1,261 research outputs found

    Tunable two-dimensional plasmon resonances in an InGaAs/InP high electron mobility transistor

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    Voltage-tunable plasmon resonances in the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) of a high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) fabricated from the InGaAs/InP materials system are reported. The device was fabricated from a commercial HEMT wafer by depositing source and drain contacts using standard photolithography and a semitransparent gate contact that consisted of a 0.5 mu m period transmission grating formed by electron-beam lithography. Narrow-band resonant absorption of terahertz radiation was observed in transmission in the frequency range of 10-50 cm(-1). The resonance frequency depends on the gate-tuned sheet charge density of the 2DEG. The observed separation of resonance fundamental from its harmonics and their shift with gate bias are compared with theory

    Surface depletion mediated control of inter-sub-band absorption in GaAs/AlAs semiconductor quantum well systems

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    The modification of quantum well inter-sub-band absorption properties due to surface depletion induced band bending is reported. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy measurements of a GaAs/AlAs multiple quantum well system reveal a reduction in the characteristic absorption resonance in correlation with wet chemical etching. High resolution transmission electron microscopy confirms the presence of the quantum wells after etching, suggesting the quantum wells are positioned within the surface depletion region of the structure. This method of inter-sub-band absorption modification could be used for the formation of quantum dots from a quantum well system with the precise, deterministic control of their location

    Millimeter-wave photoresponse due to excitation of two-dimensional plasmons in InGaAs/InP high-electron-mobility transistors

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    A polarized photoresponse to mm-wave radiation over the frequency range of 40 to 108 GHz is demonstrated in a grating-gated high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) formed by an InGaAs/InP heterostructure. The photoresponse is observed within the plasmon resonance absorption band of the HEMT, whose gate consists of a 9 mu m period grating that couples incident radiation to plasmons in the 2D electron gas. Gate-bias changes the channel carrier concentration, causing a corresponding change in photoresponse in agreement with theoretical expectations for the shift in the plasmon resonance band. The noise equivalent power is estimated to be 235 pW/Hz(1/2)

    Four Poynting Theorems

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    The Poynting vector is an invaluable tool for analysing electromagnetic problems. However, even a rigorous stress-energy tensor approach can still leave us with the question: is it best defined as \Vec{E} \cross \Vec{H} or as \Vec{D} \cross \Vec{B}? Typical electromagnetic treatments provide yet another perspective: they regard \Vec{E} \cross \Vec{B} as the appropriate definition, because \Vec{E} and \Vec{B} are taken to be the fundamental electromagnetic fields. The astute reader will even notice the fourth possible combination of fields: i.e. \Vec{D} \cross \Vec{H}. Faced with this diverse selection, we have decided to treat each possible flux vector on its merits, deriving its associated energy continuity equation but applying minimal restrictions to the allowed host media. We then discuss each form, and how it represents the response of the medium. Finally, we derive a propagation equation for each flux vector using a directional fields approach; a useful result which enables further interpretation of each flux and its interaction with the medium.Comment: 8 pages. Updated slightly from EJP versio

    Search for Magnetic Monopoles Trapped in Matter

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    There have been many searches for magnetic monopoles in flight, but few for monopoles in matter. We have searched for magnetic monopoles in meteorites, schists, ferromanganese nodules, iron ores and other materials. The detector was a superconducting induction coil connected to a SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) with a room temperature bore 15 cm in diameter. We tested a total of more than 331 kg of material including 112 kg of meteorites. We found no monopole and conclude the overall monopole/nucleon ratio in the samples is <1.2×1029<1.2 \times 10^{-29} with a 90\% confidence level.Comment: 6 pages, rev tex, no figure

