5,594 research outputs found

    Is the giant radio galaxy M 87 a TeV gamma-ray emitter?

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    For the first time an excess of photons above an energy threshold of 730 GeV from the giant radio galaxy M 87 has been measured at a significance level above 4 σ. The data have been taken during the years 1998 and 1999 with the HEGRA stereoscopic system of 5 imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. The excess of 107.4 ± 26.8 events above 730 GeV corresponds to an integral flux of 3.3% of the Crab flux or NÎł (E > 730 GeV) = (0.96 ± 0.23) × 10-12 phot cm-2 s-1. M 87 is located at the center of the Virgo cluster of galaxies at a relatively small redshift of z = 0.00436 and is a promising candidate among the class of giant radio galaxies for the emission of TeV Îł-radiation. The detection of TeV Îł-rays from M 87 - if confirmed - would establish a new class of extragalactic source in this energy regime since all other AGN detected to date at TeV energies are BL Lac type objects.F. A. Aharonian ...G. P. Rowell...et al

    Evidence for TeV gamma ray emission from Cassiopeia A

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    232 hours of data were accumulated from 1997 to 1999, using the HEGRA Stereoscopic Cherenkov Telescope System to observe the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A. TeV gamma ray emission was detected at the 5 sigma level, and a flux of (5.8 +- 1.2(stat) +- 1.2(syst)) 10^(-9) ph m^(-2) s^(-1) above 1 TeV was derived. The spectral distribution is consistent with a power law with a differential spectral index of -2.5 +- 0.4(stat) +- 0.1(syst) between 1 and 10 TeV. As this is the first report of the detection of a TeV gamma ray source on the "centi-Crab" scale, we present the analysis in some detail. Implications for the acceleration of cosmic rays depend on the details of the source modeling. We discuss some important aspects in this paper.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Observations of H1426+428 with HEGRA -- Observations in 2002 and reanalysis of 1999&2000 data

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    The HEGRA system of imaging air Cherenkov telescopes has been used to observe the BL Lac object H1426+428 (z=0.129z=0.129) for 217.5 hours in 2002. In this data set alone, the source is detected at a confidence level of 5.3 σ5.3~\sigma, confirming this object as a TeV source. The overall flux level during the observations in 2002 is found to be a factor of ≈2.5\approx 2.5 lower than during the previous observations by HEGRA in 1999&2000. A new spectral analysis has been carried out, improving the signal-to-noise ratio at the expense of a slightly increased systematic uncertainty and reducing the relative energy resolution to ΔE/E≀12\Delta E/E\le 12 % over a wide range of energies. The new method has also been applied to the previously published data set taken in 1999 and 2000, confirming the earlier claim of a flattening of the energy spectrum between 1 and 5 TeV. The data set taken in 2002 shows again a signal at energies above 1 TeV. We combine the energy spectra as determined by the CAT and VERITAS groups with our reanalyzed result of the 1999&2000 data set and apply a correction to account for effects of absorption of high energy photons on extragalactic background light in the optical to mid infrared band. The shape of the inferred source spectrum is mostly sensitive to the characteristics of the extragalactic background light between wavelengths of 1 and 15~ÎŒ\mumComment: 12 pages, 4 Figures, submitted to A&

    A search for TeV gamma-ray emission from SNRs, pulsars and unidentified GeV sources in the Galactic plane in the longitude range between -2 deg and 85 deg

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    Using the HEGRA system of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, one quarter of the Galactic plane (-2 deg < l < 85 deg) was surveyed for TeV gamma-ray emission from point sources and moderately extended sources (diameter <= 0.8 deg). The region covered includes 86 known pulsars (PSR), 63 known supernova remnants (SNR) and nine GeV sources, representing a significant fraction of the known populations. No evidence for emission of TeV gamma radiation was detected, and upper limits range from 0.15 Crab units up to several Crab units, depending on the observation time and zenith angles covered. The ensemble sums over selected SNR and pulsar subsamples and over the GeV-sources yield no indication for emission from these potential sources. The upper limit for the SNR population is at the level of 6.7% of the Crab flux and for the pulsar ensemble at the level of 3.6% of the Crab flux.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    The major upgrade of the MAGIC telescopes, Part II: A performance study using observations of the Crab Nebula

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    MAGIC is a system of two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes located in the Canary island of La Palma, Spain. During summer 2011 and 2012 it underwent a series of upgrades, involving the exchange of the MAGIC-I camera and its trigger system, as well as the upgrade of the readout system of both telescopes. We use observations of the Crab Nebula taken at low and medium zenith angles to assess the key performance parameters of the MAGIC stereo system. For low zenith angle observations, the standard trigger threshold of the MAGIC telescopes is ~50GeV. The integral sensitivity for point-like sources with Crab Nebula-like spectrum above 220GeV is (0.66+/-0.03)% of Crab Nebula flux in 50 h of observations. The angular resolution, defined as the sigma of a 2-dimensional Gaussian distribution, at those energies is < 0.07 degree, while the energy resolution is 16%. We also re-evaluate the effect of the systematic uncertainty on the data taken with the MAGIC telescopes after the upgrade. We estimate that the systematic uncertainties can be divided in the following components: < 15% in energy scale, 11-18% in flux normalization and +/-0.15 for the energy spectrum power-law slope.Comment: 21 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physic

