-absorbance levels at delayed rates in 0.55% sulfate solutions, suggesting a greater total culture reproduction, but with increased lag time. Additional SRB were isolated from marine sediments, subjected to a shock pressure of 8.73 GPa, and returned to ideal conditions. The sulfate-concentration patterns in the impacted SRB culture suggests a destruction of culture occurred somewhere during the preparation process. The response of SRB in this investigation to Ca and Na sulfate-brines suggests that Martian sulfate deposits offer a viable energy sink to terrestrial microorganisms, and the studied SRB are capable of replication at reduced water-activity. Further investigation (i.e. sulfate cations and concentrations, temperature, pressure, etc.) may identify Martian locations at risk to forward contamination

    A new pathogen transmission mechanism in the ocean: the case of sea otter exposure to the land-parasite Toxoplasma gondii.

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a land-derived parasite that infects humans and marine mammals. Infections are a significant cause of mortality for endangered southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis), but the transmission mechanism is poorly understood. Otter exposure to T. gondii has been linked to the consumption of marine turban snails in kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) forests. It is unknown how turban snails acquire oocysts, as snails scrape food particles attached to surfaces, whereas T. gondii oocysts enter kelp beds as suspended particles via runoff. We hypothesized that waterborne T. gondii oocysts attach to kelp surfaces when encountering exopolymer substances (EPS) forming the sticky matrix of biofilms on kelp, and thus become available to snails. Results of a dietary composition analysis of field-collected snails and of kelp biofilm indicate that snails graze the dense kelp-biofilm assemblage composed of pennate diatoms and bacteria inserted within the EPS gel-like matrix. To test whether oocysts attach to kelp blades via EPS, we designed a laboratory experiment simulating the kelp forest canopy in tanks spiked with T. gondii surrogate microspheres and controlled for EPS and transparent exopolymer particles (TEP - the particulate form of EPS). On average, 19% and 31% of surrogates were detected attached to kelp surfaces covered with EPS in unfiltered and filtered seawater treatments, respectively. The presence of TEP in the seawater did not increase surrogate attachment. These findings support a novel transport mechanism of T. gondii oocysts: as oocysts enter the kelp forest canopy, a portion adheres to the sticky kelp biofilms. Snails grazing this biofilm encounter oocysts as 'bycatch' and thereby deliver the parasite to sea otters that prey upon snails. This novel mechanism can have health implications beyond T. gondii and otters, as a similar route of pathogen transmission may be implicated with other waterborne pathogens to marine wildlife and humans consuming biofilm-feeding invertebrates

    Design of the software development and verification system (SWDVS) for shuttle NASA study task 35

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    An overview of the Software Development and Verification System (SWDVS) for the space shuttle is presented. The design considerations, goals, assumptions, and major features of the design are examined. A scenario that shows three persons involved in flight software development using the SWDVS in response to a program change request is developed. The SWDVS is described from the standpoint of different groups of people with different responsibilities in the shuttle program to show the functional requirements that influenced the SWDVS design. The software elements of the SWDVS that satisfy the requirements of the different groups are identified

    A Review of Prosthetic Interface Stress Investigations

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    Over the last decade, numerous experimental and numerical analyses have been conducted to investigate the stress distribution between the residual limb and prosthetic socket of persons with lower limb amputation. The objectives of these analyses have been to improve our understanding of the residual limb/prosthetic socket system, to evaluate the influence of prosthetic design parameters and alignment variations on the interface stress distribution, and to evaluate prosthetic fit. The purpose of this paper is to summarize these experimental investigations and identify associated limitations. In addition, this paper presents an overview of various computer models used to investigate the residual limb interface, and discusses the differences and potential ramifications of the various modeling formulations. Finally, the potential and future applications of these experimental and numerical analyses in prosthetic design are presented

    Research and education in management of large- scale technical programs Semiannual progress report

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    Research and education in management of large scale technical programs - education and integration of interdisciplinary tea