12,059 research outputs found

    Investigations of scaling laws for jet impingement

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    The statistical properties of tangential flows over surfaces were investigated by two techniques. In one, a laser-Doppler velocimeter was used in a smoke-laden jet to measure one-point statistical properties, including mean velocities, turbulent intensities, intermittencies, autocorrelations, and power spectral densities. In the other technique, free stream and surface pressure probes connected to 1/8 inch microphones were used to obtain single point rms and 1/3 octave pressures, as well as two point cross correlations, the latter being converted to auto spectra, amplitude ratios, phase lags, and coherences. The results of these studies support the vortex model of jets, give some insights into the effects of surface impingement, and confirm that jet diameter and velocity are the scaling parameters for circular jets, while Reynolds number is relatively unimportant

    A Study of the Reionization History of Intergalactic Helium with FUSE and VLT

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    We obtained high-resolution VLT and FUSE spectra of the quasar HE2347-4342 to study the properties of the intergalactic medium between redshifts z=2.0-2.9. The high-quality optical spectrum allows us to identify approximately 850 HeII absorption components with column densities between N~5X10^11 and $ 10^18 cm^-2. The reprocessed FUSE spectrum extends the wavelength coverage of the HeII absorption down to an observed wavelength of 920 A. Approximately 1400 HeII absorption components are identified, including 917 HeII Ly-alpha systems and some of their HeII Ly-beta, Ly-gamma, and Ly-delta counterparts. The ionization structure of HeII is complex, with approximately 90 components that are not detected in the hydrogen spectrum. These components may represent the effect of soft ionizing sources. The ratio Eta=N(HeII)/N(HI) varies approximately from unity to more than a thousand, with a median value of 62 and a distribution consistent with the intrinsic spectral indices of quasars. This suggests that the dominant ionizing field is from the accumulated quasar radiation, with contributions from other soft sources such as star-forming regions and obscured AGN, which do not ionize helium. We find an evolution in Eta toward smaller values at lower redshift, with the gradual disappearance of soft components. At redshifts z>2.7, the large but finite increase in the HeII opacity, Tau=5+/-1, suggests that we are viewing the end stages of a reionization process that began at an earlier epoch. Fits of the absorption profiles of unblended lines indicate comparable velocities between hydrogen and He^+ ions. At hydrogen column densities N<3X10^12 cm^-2 the number of forest lines shows a significant deficit relative to a power law, and becomes negligible below N=10^11 cm^-2.Comment: 40 pages, 10 Postscript figures, uses Aastex.sty The Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Global Optical Control of a Quantum Spin Chain

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    Quantum processors which combine the long decoherence times of spin qubits together with fast optical manipulation of excitons have recently been the subject of several proposals. I show here that arbitrary single- and entangling two-qubit gates can be performed in a chain of perpetually coupled spin qubits solely by using laser pulses to excite higher lying states. It is also demonstrated that universal quantum computing is possible even if these pulses are applied {\it globally} to a chain; by employing a repeating pattern of four distinct qubit units the need for individual qubit addressing is removed. Some current experimental qubit systems would lend themselves to implementing this idea.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Thin-film flow in helically wound rectangular channels with small torsion

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    Laminar gravity-driven thin-film flow down a helically-wound channel of rectangular cross-section with small torsion in which the fluid depth is small is considered. Neglecting the entrance and exit regions we obtain the steady-state solution that is independent of position along the axis of the channel, so that the flow, which comprises a primary flow in the direction of the axis of the channel and a secondary flow in the cross-sectional plane, depends only on position in the two-dimensional cross-section of the channel. A thin-film approximation yields explicit expressions for the fluid velocity and pressure in terms of the free-surface shape, the latter satisfying a non-linear ordinary differential equation that has a simple exact solution in the special case of a channel of rectangular cross-section. The predictions of the thin-film model are shown to be in good agreement with much more computationally intensive solutions of the small-helix-torsion Navier–Stokes equations. The present work has particular relevance to spiral particle separators used in the mineral-processing industry. The validity of an assumption commonly used in modelling flow in spiral separators, namely that the flow in the outer region of the separator cross-section is described by a free vortex, is shown to depend on the problem parameters

