146 research outputs found

    Infinite partition monoids

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    Let PX\mathcal P_X and SX\mathcal S_X be the partition monoid and symmetric group on an infinite set XX. We show that PX\mathcal P_X may be generated by SX\mathcal S_X together with two (but no fewer) additional partitions, and we classify the pairs α,βPX\alpha,\beta\in\mathcal P_X for which PX\mathcal P_X is generated by SX{α,β}\mathcal S_X\cup\{\alpha,\beta\}. We also show that PX\mathcal P_X may be generated by the set EX\mathcal E_X of all idempotent partitions together with two (but no fewer) additional partitions. In fact, PX\mathcal P_X is generated by EX{α,β}\mathcal E_X\cup\{\alpha,\beta\} if and only if it is generated by EXSX{α,β}\mathcal E_X\cup\mathcal S_X\cup\{\alpha,\beta\}. We also classify the pairs α,βPX\alpha,\beta\in\mathcal P_X for which PX\mathcal P_X is generated by EX{α,β}\mathcal E_X\cup\{\alpha,\beta\}. Among other results, we show that any countable subset of PX\mathcal P_X is contained in a 44-generated subsemigroup of PX\mathcal P_X, and that the length function on PX\mathcal P_X is bounded with respect to any generating set

    Overlap properties of geometric expanders

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    The {\em overlap number} of a finite (d+1)(d+1)-uniform hypergraph HH is defined as the largest constant c(H)(0,1]c(H)\in (0,1] such that no matter how we map the vertices of HH into Rd\R^d, there is a point covered by at least a c(H)c(H)-fraction of the simplices induced by the images of its hyperedges. In~\cite{Gro2}, motivated by the search for an analogue of the notion of graph expansion for higher dimensional simplicial complexes, it was asked whether or not there exists a sequence {Hn}n=1\{H_n\}_{n=1}^\infty of arbitrarily large (d+1)(d+1)-uniform hypergraphs with bounded degree, for which infn1c(Hn)>0\inf_{n\ge 1} c(H_n)>0. Using both random methods and explicit constructions, we answer this question positively by constructing infinite families of (d+1)(d+1)-uniform hypergraphs with bounded degree such that their overlap numbers are bounded from below by a positive constant c=c(d)c=c(d). We also show that, for every dd, the best value of the constant c=c(d)c=c(d) that can be achieved by such a construction is asymptotically equal to the limit of the overlap numbers of the complete (d+1)(d+1)-uniform hypergraphs with nn vertices, as nn\rightarrow\infty. For the proof of the latter statement, we establish the following geometric partitioning result of independent interest. For any dd and any ϵ>0\epsilon>0, there exists K=K(ϵ,d)d+1K=K(\epsilon,d)\ge d+1 satisfying the following condition. For any kKk\ge K, for any point qRdq \in \mathbb{R}^d and for any finite Borel measure μ\mu on Rd\mathbb{R}^d with respect to which every hyperplane has measure 00, there is a partition Rd=A1Ak\mathbb{R}^d=A_1 \cup \ldots \cup A_{k} into kk measurable parts of equal measure such that all but at most an ϵ\epsilon-fraction of the (d+1)(d+1)-tuples Ai1,,Aid+1A_{i_1},\ldots,A_{i_{d+1}} have the property that either all simplices with one vertex in each AijA_{i_j} contain qq or none of these simplices contain qq

    Restoration of isotropy on fractals

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    We report a new type of restoration of macroscopic isotropy (homogenization) in fractals with microscopic anisotropy. The phenomenon is observed in various physical setups, including diffusions, random walks, resistor networks, and Gaussian field theories. The mechanism is unique in that it is absent in spaces with translational invariance, while universal in that it is observed in a wide class of fractals.Comment: 11 pages, REVTEX, 3 postscript figures. (Compressed and encoded figures archived by "figure" command). To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Electronic shot noise in fractal conductors

