16,522 research outputs found

    A magnetospheric simulation at the space station

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    It is proposed that a strong magnet (terrella) be flown at or near the Space Station to create an artificial magnetosphere in a laboratory setting. The relative flow of the ionosphere past the terrella will constitute a plasma wind that will interact with the magnetic field of the terrella to produce a localized magnetosphere. This object could then be extensively studied using diagnostic probes attached to the Space Station, or with free flyers. The space and storage requirements would be minimal, since the experiment would be conducted outside the space station. The total equipment would consist of several terrella (with varying surface conductivities), approximately 3 small magnetometer/plasma diagnostic packages, and several gas canisters for upstream seeding. Power requirements would be approximately 60 watts. Several track mounted tethers, each approximately or 200 m long in length, with track parallel to the orbital motion and 100 m long, are also needed. Astronaut time needed would be minimal in the tethered configuration (approximately 4 man hours/week). A free flying configuration, while not needing the tether track, would require much more human interaction

    Depolarization volume and correlation length in the homogenization of anisotropic dielectric composites

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    In conventional approaches to the homogenization of random particulate composites, both the distribution and size of the component phase particles are often inadequately taken into account. Commonly, the spatial distributions are characterized by volume fraction alone, while the electromagnetic response of each component particle is represented as a vanishingly small depolarization volume. The strong-permittivity-fluctuation theory (SPFT) provides an alternative approach to homogenization wherein a comprehensive description of distributional statistics of the component phases is accommodated. The bilocally-approximated SPFT is presented here for the anisotropic homogenized composite which arises from component phases comprising ellipsoidal particles. The distribution of the component phases is characterized by a two-point correlation function and its associated correlation length. Each component phase particle is represented as an ellipsoidal depolarization region of nonzero volume. The effects of depolarization volume and correlation length are investigated through considering representative numerical examples. It is demonstrated that both the spatial extent of the component phase particles and their spatial distributions are important factors in estimating coherent scattering losses of the macroscopic field.Comment: Typographical error in eqn. 16 in WRM version is corrected in arxiv versio

    Non-degenerate, three-wave mixing with the Josephson ring modulator

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    The Josephson ring modulator (JRM) is a device, based on Josephson tunnel junctions, capable of performing non-degenerate mixing in the microwave regime without losses. The generic scattering matrix of the device is calculated by solving coupled quantum Langevin equations. Its form shows that the device can achieve quantum-limited noise performance both as an amplifier and a mixer. Fundamental limitations on simultaneous optimization of performance metrics like gain, bandwidth and dynamic range (including the effect of pump depletion) are discussed. We also present three possible integrations of the JRM as the active medium in a different electromagnetic environment. The resulting circuits, named Josephson parametric converters (JPC), are discussed in detail, and experimental data on their dynamic range are found to be in good agreement with theoretical predictions. We also discuss future prospects and requisite optimization of JPC as a preamplifier for qubit readout applications.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, 4 table

    Why the braking indices of young pulsars are less than 3?

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    In this letter we discuss two possible reasons which cause the observed braking indices n of young radio pulsars to be smaller than 3: (a) the evolving spin-down model of the magnetic field component B⊄B_{\perp} increases with time; (b) the extrinsic braking torque model in which the tidal torques exerted on the pulsar by the fallback disk, and carries away the spin angular momentum from the pulsar. Based on some simple assumptions, we derive the expression of the braking indices, and calculate the spin-down evolutionary tracks of pulsars for different input parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Speeding up simulations of relativistic systems using an optimal boosted frame

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    It can be computationally advantageous to perform computer simulations in a Lorentz boosted frame for a certain class of systems. However, even if the computer model relies on a covariant set of equations, it has been pointed out that algorithmic difficulties related to discretization errors may have to be overcome in order to take full advantage of the potential speedup. We summarize the findings, the difficulties and their solutions, and show that the technique enables simulations important to several areas of accelerator physics that are otherwise problematic, including self-consistent modeling in three-dimensions of laser wakefield accelerator stages at energies of 10 GeV and above.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of DPF-2009, Detroit, MI, July 2009, eConf C09072

    Depolarization regions of nonzero volume in bianisotropic homogenized composites

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    In conventional approaches to the homogenization of random particulate composites, the component phase particles are often treated mathematically as vanishingly small, point-like entities. The electromagnetic responses of these component phase particles are provided by depolarization dyadics which derive from the singularity of the corresponding dyadic Green functions. Through neglecting the spatial extent of the depolarization region, important information may be lost, particularly relating to coherent scattering losses. We present an extension to the strong-property-fluctuation theory in which depolarization regions of nonzero volume and ellipsoidal geometry are accommodated. Therein, both the size and spatial distribution of the component phase particles are taken into account. The analysis is developed within the most general linear setting of bianisotropic homogenized composite mediums (HCMs). Numerical studies of the constitutive parameters are presented for representative examples of HCM; both Lorentz-reciprocal and Lorentz-nonreciprocal HCMs are considered. These studies reveal that estimates of the HCM constitutive parameters in relation to volume fraction, particle eccentricity, particle orientation and correlation length are all significantly influenced by the size of the component phase particles

    Scattering of cosmic strings by black holes: loop formation

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    We study the deformation of a long cosmic string by a nearby rotating black hole. We examine whether the deformation of a cosmic string, induced by the gravitational field of a Kerr black hole, may lead to the formation of a loop of cosmic string. The segment of the string which enters the ergosphere of a rotating black hole gets deformed and, if it is sufficiently twisted, it can self-intersect chopping off a loop of cosmic string. We find that the formation of a loop, via this mechanism, is a rare event. It will only arise in a small region of the collision phase space, which depends on the string velocity, the impact parameter and the black hole angular momentum. We conclude that generically, the cosmic string is simply scattered or captured by the rotating black hole.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, RevTe
