2,335 research outputs found

    Collisional Processes in Extrasolar Planetsimal Disks - Dust Clumps in Fomalhaut's Debris Disk

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    This paper presents a model for the outcome of collisions between planetesimals in a debris disk and assesses the impact of collisional processes on the structure and size distribution of the disk. The model is presented by its application to Fomalhaut's collisionally replenished dust disk; a recent 450 micron image of this disk shows a clump embedded within it with a flux ~5 per cent of the total. The following conclusions are drawn: (i) SED modelling is consistent with Fomalhaut's disk having a collisional cascade size distribution extending from bodies 0.2 m in diameter down to 7 micron-sized dust. (ii) Collisional lifetime arguments imply that the cascade starts with planetesimals 1.5-4 km in diameter. Any larger bodies must be predominantly primordial. (iii) Constraints on the timescale for the ignition of the cascade are consistent with these primordial planetesimals having a distribution that extends up to 1000km, resulting in a disk mass of 5-10 times the minimum mass solar nebula. (iv) The debris disk is expected to be intrinsically clumpy, since planetesimal collisions result in dust clumps. The intrinsic clumpiness of Fomalhaut's disk is below current detection limits, but could be detectable by future observatories such as the ALMA, and could provide the only way of determining the primordial planetesimal population. (v) The observed clump could have originated in a collision between two runaway planetesimals, both larger than 1400 km diameter. It is unlikely that we should witness such an event unless both the formation of these runaways and the ignition of the collisional cascade occurred within the last ~10 Myr. (vi) Another explanation for Fomalhaut's clump is that ~5 per cent of the planetesimals in the ring are trapped in 1:2 resonance with a planet orbiting at 80 AU.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Uncertainties in water chemistry in disks: An application to TW Hya

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    Context. This paper discusses the sensitivity of water lines to chemical processes and radiative transfer for the protoplanetary disk around TW Hya. The study focuses on the Herschel spectral range in the context of new line detections with the PACS instrument from the Gas in Protoplanetary Systems project (GASPS). Aims. The paper presents an overview of the chemistry in the main water reservoirs in the disk around TW Hya. It discusses the limitations in the interpretation of observed water line fluxes. Methods. ... (abbreviated) Results. We report new line detections of p-H2O (3_22-2_11) at 89.99 micron and CO J=18-17 at 144.78 micron for the disk around TW Hya. Disk modeling shows that the far-IR fine structure lines ([OI], [CII]) and molecular submm lines are very robust to uncertainties in the chemistry, while the water line fluxes can change by factors of a few. The water lines are optically thick, sub-thermally excited and can couple to the background continuum radiation field. The low-excitation water lines are also sensitive to uncertainties in the collision rates, e.g. with neutral hydrogen. The gas temperature plays an important role for the [OI] fine structure line fluxes, the water line fluxes originating from the inner disk as well as the high excitation CO, CH+ and OH lines. Conclusions. Due to their sensitivity on chemical input data and radiative transfer, water lines have to be used cautiously for understanding details of the disk structure. Water lines covering a wide range of excitation energies provide access to the various gas phase water reservoirs (inside and outside the snow line) in protoplanetary disks and thus provide important information on where gas-phase water is potentially located. Experimental and/or theoretical collision rates for H2O with atomic hydrogen are needed to diminish uncertainties from water line radiative transfer.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    GASPS—A Herschel Survey of Gas and Dust in Protoplanetary Disks: Summary and Initial Statistics