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    By solving a master equation in the Sierpinski lattice and in a planar random-resistor network, we determine the scaling with size L of the shot noise power P due to elastic scattering in a fractal conductor. We find a power-law scaling P ~ L^(d_f-2-alpha), with an exponent depending on the fractal dimension d_f and the anomalous diffusion exponent alpha. This is the same scaling as the time-averaged current I, which implies that the Fano factor F=P/2eI is scale independent. We obtain a value F=1/3 for anomalous diffusion that is the same as for normal diffusion, even if there is no smallest length scale below which the normal diffusion equation holds. The fact that F remains fixed at 1/3 as one crosses the percolation threshold in a random-resistor network may explain recent measurements of a doping-independent Fano factor in a graphene flake.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    The universal Glivenko-Cantelli property

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    Let F be a separable uniformly bounded family of measurable functions on a standard measurable space, and let N_{[]}(F,\epsilon,\mu) be the smallest number of \epsilon-brackets in L^1(\mu) needed to cover F. The following are equivalent: 1. F is a universal Glivenko-Cantelli class. 2. N_{[]}(F,\epsilon,\mu)0 and every probability measure \mu. 3. F is totally bounded in L^1(\mu) for every probability measure \mu. 4. F does not contain a Boolean \sigma-independent sequence. It follows that universal Glivenko-Cantelli classes are uniformity classes for general sequences of almost surely convergent random measures.Comment: 26 page

    A Metric Discrepancy Result With Given Speed

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    It is known that the discrepancy DN{ kx} of the sequence { kx} satisfies NDN{ kx} = O((log N) (log log N) 1 + ε) a.e. for all ε> 0 , but not for ε= 0. For nk= θk, θ> 1 we have NDN{ nkx} ≦ (Σ θ+ ε) (2 Nlog log N) 1 / 2 a.e. for some 0 0 , but not for ε 0 , there exists a sequence { nk} of positive integers such that NDN{ nkx} ≦ (Σ + ε) Ψ (N) eventually holds a.e. for ε> 0 , but not for ε< 0. We also consider a similar problem on the growth of trigonometric sums. © 2016, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary

    Remarks on the Cauchy functional equation and variations of it

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    This paper examines various aspects related to the Cauchy functional equation f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y), a fundamental equation in the theory of functional equations. In particular, it considers its solvability and its stability relative to subsets of multi-dimensional Euclidean spaces and tori. Several new types of regularity conditions are introduced, such as a one in which a complex exponent of the unknown function is locally measurable. An initial value approach to analyzing this equation is considered too and it yields a few by-products, such as the existence of a non-constant real function having an uncountable set of periods which are linearly independent over the rationals. The analysis is extended to related equations such as the Jensen equation, the multiplicative Cauchy equation, and the Pexider equation. The paper also includes a rather comprehensive survey of the history of the Cauchy equation.Comment: To appear in Aequationes Mathematicae (important remark: the acknowledgments section in the official paper exists, but it appears before the appendix and not before the references as in the arXiv version); correction of a minor inaccuracy in Lemma 3.2 and the initial value proof of Theorem 2.1; a few small improvements in various sections; added thank

    Self-Organization and Complex Networks

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    In this chapter we discuss how the results developed within the theory of fractals and Self-Organized Criticality (SOC) can be fruitfully exploited as ingredients of adaptive network models. In order to maintain the presentation self-contained, we first review the basic ideas behind fractal theory and SOC. We then briefly review some results in the field of complex networks, and some of the models that have been proposed. Finally, we present a self-organized model recently proposed by Garlaschelli et al. [Nat. Phys. 3, 813 (2007)] that couples the fitness network model defined by Caldarelli et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 258702 (2002)] with the evolution model proposed by Bak and Sneppen [Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 4083 (1993)] as a prototype of SOC. Remarkably, we show that the results obtained for the two models separately change dramatically when they are coupled together. This indicates that self-organized networks may represent an entirely novel class of complex systems, whose properties cannot be straightforwardly understood in terms of what we have learnt so far.Comment: Book chapter in "Adaptive Networks: Theory, Models and Applications", Editors: Thilo Gross and Hiroki Sayama (Springer/NECSI Studies on Complexity Series