    Infrared surface plasmons on heavily doped silicon

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    Conductors with infrared plasma frequencies are potentially useful hosts of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) with sub-wavelength mode confinement for sensing applications. A challenge is to identify such a conductor that also has sharp SPP excitation resonances and the capability to be functionalized for biosensor applications. In this paper we present experimental and theoretical investigations of IR SPPs on doped silicon and their excitation resonances on doped-silicon gratings. The measured complex permittivity spectra for p-type silicon with carrier concentration 6 x 10(19) and 1 x 10(20) cm(-3) show that these materials should support SPPs beyond 11 and 6 mu m wavelengths, respectively. The permittivity spectra were used to calculate SPP mode heights above the silicon surface and SPP propagation lengths. Reasonable merit criteria applied to these quantities suggest that only the heaviest doped material has sensor potential, and then mainly within the wavelength range 6 to 10 mu m. Photon-to-plasmon coupling resonances, a necessary condition for sensing, were demonstrated near 10 mu m wavelength for this material. The shape and position of these resonances agree well with simple analytic calculations based on the theory of Hessel and Oliner (1965)

    Millimeter-wave photoresponse due to excitation of two-dimensional plasmons in InGaAs/InP high-electron-mobility transistors

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    Abstract A polarized photoresponse to mm-wave radiation over the frequency range of 40 to 108 GHz is demonstrated in a grating-gated high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) formed by an InGaAs/InP heterostructure. The photoresponse is observed within the plasmon resonance absorption band of the HEMT, whose gate consists of a 9-μm-period grating that couples incident radiation to plasmons in the 2D electron gas (2DEG). Gate-bias changes the channel carrier concentration, causing a corresponding change in photoresponse in agreement with theoretical expectations for the shift in the plasmon resonance band. The noise equivalent power is estimated to be 235 pW/Hz 1/2 . a

    Distinction between the Poole-Frenkel and tunneling models of electric field-stimulated carrier emission from deep levels in semiconductors

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    The enhancement of the emission rate of charge carriers from deep-level defects in electric field is routinely used to determine the charge state of the defects. However, only a limited number of defects can be satisfactorily described by the Poole-Frenkel theory. An electric field dependence different from that expected from the Poole-Frenkel theory has been repeatedly reported in the literature, and no unambiguous identification of the charge state of the defect could be made. In this article, the electric field dependencies of emission of carriers from DX centers in AlxGa1-xAs:Te, Cu pairs in silicon, and Ge:Hg have been studied applying static and terahertz electric fields, and analyzed by using the models of Poole-Frenkel and phonon assisted tunneling. It is shown that phonon assisted tunneling and Poole-Frenkel emission are two competitive mechanisms of enhancement of emission of carriers, and their relative contribution is determined by the charge state of the defect and by the electric-field strength. At high-electric field strengths carrier emission is dominated by tunneling independently of the charge state of the impurity. For neutral impurities, where Poole-Frenkel lowering of the emission barrier does not occur, the phonon assisted tunneling model describes well the experimental data also in the low-field region. For charged impurities the transition from phonon assisted tunneling at high fields to Poole-Frenkel effect at low fields can be traced back. It is suggested that the Poole-Frenkel and tunneling models can be distinguished by plotting logarithm of the emission rate against the square root or against the square of the electric field, respectively. This analysis enables one to unambiguously determine the charge state of a deep-level defect

    On the verge of Umdeutung in Minnesota: Van Vleck and the correspondence principle (Part One)

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    In October 1924, the Physical Review, a relatively minor journal at the time, published a remarkable two-part paper by John H. Van Vleck, working in virtual isolation at the University of Minnesota. Van Vleck combined advanced techniques of classical mechanics with Bohr's correspondence principle and Einstein's quantum theory of radiation to find quantum analogues of classical expressions for the emission, absorption, and dispersion of radiation. For modern readers Van Vleck's paper is much easier to follow than the famous paper by Kramers and Heisenberg on dispersion theory, which covers similar terrain and is widely credited to have led directly to Heisenberg's "Umdeutung" paper. This makes Van Vleck's paper extremely valuable for the reconstruction of the genesis of matrix mechanics. It also makes it tempting to ask why Van Vleck did not take the next step and develop matrix mechanics himself.Comment: 82 page