855 research outputs found

    A Preliminary List of Some Families of Iowa Insects

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    For some ten years the Iowa Insect Survey has been collecting specimens and data from all parts of this state in a study of the geographic and seasonal distribution of the insects of Iowa. Comparatively little has been done heretofore with most of the families of the Hymenoptera and the Diptera of Iowa. With the hope of stimulating a more general interest in these groups, preliminary lists of the species now known to occur within the state are being submitted. Students in systematic Entomology in the college have taken a family and given it special attention in their collecting for one or more years. These students have collaborated with the senior author in the preparation of this paper. The name of the student thus taking the responsibility of getting a list for a family in shape is printed at the head of the list. Determinations throughout the list have been made or checked by specialists as indicated for each group. Assistance given by the Iowa Academy of Science and the State University of Iowa has helped materially in keeping the Survey going

    Integration of professional judgement and decision-making in high-level adventure sports coaching practice

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    This study examined the integration of professional judgement and decision-making processes in adventure sports coaching. The study utilised a thematic analysis approach to investigate the decision-making practices of a sample of high-level adventure sports coaches over a series of sessions. Results revealed that, in order to make judgements and decisions in practice, expert coaches employ a range of practical and pedagogic management strategies to create and opportunistically use time for decision-making. These approaches include span of control and time management strategies to facilitate the decision-making process regarding risk management, venue selection, aims, objectives, session content, and differentiation of the coaching process. The implication for coaches, coach education, and accreditation is the recognition and training of the approaches that“create time” for the judgements in practice, namely“creating space to think”. The paper concludes by offering a template for a more expertise-focused progression in adventure sports coachin

    Inhibition of YAP/TAZ-driven TEAD activity prevents growth of NF2-null schwannoma and meningioma.

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    Schwannoma tumours typically arise on the 8th cranial nerve and are mostly caused by loss of the tumour suppressor Merlin (NF2). There are no approved chemotherapies for these tumours and the surgical removal of the tumour carries a high risk of damage to the 8th or other close cranial nerve tissue. New treatments for schwannoma and other NF2-null tumours such as meningioma are urgently required. Using a combination of human primary tumour cells and mouse models of schwannoma, we have examined the role of the Hippo signalling pathway in driving tumour cell growth. Using both genetic ablation of the Hippo effectors YAP and TAZ as well as novel TEAD palmitoylation inhibitors, we show that Hippo signalling may be successfully targeted in vitro and in vivo to both block and, remarkably, regress schwannoma tumour growth. In particular, successful use of TEAD palmitoylation inhibitors in a pre-clinical mouse model of schwannoma points to their potential future clinical use. We also identify the cancer stem cell marker aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 (ALDH1A1) as a Hippo signalling target, driven by the TAZ protein in human and mouse NF2-null schwannoma cells, as well as in NF2-null meningioma cells, and examine the potential future role of this new target in halting schwannoma and meningioma tumour growth

    Enhancing the early student experience

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    This paper is concerned with identifying how the early student experience can be enhanced in order to improve levels of student retention and achievement. The early student experience is the focus of this project as the literature has consistently declared the first year to be the most critical in shaping persistence decisions. Programme managers of courses with high and low retention rates have been interviewed to identify activities that appear to be associated with good retention rates. The results show that there are similarities in the way programmes with high retention are run, with these features not being prevalent on programmes with low retention. Recommendations of activities that appear likely to enhance the early student experience are provided

    History of oceanic front development in the New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean during the Cenozoic--a synthesis