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    We describe a large-scale far-infrared line and continuum survey of protoplanetary disk through to young debris disk systems carried out using the ACS instrument on the Herschel Space Observatory. This Open Time Key program, known as GASPS (Gas Survey of Protoplanetary Systems), targeted ∼250 young stars in narrow wavelength regions covering the [OI] fine structure line at 63 μm the brightest far-infrared line in such objects. A subset of the brightest targets were also surveyed in [OI]145 μm, [CII] at 157 μm, as well as several transitions of H_2O and high-excitation CO lines at selected wavelengths between 78 and 180 μm. Additionally, GASPS included continuum photometry at 70, 100 and 160 μm, around the peak of the dust emission. The targets were SED Class II–III T Tauri stars and debris disks from seven nearby young associations, along with a comparable sample of isolated Herbig AeBe stars. The aim was to study the global gas and dust content in a wide sample of circumstellar disks, combining the results with models in a systematic way. In this overview paper we review the scientific aims, target selection and observing strategy of the program. We summarise some of the initial results, showing line identifications, listing the detections, and giving a first statistical study of line detectability. The [OI] line at 63 μm was the brightest line seen in almost all objects, by a factor of ∼10. Overall [OI]63 μm detection rates were 49%, with 100% of HAeBe stars and 43% of T Tauri stars detected. A comparison with published disk dust masses (derived mainly from sub-mm continuum, assuming standard values of the mm mass opacity) shows a dust mass threshold for [OI]63 μm detection of ∼10^(-5) M_⊙. Normalising to a distance of 140 pc, 84% of objects with dust masses ≥10^(-5) M_⊙ can be detected in this line in the present survey; 32% of those of mass 10^(-6)–10^(-5) M_⊙, and only a very small number of unusual objects with lower masses can be detected. This is consistent with models with a moderate UV excess and disk flaring. For a given disk mass, [OI] detectability is lower for M stars compared with earlier spectral types. Both the continuum and line emission was, in most systems, spatially and spectrally unresolved and centred on the star, suggesting that emission in most cases was from the disk. Approximately 10 objects showed resolved emission, most likely from outflows. In the GASPS sample, [OI] detection rates in T Tauri associations in the 0.3–4 Myr age range were ∼50%. For each association in the 5–20 Myr age range, ∼2 stars remain detectable in [OI]63 μm, and no systems were detected in associations with age >20 Myr. Comparing with the total number of young stars in each association, and assuming a ISM-like gas/dust ratio, this indicates that ∼18% of stars retain a gas-rich disk of total mass ∼1 M_(Jupiter) for 1–4 Myr, 1–7% keep such disks for 5–10 Myr, but none are detected beyond 10–20 Myr. The brightest [OI] objects from GASPS were also observed in [OI]145 μm, [CII]157 μm and CO J = 18 - 17, with detection rates of 20–40%. Detection of the [CII] line was not correlated with disk mass, suggesting it arises more commonly from a compact remnant envelope

    The nature of mid-infrared excesses from hot dust around Sun-like stars

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    (ABRIDGED) Studies of debris disks have shown that most systems are analogous to the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt. However a rare subset of sun-like stars possess dust which lies in the terrestrial planet region. In this study we aim to determine how many sources with apparent mid-IR excess are truly hosts of warm dust, and investigate where the dust must lie. We observed using mid-IR imaging with TIMMI2, VISIR and MICHELLE a sample of FGK main sequence stars reported to have hot dust. A new modelling approach was developed to determine the constraints that can be set on the radial extent of excess emission. We confirm the presence of warm dust around 3 of the candidates (eta Corvi, HD145263 and HD202406), and present constraints on the emitting dust regions. Of 2 alternative models for the eta Corvi excess emission, we find that a model with 1 hot dust component at <3 AU (combined with the known submm dust population) fits the data better at the 2.6sigma level than an alternative model with 2 populations of dust in the mid-IR. We identify several systems which have a companion (HD65277 and HD79873) or background object (HD53246, HD123356 and HD128400) responsible for their mid-infrared excess, and for 3 other systems we were able to rule out a point-like source near the star at the level of excess observed in lower resolution observations (HD12039, HD69830 and HD191089). Hot dust sources are either young and possibly primordial or transitional, or have relatively small radius steady-state planetesimal belts, or they are old and luminous with transient emission. High resolution imaging can be used to constrain the location of the disk and help to discriminate between different models of disk emission. For some small disks, interferometry is needed to resolve the disk location.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Water depletion in the disk atmosphere of Herbig AeBe stars

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    We present high resolution (R = 100,000) L-band spectroscopy of 11 Herbig AeBe stars with circumstellar disks. The observations were obtained with the VLT/CRIRES to detect hot water and hydroxyl radical emission lines previously detected in disks around T Tauri stars. OH emission lines are detected towards 4 disks. The OH P4.5 (1+,1-) doublet is spectrally resolved as well as the velocity profile of each component of the doublet. Its characteristic double-peak profile demonstrates that the gas is in Keplerian rotation and points to an emitting region extending out to ~ 15-30 AU. The OH, emission correlates with disk geometry as it is mostly detected towards flaring disks. None of the Herbig stars analyzed here show evidence of hot water vapor at a sensitivity similar to that of the OH lines. The non-detection of hot water vapor emission indicates that the atmosphere of disks around Herbig AeBe stars are depleted of water molecules. Assuming LTE and optically thin emission we derive a lower limit to the OH/H2O column density ratio > 1 - 25 in contrast to T Tauri disks for which the column density ratio is 0.3 -- 0.4.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Herschel evidence for disk flattening or gas depletion in transitional disks

