81,087 research outputs found

    The effects of a plasma in the near-zone field of an antenna, 2

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    Plasma effects in antenna near zone field - admittance and ionization rise time measurements on Teflon-plugged waveguide slot antenn

    Measuring forces between protein fibers by microscopy

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    We propose a general scheme for measuring the attraction between mechanically frustrated semiflexible fibers by measuring their thermal fluctuations and shape. We apply this analysis to a system of sickle hemoglobin (HbS) fibers that laterally attract one another. These fibers appear to “zip” together before reaching mechanical equilibrium due to the existence of cross-links into a dilute fiber network. We are also able to estimate the rigidities of the fibers. These rigidities are found to be consistent with sickle hemoglobin “single” fibers 20 nm in diameter, despite recent experiments indicating that fiber bundling sometimes occurs. Our estimate of the magnitude of the interfiber attraction for HbS fibers is in the range 8 ± 7 kBT/μm, or 4 ± 3 kBT/μm if the fibers are assumed, a priori to be single fibers (such an assumption is fully consistent with the data). This value is sufficient to bind the fibers, overcoming entropic effects, although extremely chemically weak. Our results are compared to models for the interfiber attraction that include depletion and van der Waals forces. This technique should also facilitate a similar analysis of other filamentous protein assembles in the future, including β-amyloid, actin, and tubulin

    Proportional-Integral-Plus Control Strategy of an Intelligent Excavator

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    This article considers the application of Proportional-Integral-Plus (PIP) control to the Lancaster University Computerised Intelligent Excavator (LUCIE), which is being developed to dig foundation trenches on a building site. Previous work using LUCIE was based on the ubiquitous PI/PID control algorithm, tuned on-line, and implemented in a rather ad hoc manner. By contrast, the present research utilizes new hardware and advanced model-based control system design methods to improve the joint control and so provide smoother, more accurate movement of the excavator arm. In this article, a novel nonlinear simulation model of the system is developed for MATLAB/SIMULINK, allowing for straightforward refinement of the control algorithm and initial evaluation. The PIP controller is compared with a conventionally tuned PID algorithm, with the final designs implemented on-line for the control of dipper angle. The simulated responses and preliminary implementation results demonstrate the feasibility of the approach

    Benchmark full configuration-interaction calculations on H2O, F- and F

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    Full configuration-interaction calculations are reported, and compared to other methods, for H2O at its equilibrium geometry and at two geometries with the H-O bonds stretched. Since the percentage of the self-consistent field (SCF) reference in the full configuration-interaction (FCI) wave function decreases greatly with the bond elongation, the accuracy of techniques based on a single reference do not compare well with the FCI results. However, the results from a complete active space SCF/multireference configuration-interaction (CASSCF/MRCI) treatment are in good agreement with the FCI. Correlation effects in F compared to Ne are far more similar than for F- compared to Ne, despite F- and Ne being isoelectronic. Since the importance of higher than double excitations is more important for F- than F, a very high percentage of the correlation must be obtained to accurately compute the electron affinity. In a CASSCF/MRCI treatment the higher than quadruple excitations contribute 0.02 eV to the electron affinity (EA), even for modest basis sets

    Methodology for sensitivity analysis, approximate analysis, and design optimization in CFD for multidisciplinary applications

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    In this study involving advanced fluid flow codes, an incremental iterative formulation (also known as the delta or correction form) together with the well-known spatially-split approximate factorization algorithm, is presented for solving the very large sparse systems of linear equations which are associated with aerodynamic sensitivity analysis. For smaller 2D problems, a direct method can be applied to solve these linear equations in either the standard or the incremental form, in which case the two are equivalent. Iterative methods are needed for larger 2D and future 3D applications, however, because direct methods require much more computer memory than is currently available. Iterative methods for solving these equations in the standard form are generally unsatisfactory due to an ill-conditioning of the coefficient matrix; this problem can be overcome when these equations are cast in the incremental form. These and other benefits are discussed. The methodology is successfully implemented and tested in 2D using an upwind, cell-centered, finite volume formulation applied to the thin-layer Navier-Stokes equations. Results are presented for two sample airfoil problems: (1) subsonic low Reynolds number laminar flow; and (2) transonic high Reynolds number turbulent flow

    Methodology for sensitivity analysis, approximate analysis, and design optimization in CFD for multidisciplinary applications

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    Fundamental equations of aerodynamic sensitivity analysis and approximate analysis for the two dimensional thin layer Navier-Stokes equations are reviewed, and special boundary condition considerations necessary to apply these equations to isolated lifting airfoils on 'C' and 'O' meshes are discussed in detail. An efficient strategy which is based on the finite element method and an elastic membrane representation of the computational domain is successfully tested, which circumvents the costly 'brute force' method of obtaining grid sensitivity derivatives, and is also useful in mesh regeneration. The issue of turbulence modeling is addressed in a preliminary study. Aerodynamic shape sensitivity derivatives are efficiently calculated, and their accuracy is validated on two viscous test problems, including: (1) internal flow through a double throat nozzle, and (2) external flow over a NACA 4-digit airfoil. An automated aerodynamic design optimization strategy is outlined which includes the use of a design optimization program, an aerodynamic flow analysis code, an aerodynamic sensitivity and approximate analysis code, and a mesh regeneration and grid sensitivity analysis code. Application of the optimization methodology to the two test problems in each case resulted in a new design having a significantly improved performance in the aerodynamic response of interest

    Proposed reference models for nitrous oxide and methane in the middle atmosphere

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    Data from the Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder (SAMS) on the Nimbus 7 satellite, for the period from Jan. 1979 - Dec. 1981, are used to prepare a reference model for the long-lived trace gases, methane and nitrous oxide, in the stratosphere. The model is presented in tabular form on seventeen pressure surfaces from 20 to 0.1 mb, in 10 degree latitude bins from 50S to 70N, and for each month of the year. The means by which the data quality and interannual variability, and some of the more interesting globally and seasonally variable features of the data are discussed briefly

    A more efficient procedure for scoring mating type and aberrations

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    A more efficient procedure for scoring mating type and aberration