3,271 research outputs found

    Not Your Older Brother’s Bonds: The Use and Regulation of Social-Impact Bonds in the United States

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    Smarta elnÀt Àr en av lösningarna för att uppnÄ EUs klimatmÄl den s.k. 20-20-20-satsningen. KlimatmÄlen innefattar bl.a. ökad energiproduktion frÄn förnybara energikÀllor och ökad energieffektivisering, detta anses nödvÀndigt för att hindra den globala uppvÀrmningen samt uppnÄ en bÀttre och mer hÄllbar framtid.   Den elektriska energins svaghet Àr den begrÀnsade möjligheten till effektiv och storskalig lagring. Eftersom den förnybara energin har en vÀderberoende produktion ska smarta elnÀt hjÀlpa konsumenten att styra energikonsumtionen efter hur energiproduktionen varierar. Det finns planer pÄ ett smart elnÀt som genom att integrera avancerade informations- och kontrolltekniker ska samla in information frÄn producenter och konsumenter för att sedan agera utifrÄn det "smartaste" alternativet. För att maximera anvÀndandet av den producerade förnybara energin kan en lösning vara att konstruera flera energilager dÀr energi kan lagras under t.ex. blÄsiga och soliga vÀderförhÄllanden. Vad som skulle kunna anvÀndas som energilager i framtiden Àr bl.a. elbilar och industrier. För implementering av smarta elnÀt Àr dynamic rating en viktig pusselbit. Med hjÀlp av sensorer ska information kunna mÀtas i realtid för att pÄ sÄ sÀtt maximera nyttjandegraden av energiproduktionen och elnÀtet.   Idag Àr Vecturas uppdrag inom elinfrastruktur till stor del inriktade pÄ jÀrnvÀgsanlÀggningar. Eftersom Vectura har en vilja att vidga sin verksamhet inom det elektrotekniska omrÄdet finns ett intresse att bredda sig till andra omrÄden inom elinfrastruktur t.ex. smarta elnÀt och dynamic rating. För att Vectura ska lyckas med denna uppgift Àr vidareutbildning av sina konsulter att rekommendera inom omrÄdena: energilager, sensorer samt förnybar energi. Vattenkraft, vindkraft och solkraft Àr de viktigaste förnyelsebara energikÀllorna pÄ svensk elmarknad.Smart Grid is one of the solutions to achieve the European Union climate targets, "the 20-20-20- targets". These targets include e.g. higher energy-production from renewable sources and increased energy efficiency. The purpose of these targets is to prevent global warming in order to achieve a better and more sustainable future.   The weakness with electric energy is the limited possibility of effective and large-scale storage. With solar power plants and wind power plants, the energy will only be produced under favorable weather conditions. By using Smart Grid the energy consumption, the energy production and the grid can be controlled in a higher scale than today. This will be done by advanced information- and control-technology which will gather and act on information from suppliers and consumers and then act upon the "smartest" alternative. According to the power industry several energy storage units must be built due to store the energy in terms of maximize the benefits of renewable energy during windy or sunny weather, when renewable energy is produced as its best. Some experts in the field believe that electric cars or industries could be possible energy storage units. Another advantage with Smart Grid is the ability for consumers to produce their own electric energy and sell the surplus to the energy market. Dynamic Rating is an important part of the implementation of Smart Grid and can best be described with the words "increasing the level of utilization". By using sensors, information should be measured in real time to maximize the utilization rate of the energy production, the energy consumption and the grid.   Today, Vectura's mission in electricity infrastructure is largely focused on rail infrastructure. Now, they have a desire to extend their business in the field of electrical engineering, e.g. Smart Grid and Dynamic Rating. If Vectura will be able to start work on Smart Grids and Dynamic Rating in order to expand their business, training for its consultants is recommended in these areas: energy storage, sensors and renewable energy. Hydro power, wind power and solar power are the main renewable energy sources in the Swedish electricity market

    Performance of finned thermal capacitors

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    The performance of typical thermal capacitors, both in earth and orbital environments, was investigated. Techniques which were used to make predictions of thermal behavior in a one-g earth environment are outlined. Orbital performance parameters are qualitatively discussed, and those effects expected to be important under zero-g conditions are outlined. A summary of thermal capacitor applications are documentated, along with significant problem areas and current configurations. An experimental program was conducted to determine typical one-g performance, and the physical significance of these data is discussed in detail. Numerical techniques were employed to allow comparison between analytical and experimental data

    Solar residential heating and cooling system

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    System has been placed in operation to verify technical feasibility of using solar energy to provide residential heating and cooling. Complete system analysis was performed to provide design information

    A design handbook for phase change thermal control and energy storage devices

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    Comprehensive survey is given of the thermal aspects of phase change material devices. Fundamental mechanisms of heat transfer within the phase change device are discussed. Performance in zero-g and one-g fields are examined as it relates to such a device. Computer models for phase change materials, with metal fillers, undergoing conductive and convective processes are detailed. Using these models, extensive parametric data are presented for a hypothetical configuration with a rectangular phase change housing, using straight fins as the filler, and paraffin as the phase change material. These data are generated over a range of realistic sizes, material properties, and thermal boundary conditions. A number of illustrative examples are given to demonstrate use of the parametric data. Also, a complete listing of phase change material property data are reproduced herein as an aid to the reader

    Solar residential heating and cooling system development test program

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    A solar heating and cooling system is described, which was installed in a simulated home at Marshall Space Flight Center. Performance data are provided for the checkout and initial operational phase for key subsystems and for the total system. Valuable information was obtained with regard to operation of a solar cooling system during the first summer of operation. Areas where improvements and modifications are required to optimize such a system are discussed

    Design and operation of a solar heating and cooling system for a residential size building

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    The first year of operation of solar house is discussed. Selected design information, together with a brief system description is included. The house was equipped with an integrated solar heating and cooling system which uses fully automated state-of-the art. Evaluation of the data indicate that the solar house heating and cooling system is capable of supplying nearly 100 percent of the thermal energy required for heating and approximately 50 percent of the thermal energy required to operate the absorption cycle air conditioner

    The Old Town of Huntsville: The Perspectives of Estill and Thomason

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