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    The New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean (NZSSO) has opened about the Indian-Pacific spreading ridge throughout the Cenozoic. Today the NZSSO is characterised by broad zonal belts of antarctic (cold), subantarctic (cool), and subtropical (warm) surface-water masses separated by prominent oceanic fronts: the Subtropical Front (STF) c. 43deg.S, Subantarctic Front (SAF) c. 50deg.S, and Antarctic Polar Front (AAPF) c. 60deg.S. Despite a meagre database, the broad pattern of Cenozoic evolution of these fronts is reviewed from the results of Deep Sea Drilling Project-based studies of sediment facies, microfossil assemblages and diversity, and stable isotope records, as well as from evidence in onland New Zealand Cenozoic sequences. Results are depicted schematically on seven paleogeographic maps covering the NZSSO at 10 m.y. intervals through the Cenozoic. During the Paleocene and most of the Eocene (65-35 Ma), the entire NZSSO was under the influence of warm to cool subtropical waters, with no detectable oceanic fronts. In the latest Eocene (c. 35 Ma), a proto-STF is shown separating subantarctic and subtropical waters offshore from Antarctica, near 65deg.S paleolatitude. During the earliest Oligocene, this front was displaced northwards by development of an AAPF following major global cooling and biotic turnover associated with ice sheet expansion to sea level on East Antarctica. Early Oligocene full opening (c. 31 Ma) of the Tasmanian gateway initiated vigorous proto-circum-Antarctic flow of cold/cool waters, possibly through a West Antarctic seaway linking the southern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, including detached northwards "jetting" onto the New Zealand plateau where condensation and unconformity development was widespread in cool-water carbonate facies. Since this time, a broad tripartite division of antarctic, subantarctic, and subtropical waters has existed in the NZSSO, including possible development of a proto-SAF within the subantarctic belt. In the Early-early Middle Miocene (25-15 Ma), warm subtropical waters expanded southwards into the northern NZSSO, possibly associated with reduced ice volume on East Antarctica but particularly with restriction of the Indonesian gateway and redirection of intensified warm surface flows southwards into the Tasman Sea, as well as complete opening of the Drake gateway by 23 Ma allowing more complete decoupling of cool circum-Antarctic flow from the subtropical waters. During the late Middle-Late Miocene (15-5 Ma), both the STF and SAF proper were established in their present relative positions across and about the Campbell Plateau, respectively, accompanying renewed ice buildup on East Antarctica and formation of a permanent ice sheet on West Antarctica, as well as generally more expansive and intensified circum-Antarctic flow. The ultimate control on the history of oceanic front development in the NZSSO has been plate tectonics through its influence on the paleogeographic changes of the Australian-New Zealand-Antarctic continents and their intervening oceanic basins, the timing of opening and closing of critical seaways, the potential for submarine ridges and plateaus to exert some bathymetric control on the location of fronts, and the evolving ice budget on the Antarctic continent. The broad trends of the Cenozoic climate curve for New Zealand deduced from fossil evidence in the uplifted marine sedimentary record correspond well to the principal paleoceanographic events controlling the evolution and migration of the oceanic fronts in the NZSSO

    Architecture for animation of affective behaviors in pedagogical agents

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    This article introduces an open-source module responsible for the presentation of verbal (speech) and corporal (animation) behaviors of animated pedagogical agents. This module can be inserted into any learning environment regardless of application domain and platform, being executable under different operating systems. It was implemented in Java as a reactive agent (named Body agent) that communicates with the agent’s Mind through a language known as FIPA-ACL. Therefore, it may be inserted into any intelligent learning environment that is also capable to communicate using FIPA-ACL. Persistence of information is ensured by XML files, increasing the agent’s portability. The agent also includes a mechanism for automatically updating new behaviors and characters once available in the server. A simulation environment was conceived to test the proposed agent

    Possible Detection of Low Energy Solar Neutrons Using Boron Based Materials

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    Solar neutrons have been detected aboard the International Space Station (ISS), using lithium tetraborate and boron carbide detector elements. We find that evidence of a solar neutron flux, as detected in a neutron calorimeter following subtraction of the proton background, with an energy of about 2 to 4 MeV. This solar neutron flux is likely no more than 250 to 375 neutrons cm−2sec−1, with a lower bound of 50–75 neutrons cm−2sec−1 at one au

    Pest categorisation of Xanthomonas citri pv. viticola

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    The EFSA Plant Health Panel performed a pest categorisation of Xanthomonas citri pv. viticola (Nayudu) Dye, a Gram-negative bacterium belonging to the Xanthomonadaceae family. The pathogen is a well-defined taxonomic unit and is the causal agent of the leaf spot and bacterial canker of Vitis vinifera. This bacterium is present in India and Brazil, where it affects table grape cultivation; the same pathogen is able to cause a disease on Azadirachta indica and on some weed species. Reports indicate that the bacterium is present in Thailand as well. The pathogen has never been reported from the EU territory and it is not included in EU Commission Implementing Regulation 2019/2072. The pathogen can be detected on its host plants using direct isolation, serological or PCR-based methods. Its identification is achieved using biochemical and nutritional assays, together with a multilocus sequence analysis based on seven housekeeping genes. The main pathway for the entry of the pathogen into the EU territory is plant propagation material. In the EU, there is large availability of host plants, with grapevine being one of the most important crops in Europe and more specifically in its Mediterranean areas. Since X. citri pv. viticola is only reported in tropical and subtropical areas (BSh and Aw climatic zones according to the Köppen–Geiger classification), there is uncertainty whether the climatic conditions in the EU territory are suitable for its establishment. Nevertheless, due to the great importance of grapevine for the EU agriculture, any disease outbreak may have a high-economic impact. Phytosanitary measures are available to prevent the introduction of the pathogen into the EU. X. citri pv. viticola satisfies the criteria that are within the remit of EFSA to assess for this species to be regarded as a potential Union quarantine pest