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    Transitional disks are protoplanetary disks characterized by reduced near- and mid-infrared emission with respect to full disks. This characteristic spectral energy distribution indicates the presence of an optically thin inner cavity within the dust disk believed to mark the disappearance of the primordial massive disk. We present new Herschel Space Observatory PACS spectra of [OI] 63 micron for 21 transitional disks. Our survey complements the larger Herschel GASPS program "Gas in Protoplanetary Systems" (Dent et al. 2013) by quadrupling the number of transitional disks observed with PACS at this wavelength. [OI] 63 micron traces material in the outer regions of the disk, beyond the inner cavity of most transitional disks. We find that transitional disks have [OI] 63 micron line luminosities two times fainter than their full disk counterparts. We self consistently determine various stellar properties (e.g. bolometric luminosity, FUV excess, etc.) and disk properties (e.g. disk dust mass, etc.) that could influence the [OI] 63 micron line luminosity and we find no correlations that can explain the lower [OI] 63 micron line luminosities in transitional disks. Using a grid of thermo-chemical protoplanetary disk models, we conclude that either transitional disks are less flared than full disks or they possess lower gas-to-dust ratios due to a depletion of gas mass. This result suggests that transitional disks are more evolved than their full disk counterparts, possibly even at large radii.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 52 pages, 16 figures, 8 table

    The impact of the Herbig Haro object HH2 on local dust and gas

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    We present results from a study of molecular gas and dust in the vicinity of the Herbig Haro object HH2. Emission from the sub-mm continuum, 12CO and HCO+ was mapped with angular resolutions ranging from 14 arcsec to 5 arcsec (or 0.01pc at the distance of HH2). The continuum shows an extended dust clump of mass 3.8Msun and temperature 22K, located downstream of the bright optical HH knots. However, a compact emission peak lies within ~0.01pc of the low-excitation H2-prominent shocks, with a luminosity consistent with local heating by the outflow. The HCO+ emission shows two velocity components: firstly, ambient-velocity gas lying in a region roughly corresponding to the dust clump, with abundance enhanced by a factor of a few close to the H2-prominent knots. Secondly a component of high-velocity emission (20 km/s linewidth), found mainly in a collimated jet linking the low-excitation HH objects. In this high-velocity jet, the line wings show an abundance ratio HCO+/CO proportional to v^2, with an HCO+ enhancement compared with ambient gas of up to 10^3 at the most extreme velocities. Such high abundances are consistent with models of shock chemistry in turbulent mixing layers at the interaction boundaries of jets. Extrapolating this effect to low velocities suggests that the more modest HCO+ enhancement in the clump gas could be caused by low velocity shocks. A UV precursor may not, therefore be necessary to explain the elevated HCO+ abundance in this gas.Comment: 8 pages. 9 figures. To be published in MNRA

    Submillimetre dust polarisation and opacity in the HD163296 protoplanetary ring system

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    We present ALMA images of the sub-mm continuum polarisation and spectral index of the protoplanetary ringed disk HD163296. The polarisation fraction at 870{\mu}m is measured to be ~0.9% in the central core and generally increases with radius along the disk major axis. It peaks in the gaps between the dust rings, and the largest value (~4%) is found between rings 1 and 2. The polarisation vectors are aligned with the disk minor axis in the central core, but become more azimuthal in the gaps, twisting by up to +/-9degrees in the gap between rings 1 and 2. These general characteristics are consistent with a model of self-scattered radiation in the ringed structure, without requiring an additional dust alignment mechanism. The 870/1300{\mu}m dust spectral index exhibits minima in the centre and the inner rings, suggesting these regions have high optical depths. However, further refinement of the dust or the disk model at higher resolution is needed to reproduce simultaneously the observed degree of polarisation and the low spectral index.Comment: 5 pages +2 pages supplemental data. v2 - revised figures and final values; conclusions unchange