53 research outputs found

    The Brightness of Density Structures at Large Solar Elongation Angles: What is Being Observed by STEREO/SECCHI?

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    We discuss features of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that are specific to heliospheric observations at large elongation angles. Our analysis is focused on a series of two eruptions that occurred on 2007 January 24-25, which were tracked by the Heliospheric Imagers (HIs) onboard STEREO. Using a three-dimensional (3-D) magneto-hydrodynamic simulation of these ejections with the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF), we illustrate how the combination of the 3-D nature of CMEs, solar rotation, and geometry associated with the Thomson sphere results in complex effects in the brightness observed by the HIs. Our results demonstrate that these effects make any in-depth analysis of CME observations without 3-D simulations challenging. In particular, the association of bright features seen by the HIs with fronts of CME-driven shocks is far from trivial. In this Letter, we argue that, on 2007 January 26, the HIs observed not only two CMEs, but also a dense corotating stream compressed by the CME-driven shocks.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for ApJ Lette

    Thermodynamic Structure of the Solar Corona: Tomographic Reconstructions and MHD Modeling

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    We carry out a study of the global three-dimensional (3D) structure of the electron density and temperature of the quiescent inner solar corona (r<1.25Rr<1.25 R_\odot) by means of tomographic reconstructions and magnetohydrodynamic simulations. We use differential emission measure tomography (DEMT) and the Alfv\'en Wave Solar Model (AWSoM), in their latest versions. Two target rotations were selected from the solar minimum between solar cycles (SCs) 23 and 24 and the declining phase of SC 24. We report in quantitative detail on the 3D thermodynamic structure of the core and outer layers of the streamer belt, and of the high latitude coronal holes (CH), as revealed by the DEMT analysis. We report on the presence of two types of structures within the streamer belt, loops with temperature decreasing/increasing with height (dubbed down/up loops), as reported first in previous DEMT studies. We also estimate the heating energy flux required at the coronal base to keep these structures stable, found to be or order 105ergcm2s110^5 erg\, cm^{-2} s^{-1}, consistently with previous DEMT and spectroscopic studies. We discuss how these findings are consistent with coronal dissipation of Alfv\'en waves. We compare the 3D results of DEMT and AWSoM in distinct magnetic structures. We show that the agreement between the products of both techniques is the best so far, with an overall agreement 20%\lesssim 20\%, depending on the target rotation and the specific coronal region. In its current implementation the ASWsoM model can not reproduce down loops though. Also, in the source region of the fast and slow components of the solar wind, the electron density of the AWSoM model increases with latitude, opposite to the trend observed in DEMT reconstructions

    Determining the Magnetic Field Orientation of Coronal Mass Ejections from Faraday Rotation

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    We describe a method to measure the magnetic field orientation of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using Faraday rotation (FR). Two basic FR profiles, Gaussian-shaped with a single polarity or "N"-like with polarity reversals, are produced by a radio source occulted by a moving flux rope depending on its orientation. These curves are consistent with the Helios observations, providing evidence for the flux-rope geometry of CMEs. Many background radio sources can map CMEs in FR onto the sky. We demonstrate with a simple flux rope that the magnetic field orientation and helicity of the flux rope can be determined 2-3 days before it reaches Earth, which is of crucial importance for space weather forecasting. An FR calculation based on global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of CMEs in a background heliosphere shows that FR mapping can also resolve a CME geometry curved back to the Sun. We discuss implementation of the method using data from the Mileura Widefield Array (MWA).Comment: 22 pages with 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophys.

    The Coupled Evolution of Electrons and Ions in Coronal Mass Ejection-driven shocks

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    We present simulations of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) performed with a new two-temperature coronal model developed at the University of Michigan, which is able to address the coupled thermodynamics of the electron and proton populations in the context of a single fluid. This model employs heat conduction for electrons, constant adiabatic index (γ = 5/3), and includes Alfvén wave pressure to accelerate the solar wind. The Wang-Sheeley-Arge empirical model is used to determine the Alfvén wave pressure necessary to produce the observed bimodal solar wind speed. The Alfvén waves are dissipated as they propagate from the Sun and heat protons on open magnetic field lines to temperatures above 2 MK. The model is driven by empirical boundary conditions that includes GONG magnetogram data to calculate the coronal field, and STEREO /EUVI observations to specify the density and temperature at the coronal boundary by the Differential Emission Measure Tomography method. With this model, we simulate the propagation of fast CMEs and study the thermodynamics of CME-driven shocks. Since the thermal speed of the electrons greatly exceeds the speed of the CME, only protons are directly heated by the shock. Coulomb collisions low in the corona couple the protons and electrons allowing heat exchange between the two species. However, the coupling is so brief that the electrons never achieve more than 10% of the maximum temperature of the protons. We find that heat is able to conduct on open magnetic field lines and rapidly propagates ahead of the CME to form a shock precursor of hot electrons.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98571/1/0004-637X_756_1_81.pd

