15,784 research outputs found

    Magnetic defects promote ferromagnetism in Zn1-xCoxO

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    Experimental studies of Zn1-xCoxO as thin films or nanocrystals have found ferromagnetism and Curie temperatures above room temperature and that p- or n-type doping of Zn1-xCoxO can change its magnetic state. Bulk Zn1-xCoxO with a low defect density and x in the range used in experimental thin film studies exhibits ferromagnetism only at very low temperatures. Therefore defects in thin film samples or nanocrystals may play an important role in promoting magnetic interactions between Co ions in Zn1-xCoxO. The electronic structures of Co substituted for Zn in ZnO, Zn and O vacancies, substituted N and interstitial Zn in ZnO were calculated using the B3LYP hybrid density functional in a supercell. The B3LYP functional predicts a band gap of 3.34 eV for bulk ZnO, close to the experimental value of 3.47 eV. Occupied minority spin Co 3d levels are at the top of the valence band and unoccupied levels lie above the conduction band minimum. Majority spin Co 3d levels hybridize strongly with bulk ZnO states. The neutral O vacancy and interstitial Zn are deep and shallow donors, respectively. The Zn vacancy is a deep acceptor and the acceptor level for substituted N is at mid gap. The possibility that p- or n-type dopants promote exchange coupling of Co ions was investigated by computing total energies of magnetic states of ZnO supercells containing two Co ions and an oxygen vacancy, substituted N or interstitial Zn in various charge states. The neutral N defect and the singly-positively charged O vacancy are the only defects which strongly promote ferromagnetic exchange coupling of Co ions at intermediate range.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Etiology of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Dogs

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    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is the most common congenital heart disease in dogs and usually causes heart failure and death unless corrected at a young age. Previous histologic studies in a line of dogs derived from Miniature Poodles with hereditary PDA identified varying degrees of hypoplasia and asymmetry of ductus-specific smooth muscle and the presence of aortalike elastic tissue in the ductus wall sufficient to cause patency. To determine if similar structural abnormalities cause PDA in other dogs, serial-section, 3-dimensional histology of ductal architecture was studied in 8 non-Poodle purebred dogs with PDA with no immediate family history of PDA. Morphologic abnormalities were observed in 7 of 8 dogs with PDA and essentially were the same as those in dogs known to have a hereditary form of PDA. These findings suggest that apparently sporadic PDA in these breeds is caused by a genetic defect in the structure of the ductus arteriosus that is similar or identical to that in the Poodle. The relatives of dogs with PDA, particularly parents, offspring, and siblings, should be screened for evidence of PDA. Dogs with PDA should not be used for breeding, regardless of breed

    Hypercube matrix computation task

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    The Hypercube Matrix Computation (Year 1986-1987) task investigated the applicability of a parallel computing architecture to the solution of large scale electromagnetic scattering problems. Two existing electromagnetic scattering codes were selected for conversion to the Mark III Hypercube concurrent computing environment. They were selected so that the underlying numerical algorithms utilized would be different thereby providing a more thorough evaluation of the appropriateness of the parallel environment for these types of problems. The first code was a frequency domain method of moments solution, NEC-2, developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The second code was a time domain finite difference solution of Maxwell's equations to solve for the scattered fields. Once the codes were implemented on the hypercube and verified to obtain correct solutions by comparing the results with those from sequential runs, several measures were used to evaluate the performance of the two codes. First, a comparison was provided of the problem size possible on the hypercube with 128 megabytes of memory for a 32-node configuration with that available in a typical sequential user environment of 4 to 8 megabytes. Then, the performance of the codes was anlyzed for the computational speedup attained by the parallel architecture

    Deformed Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculations

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    The renormalized Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (RBHF) theory for many-body nuclear systems is generalized to permit calculations for intrinsic states having permanent deformation. Both Hartree-Fock and Brueckner self-consistencies are satisfied, and details of the numerical techniques are discussed. The Hamada-Johnston interaction is used in a study of deformations, binding, size, and separation energies for several nuclei. Electromagnetic transition rates, moments, and electron scattering form factors are calculated using nuclear wave functions obtained by angular momentum projection. Comparison is made to experiment as well as to predictions of ordinary and density-dependent Hartree-Fock Theory

    Short-range correlations in carbon-12, oxygen-16, and neon-20: Intrinsic properties

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    The Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) method has been applied to nuclei whose intrinsic structure is nonspherical. Reaction matrix elements were calculated as functions of starting energy for the Hamada-Johnston interaction using the Pauli operator appropriate to O-16 and a shifted oscillator spectrum for virtual excited states. Binding energies, single particle energies, radii, and shape deformations of the intrinsic state, in ordinary as well as renormalized BHF, are discussed and compared with previous HF studies and with experiment when possible. Results are presented for C-12, 0-16 and Ne-20. It is found that the binding energies and radii are too small, but that separation energies are well reproduced when the renormalized theory is used

    Electrochemical Energy Storage Subsystems Study, Volume 2

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    The effects on life cycle costs (LCC) of major design and performance technology parameters for multi kW LEO and GEO energy storage subsystems using NiCd and NiH2 batteries and fuel cell/electrolysis cell devices were examined. Design, performance and LCC dynamic models are developed based on mission and system/subsystem requirements and existing or derived physical and cost data relationships. The models are exercised to define baseline designs and costs. Then the major design and performance parameters are each varied to determine their influence on LCC around the baseline values

    Evaluation of active control technology for short haul aircraft

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    An evaluation of the economics of short-haul aircraft designed with active controls technology and low wing-loading to achieve short field performance with good ride quality is presented. Results indicate that for such a system incorporating gust load alleviation and augmented stability the direct operating cost is better than for aircraft without active controls

    Electrochemical energy storage subsystems study, volume 1

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    The effects on life cycle costs (LCC) of major design and performance technology parameters for multi kW LEO and GEO energy storage subsystems using NiCd and NiH2 batteries and fuel cell/electrolysis cell devices were examined. Design, performance and LCC dynamic models are developed based on mission and system/subsystem requirements and existing or derived physical and cost data relationships. The models define baseline designs and costs. The major design and performance parameters are each varied to determine their influence on LCC around the baseline values

    Stand-Level Green Biomass Equations for Sawtimber-Sized Loblolly Pine in Arkansas

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    Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) is commercially the most important timber species in southern Arkansas and the southern United States. Results of stand-level timber inventories have traditionally been reported in terms of volume, yet loblolly pine sawtimber is bought and sold based on biomass. A straight forward stand-level conversion from volume per hectare to biomass per hectare does not exist for Arkansas, thus complicating the valuation of standing loblolly pine sawtimber. Two equations were developed to predict stand-level, outside-bark, green biomass per unit area for loblolly pine stands in southern Arkansas. The merchantable sawlog equation presented herein explained approximately 95% of the variation present and had an average error of 4.2 percent when applied to validation data. The equation for total merchantable biomass explained about 99% of the variation and had an average error of 1.5 percent when applied to validation data. Use of these equations should simplify the valuation of standing timber in loblolly pine sawtimber stands in southern Arkansas
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