    Coherence of Spin Qubits in Silicon

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    Given the effectiveness of semiconductor devices for classical computation one is naturally led to consider semiconductor systems for solid state quantum information processing. Semiconductors are particularly suitable where local control of electric fields and charge transport are required. Conventional semiconductor electronics is built upon these capabilities and has demonstrated scaling to large complicated arrays of interconnected devices. However, the requirements for a quantum computer are very different from those for classical computation, and it is not immediately obvious how best to build one in a semiconductor. One possible approach is to use spins as qubits: of nuclei, of electrons, or both in combination. Long qubit coherence times are a prerequisite for quantum computing, and in this paper we will discuss measurements of spin coherence in silicon. The results are encouraging - both electrons bound to donors and the donor nuclei exhibit low decoherence under the right circumstances. Doped silicon thus appears to pass the first test on the road to a quantum computer.Comment: Submitted to J Cond Matter on Nov 15th, 200

    Shifts in farmer uncertainty over time about sustainable farming practices and modern farming\u27s reliance on commercial fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides

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    Nitrogen (N) is critical for maintaining crop yields; however, current agricultural management practices are major contributors to high levels of N and other agricultural chemicals leaking into neighboring water bodies thereby limiting the achievement of sustainability goals for water resources. Changes in farmer beliefs over time about sustainability goals and production inputs reveal increasing uncertainty about the connection between sustainability and their practices. Inference from a multinomial model analysis of farmer beliefs from 1989 to 2002 shows increasing odds of being uncertain about whether use of sustainable farming practices help maintain the natural resource base. Almost 29% of the population of a 2002 random sample survey of Iowa farmers was uncertain about sustainable farming practices compared to 18.8% in 1989. Further, farmers were increasingly uncertain over time as to whether modern farming relies too heavily upon commercial fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides. In 2002, 14.5% of farmers, compared to 8.4% in 1994 and 5.7% in 1989, were uncertain about whether heavy reliance on commercial fertilizers was a sustainability problem. Multinomial logistic regression models examining responses to various farming practices reveal that the ratio of disagree/agree increases over time and is influenced by total corn and soybean acres farmed, net of farmer age, and weather conditions. Models of uncertainty controlling for age and weather conditions show increasing farmer uncertainty about sustainable farming practices; natural resource base maintenance; and whether modern farming relies too heavily on commercial fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides

    Electron spin coherence in metallofullerenes: Y, Sc and La@C82

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    Endohedral fullerenes encapsulating a spin-active atom or ion within a carbon cage offer a route to self-assembled arrays such as spin chains. In the case of metallofullerenes the charge transfer between the atom and the fullerene cage has been thought to limit the electron spin phase coherence time (T2) to the order of a few microseconds. We study electron spin relaxation in several species of metallofullerene as a function of temperature and solvent environment, yielding a maximum T2 in deuterated o-terphenyl greater than 200 microseconds for Y, Sc and La@C82. The mechanisms governing relaxation (T1, T2) arise from metal-cage vibrational modes, spin-orbit coupling and the nuclear spin environment. The T2 times are over 2 orders of magnitude longer than previously reported and consequently make metallofullerenes of interest in areas such as spin-labelling, spintronics and quantum computing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Tuning gastropod locomotion: Modeling the influence of mucus rheology on the cost of crawling

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    Common gastropods such as snails crawl on a solid substrate by propagating muscular waves of shear stress on a viscoelastic mucus. Producing the mucus accounts for the largest component in the gastropod's energy budget, more than twenty times the amount of mechanical work used in crawling. Using a simple mechanical model, we show that the shear-thinning properties of the mucus favor a decrease in the amount of mucus necessary for crawling, thereby decreasing the overall energetic cost of locomotion.Comment: Corrected typo

    Unsteady loads due to propulsive lift configurations

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    The flow of a jet over an airfoil representative of upper surface blowing was studied using laser techniques. Experimental techniques were developed for the investigation of unsteady pressures behind a cold model jet. Construction of a 1/4 scale model of the 'Beach' test configuration was completed along with construction of a portable detector. The portable detector is used in conjunction with a laser to measure jet flows during tests on the 'Beach' facility. The detector incorporates both optical and electronic components

    Electron spin relaxation of N@C60 in CS2

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    We examine the temperature dependence of the relaxation times of the molecules N@C60 and N@C70 (which comprise atomic nitrogen trapped within a carbon cage) in liquid CS2 solution. The results are inconsistent with the fluctuating zero field splitting (ZFS) mechanism, which is commonly invoked to explain electron spin relaxation for S > 1/2 spins in liquid solution, and is the mechanism postulated in the literature for these systems. Instead, we find a clear Arrhenius temperature dependence for N@C60, indicating the spin relaxation is driven primarily by an Orbach process. For the asymmetric N@C70 molecule, which has a permanent non-zero ZFS, we resolve an additional relaxation mechanism caused by the rapid reorientation of its ZFS. We also report the longest coherence time (T2) ever observed for a molecular electron spin, being 0.25 ms at 170K.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures V2: Updated to published versio