    4pi Models of CMEs and ICMEs

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which dynamically connect the solar surface to the far reaches of interplanetary space, represent a major anifestation of solar activity. They are not only of principal interest but also play a pivotal role in the context of space weather predictions. The steady improvement of both numerical methods and computational resources during recent years has allowed for the creation of increasingly realistic models of interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs), which can now be compared to high-quality observational data from various space-bound missions. This review discusses existing models of CMEs, characterizing them by scientific aim and scope, CME initiation method, and physical effects included, thereby stressing the importance of fully 3-D ('4pi') spatial coverage.Comment: 14 pages plus references. Comments welcome. Accepted for publication in Solar Physics (SUN-360 topical issue

    Theoretical modeling for the stereo mission

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    We summarize the theory and modeling efforts for the STEREO mission, which will be used to interpret the data of both the remote-sensing (SECCHI, SWAVES) and in-situ instruments (IMPACT, PLASTIC). The modeling includes the coronal plasma, in both open and closed magnetic structures, and the solar wind and its expansion outwards from the Sun, which defines the heliosphere. Particular emphasis is given to modeling of dynamic phenomena associated with the initiation and propagation of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The modeling of the CME initiation includes magnetic shearing, kink instability, filament eruption, and magnetic reconnection in the flaring lower corona. The modeling of CME propagation entails interplanetary shocks, interplanetary particle beams, solar energetic particles (SEPs), geoeffective connections, and space weather. This review describes mostly existing models of groups that have committed their work to the STEREO mission, but is by no means exhaustive or comprehensive regarding alternative theoretical approaches

    Triggering an eruptive flare by emerging flux in a solar active-region complex

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    A flare and fast coronal mass ejection originated between solar active regions NOAA 11514 and 11515 on July 1, 2012 in response to flux emergence in front of the leading sunspot of the trailing region 11515. Analyzing the evolution of the photospheric magnetic flux and the coronal structure, we find that the flux emergence triggered the eruption by interaction with overlying flux in a non-standard way. The new flux neither had the opposite orientation nor a location near the polarity inversion line, which are favorable for strong reconnection with the arcade flux under which it emerged. Moreover, its flux content remained significantly smaller than that of the arcade (approximately 40 %). However, a loop system rooted in the trailing active region ran in part under the arcade between the active regions, passing over the site of flux emergence. The reconnection with the emerging flux, leading to a series of jet emissions into the loop system, caused a strong but confined rise of the loop system. This lifted the arcade between the two active regions, weakening its downward tension force and thus destabilizing the considerably sheared flux under the arcade. The complex event was also associated with supporting precursor activity in an enhanced network near the active regions, acting on the large-scale overlying flux, and with two simultaneous confined flares within the active regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Topical Issue of Solar Physics: Solar and Stellar Flares. 25 pages, 12 figure

    The Physical Processes of CME/ICME Evolution

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    As observed in Thomson-scattered white light, coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are manifest as large-scale expulsions of plasma magnetically driven from the corona in the most energetic eruptions from the Sun. It remains a tantalizing mystery as to how these erupting magnetic fields evolve to form the complex structures we observe in the solar wind at Earth. Here, we strive to provide a fresh perspective on the post-eruption and interplanetary evolution of CMEs, focusing on the physical processes that define the many complex interactions of the ejected plasma with its surroundings as it departs the corona and propagates through the heliosphere. We summarize the ways CMEs and their interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs) are rotated, reconfigured, deformed, deflected, decelerated and disguised during their journey through the solar wind. This study then leads to consideration of how structures originating in coronal eruptions can be connected to their far removed interplanetary counterparts. Given that ICMEs are the drivers of most geomagnetic storms (and the sole driver of extreme storms), this work provides a guide to the processes that must be considered in making space weather forecasts from remote observations of the corona.Peer reviewe

    LEMUR: Large European Module for solar Ultraviolet Research. European contribution to JAXA's Solar-C mission

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    Understanding the solar outer atmosphere requires concerted, simultaneous solar observations from the visible to the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and soft X-rays, at high spatial resolution (between 0.1" and 0.3"), at high temporal resolution (on the order of 10 s, i.e., the time scale of chromospheric dynamics), with a wide temperature coverage (0.01 MK to 20 MK, from the chromosphere to the flaring corona), and the capability of measuring magnetic fields through spectropolarimetry at visible and near-infrared wavelengths. Simultaneous spectroscopic measurements sampling the entire temperature range are particularly important. These requirements are fulfilled by the Japanese Solar-C mission (Plan B), composed of a spacecraft in a geosynchronous orbit with a payload providing a significant improvement of imaging and spectropolarimetric capabilities in the UV, visible, and near-infrared with respect to what is available today and foreseen in the near future. The Large European Module for solar Ultraviolet Research (LEMUR), described in this paper, is a large VUV telescope feeding a scientific payload of high-resolution imaging spectrographs and cameras. LEMUR consists of two major components: a VUV solar telescope with a 30 cm diameter mirror and a focal length of 3.6 m, and a focal-plane package composed of VUV spectrometers covering six carefully chosen wavelength ranges between 17 and 127 nm. The LEMUR slit covers 280" on the Sun with 0.14" per pixel sampling. In addition, LEMUR is capable of measuring mass flows velocities (line shifts) down to 2 km/s or better. LEMUR has been proposed to ESA as the European contribution to the Solar C mission.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figures. To appear on Experimental Astronom