    Probing the very-high-energy gamma-ray spectral curvature in the blazar PG 1553+113 with the MAGIC telescopes

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    PG 1553+113 is a very-high-energy (VHE, E>100 GeVE>100\,\mathrm{GeV}) Îł\gamma-ray emitter classified as a BL Lac object. Its redshift is constrained by intergalactic absorption lines in the range 0.4<z<0.580.4<z<0.58. The MAGIC telescopes have monitored the source's activity since 2005. In early 2012, PG 1553+113 was found in a high-state, and later, in April of the same year, the source reached its highest VHE flux state detected so far. Simultaneous observations carried out in X-rays during 2012 April show similar flaring behaviour. In contrast, the Îł\gamma-ray flux at E<100 GeVE<100\,\mathrm{GeV} observed by Fermi-LAT is compatible with steady emission. In this paper, a detailed study of the flaring state is presented. The VHE spectrum shows clear curvature, being well fitted either by a power law with an exponential cut-off or by a log-parabola. A simple power-law fit hypothesis for the observed shape of the PG 1553+113 VHE Îł\gamma-ray spectrum is rejected with a high significance (fit probability P=2.6 ×10−6\times 10^{-6}). The observed curvature is compatible with the extragalactic background light (EBL) imprint predicted by current generation EBL models assuming a redshift z∌0.4z\sim0.4. New constraints on the redshift are derived from the VHE spectrum. These constraints are compatible with previous limits and suggest that the source is most likely located around the optical lower limit, z=0.4z=0.4, based on the detection of Lyα\alpha absorption. Finally, we find that the synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model gives a satisfactory description of the observed multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution during the flare.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Constraints on the steady and pulsed very high energy gamma-ray emission from observations of PSR B1951+32/CTB 80 with the MAGIC Telescope

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    We report on very high energy gamma-observations with the MAGIC Telescope of the pulsar PSR B1951+32 and its associated nebula, CTB 80. Our data constrain the cutoff energy of the pulsar to be less than 32 GeV, assuming the pulsed gamma-ray emission to be exponentially cut off. The upper limit on the flux of pulsed gamma-ray emission above 75 GeV is 4.3*10^-11 photons cm^-2 sec^-1, and the upper limit on the flux of steady emission above 140 GeV is 1.5*10^-11 photons cm^-2 sec^-1. We discuss our results in the framework of recent model predictions and other studies.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, replaced with published versio

    MAGIC upper limits on the very high energy emission from GRBs

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    The fast repositioning system of the MAGIC Telescope has allowed during its first data cycle, between 2005 and the beginning of year 2006, observing nine different GRBs as possible sources of very high energy gammas. These observations were triggered by alerts from Swift, HETE-II, and Integral; they started as fast as possible after the alerts and lasted for several minutes, with an energy threshold varying between 80 and 200 GeV, depending upon the zenith angle of the burst. No evidence for gamma signals was found, and upper limits for the flux were derived for all events, using the standard analysis chain of MAGIC. For the bursts with measured redshift, the upper limits are compatible with a power law extrapolation, when the intrinsic fluxes are evaluated taking into account the attenuation due to the scattering in the Metagalactic Radiation Field (MRF).Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, final version accepted by ApJ. Changet title to "MAGIC upped limits on the VERY high energy emission from GRBs", re-organized chapter with description of observation, removed non necessaries figures, added plot of effective area depending on zenith angle, added an appendix explaining the upper limit calculation, added some reference

    Discovery of VHE Gamma Radiation from IC443 with the MAGIC Telescope

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    We report the detection of a new source of very high energy (VHE, E_gamma >= 100GeV) gamma-ray emission located close to the Galactic Plane, MAGIC J0616+225, which is spatially coincident with SNR IC443. The observations were carried out with the MAGIC telescope in the periods December 2005 - January 2006 and December 2006 - January 2007. Here we present results from this source, leading to a VHE gamma-ray signal with a statistical significance of 5.7 sigma in the 2006/7 data and a measured differential gamma-ray flux consistent with a power law, described as dN_gamma/(dA dt dE) = (1.0 +/- 0.2)*10^(-11)(E/0.4 TeV)^(-3.1 +/- 0.3) cm^(-2)s^(-1)TeV^(-1). We briefly discuss the observational technique used and the procedure implemented for the data analysis. The results are put in the perspective of the multiwavelength emission and the molecular environment found in the region of IC443.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letter

    First bounds on the very high energy gamma-ray emission from Arp 220

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    Using the Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov Telescope (MAGIC), we have observed the nearest ultra-luminous infrared galaxy Arp 220 for about 15 hours. No significant signal was detected within the dedicated amount of observation time. The first upper limits to the very high energy Îł\gamma-ray flux of Arp 220 are herein reported and compared with theoretical expectations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
