945 research outputs found

    Supernova Neutrino Opacity from Nucleon-Nucleon Bremsstrahlung and Related Processes

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    Elastic scattering on nucleons, \nu N -> N \nu, is the dominant supernova (SN) opacity source for \mu and \tau neutrinos. The dominant energy- and number-changing processes were thought to be \nu e^- -> e^- \nu and \nu\bar \nu e^+ e^- until Suzuki (1993) showed that the bremsstrahlung process \nu\bar \nu NN NN was actually more important. We find that for energy exchange, the related ``inelastic scattering process'' \nu NN NN \nu is even more effective by about a factor of 10. A simple estimate implies that the \nu_\mu and \nu_\tau spectra emitted during the Kelvin-Helmholtz cooling phase are much closer to that of \nu\bar_e than had been thought previously. To facilitate a numerical study of the spectra formation we derive a scattering kernel which governs both bremsstrahlung and inelastic scattering and give an analytic approximation formula. We consider only neutron-neutron interactions, we use a one-pion exchange potential in Born approximation, nonrelativistic neutrons, and the long-wavelength limit, simplifications which appear justified for the surface layers of a SN core. We include the pion mass in the potential and we allow for an arbitrary degree of neutron degeneracy. Our treatment does not include the neutron-proton process and does not include nucleon-nucleon correlations. Our perturbative approach applies only to the SN surface layers, i.e. to densities below about 10^{14} g cm^{-3}.Comment: 36 pages, LaTeX, 6 postscript figs included, matches version accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Numerical Toy-Model Calculation of the Nucleon Spin Autocorrelation Function in a Supernova Core

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    We develop a simple model for the evolution of a nucleon spin in a hot and dense nuclear medium. A given nucleon is limited to one-dimensional motion in a distribution of external, spin-dependent scattering potentials. We calculate the nucleon spin autocorrelation function numerically for a variety of potential densities and distributions which are meant to bracket realistic conditions in a supernova core. For all plausible configurations the width of the spin-density structure function is found to be less than the temperature. This is in contrast with a naive perturbative calculation based on the one-pion exchange potential which overestimates the width and thus suggests a large suppression of the neutrino opacities by nucleon spin fluctuations. Our results suggest that it may be justified to neglect the collisional broadening of the spin-density structure function for the purpose of estimating the neutrino opacities in the deep inner core of a supernova. On the other hand, we find no indication that processes such as axion or neutrino pair emission, which depend on nucleon spin fluctuations, are substantially suppressed beyond the multiple-scattering effect already discussed in the literature. Aside from these practical conclusions, our model reveals a number of interesting and unexpected insights. For example, the spin-relaxation rate saturates with increasing potential strength only if bound states are not allowed to form by including a repulsive core. There is no saturation with increasing density of scattering potentials until localized eigenstates of energy begin to form.Comment: 14 latex pages in two-column format, 15 postscript figures included, uses revtex.sty and epsf.sty. Submitted to Physical Review

    Handelsvertreter und Verkaufsleiter

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    Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Nuclei from Individual Magnetized Sources

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    We investigate the dependence of composition, spectrum and angular distributions of ultra-high energy cosmic rays above 10^19 eV from individual sources on their magnetization. We find that, especially for sources within a few megaparsecs from the observer, observable spectra and composition are severely modified if the source is surrounded by fields of ~ 10^-7 Gauss on scales of a few megaparsecs. Low energy particles diffuse over larger distances during their energy loss time. This leads to considerable hardening of the spectrum up to the energy where the loss distance becomes comparable to the source distance. Magnetized sources thus have very important consequences for observations, even if cosmic rays arrive within a few degrees from the source direction. At the same time, details in spectra and chemical composition may be intrinsically unpredictable because they depend on the unknown magnetic field structure. If primaries are predominantly nuclei of atomic mass A accelerated up to a maximum energy E_max with spectra not much softer than E^-2, secondary protons from photo-disintegration can produce a conspicuous peak in the spectrum at energy ~ E_max/A. A related feature appears in the average mass dependence on energy.Comment: 15 pages, 16 ps figures, published version with minor changes, see http://stacks.iop.org/1475-7516/2004/i=08/a=01

    Handelsvertreter und Kunden

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    A Cosmic Battery

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    We show that the Poynting-Robertson drag effect in an optically thin advection-dominated accretion flow around active gravitating objects generates strong azimuthal electric currents which give rise to astrophysically significant magnetic fields. Although the mechanism is most effective in accreting compact objects, it seems very promising to also account for the generation of stellar dipolar fields during the late protostellar collapse phase, when the star approaches the main sequence.Comment: 12 pages Latex, 1 postscript figure, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays in a Structured and Magnetized Universe

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    We simulate propagation of cosmic ray nucleons above 10^{19} eV in scenarios where both the source distribution and magnetic fields within about 50 Mpc from us are obtained from an unconstrained large scale structure simulation. We find that consistency of predicted sky distributions with current data above 4 x 10^{19} eV requires magnetic fields of ~0.1 microGauss in our immediate environment, and a nearby source density of ~10^{-4}-10^{-3} Mpc^{-3}. Radio galaxies could provide the required sources, but only if both high and low-luminosity radio galaxies are very efficient cosmic ray accelerators. Moreover, at ~10^{19} eV an additional isotropic flux component, presumably of cosmological origin, should dominate over the local flux component by about a factor three in order to explain the observed isotropy. This argues against the scenario in which local astrophysical sources of cosmic rays above ~10^{19} eV reside in strongly magnetized (B~0.1 microGauss) and structured intergalactic medium. Finally we discuss how future large scale full-sky detectors such as the Pierre Auger project will allow to put much more stringent constraints on source and magnetic field distributions.Comment: 11 revtex pages, 10 postscript figures included, final version to appear in PR

    Self-Maintained Coherent Oscillations in Dense Neutrino Gases

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    We present analytical solutions to the nonlinear equations describing the behavior of a gas of neutrinos with two flavors. Self-maintained coherent flavor oscillations are shown to occur when the gas density exceeds a critical value determined by the neutrino masses and the mean neutrino energy in the gas. Similar oscillations may have occurred in the early Universe.Comment: To appear in Physical Review D, July 199

    The Role of Small to Moderate Volcanic Eruptions in the Early 19th Century Climate

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    Small-to-moderate volcanic eruptions can lead to significant surface cooling when they occur clustered, as observed in recent decades. In this study, based on new high-resolution ice-core data from Greenland, we produce a new volcanic forcing data set that includes several small-to-moderate eruptions not included in prior reconstructions and investigate their climate impacts of the early 19th century through ensemble simulations with the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model. We find that clustered small-to-moderate eruptions produce significant additional global surface cooling (∼0.07 K) during the period 1812–1820, superposing with the cooling by large eruptions in 1809 (unidentified location) and 1815 (Tambora). This additional cooling helps explain the reconstructed long-lasting cooling after the large eruptions, but simulated regional impacts cannot be confirmed with reconstructions due to a low signal-to-noise ratio. This study highlights the importance of small-to-moderate eruptions for climate simulations as their impacts can be comparable with that of solar irradiance changes