13 research outputs found

    Defining and simulating open-ended novelty: requirements, guidelines, and challenges

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    The open-endedness of a system is often defined as a continual production of novelty. Here we pin down this concept more fully by defining several types of novelty that a system may exhibit, classified as variation, innovation, and emergence. We then provide a meta-model for including levels of structure in a system’s model. From there, we define an architecture suitable for building simulations of open-ended novelty-generating systems and discuss how previously proposed systems fit into this framework. We discuss the design principles applicable to those systems and close with some challenges for the community

    Dynamical Properties of the Fitness Landscape of a GP Controlled Random Morphology Robot

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    Dittrich P, Skusa A, Kantschik W, Banzhaf W. Dynamical Properties of the Fitness Landscape of a GP Controlled Random Morphology Robot. In: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-99). 1999: 1002-1008

    Evolutionary reaction systems

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    In the recent years many bio-inspired computational methods were defined and successfully applied to real life problems. Examples of those methods are particle swarm optimization, ant colony, evolutionary algorithms, and many others. At the same time, computational formalisms inspired by natural systems were defined and their suitability to represent different functions efficiently was studied. One of those is a formalism known as reaction systems. The aim of this work is to establish, for the first time, a relationship between evolutionary algorithms and reaction systems, by proposing an evolutionary version of reaction systems. In this paper we show that the resulting new genetic programming system has better, or at least comparable performances to a set of well known machine learning methods on a set of problems, also including real-life applications. Furthermore, we discuss the expressiveness of the solutions evolved by the presented evolutionary reaction systems

    Lineargraph gp - a new gp structure

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    Abstract. In recent years different genetic programming (GP) structures have emerged. Today, the basic forms of representation for genetic programs are tree, linear and graphstructures. In this contribution we introduce a new kind of GP structure which we call linear-graph. This is a further development to the linear-tree structure that we developed earlier. We describe the linear-graph structure, as well as crossover and mutation for this new GP structure in detail. We compare linear-graph programs withlinear and tree programs by analyzing their structure and results on different test problems. 1 Introduction of Linear-Graph GP This paper introduces a new representation for GP programs. This new representation, named linear-graph, has been developed with the goal of giving a program the flexibility to choose different execution paths for different inputs. The hope is to create programs of higher complexity, so that we can evolve program

    Optimising Optimisers with Push GP

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    SYSGP - A C++ library of different GP variants

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    In recent years different variants of genetic programming (GP) have emerged all following the basic idea of GP, the automatic evolution of computer programs. Today, three basic forms of representation for genetic programs are used, namely tree, graph and linear structures. We introduce a multi-representation system, SYSGP, that allows researchers to experiment with different representations with only a minimum implementation overhead. The system further offers the possibility to combine modules of different representation forms into one genetic program. SYSGP has been implemented as a C++ library using templates that operate with a generic data type. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RR 8071(98-48)+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman