2,120 research outputs found

    Secular trends in under-reporting in young people

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    Original article can be found at: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=BJN Copyright The Authors. DOI: 10.1079/BJN20041307National survey data show that reported energy intake has decreased in recent decades despite a rise in the prevalence of obesity. This disparity may be due to a secular increase in under-reporting or a quantitatively greater decrease in energy expenditure. This study examines the extent of under-reporting of energy intake in the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) in young people aged 4–18 years in 1997 using published equations to calculate estimated energy requirements. It explores secular changes by comparison with the Diets of British School Children (DBSC) survey in 10–11- and 14–15-year-olds in 1983. In the NDNS, under-reporting (estimated energy requirements – energy intake) represented 21 % of energy needs in girls and 20 % in boys. The magnitude of under-reporting increased significantly with age (P<0·001) and was higher in overweight than lean individuals over 7 years of age. To compare reported energy intake in DBSC and NDNS, the estimated physical activity level from dietary records (dPAL=reported energy intake/predicted BMR) was calculated. If there were no under-reporting, dPAL would represent the subject's true activity level. However, dPAL from the NDNS was significantly lower than that from the DBSC by 8 % and 9 % in boys and girls for those aged 10–11 years, and by 14 % and 11 % for 14–15-year-olds respectively, reaching physiologically implausible levels in the 14–15-year-old girls (dPAL=1·17). If activity levels have remained constant between the two surveys, under-reporting has increased by 8–14 %. The evidence supports a secular trend towards increased under-reporting between the two surveys, but the precise magnitude cannot be quantified in the absence of historical measures of energy expenditure.Peer reviewe

    Cognitive dysfunction in patients with cerebral microbleeds on T2*-weighted gradient-echo MRI.

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    Gradient echo T2*-weighted MRI has high sensitivity in detecting cerebral microbleeds, which appear as small dot-like hypointense lesions. Microbleeds are strongly associated with intracerebral haemorrhage, hypertension, lacunar stroke and ischaemic small vessel disease, and have generated interest as a marker of bleeding-prone microangiopathy. Microbleeds have generally been considered to be clinically silent; however, since they are located in widespread cortical and basal ganglia regions and are histologically characterized by tissue damage, we hypothesized that they would cause cognitive dysfunction. We therefore studied patients with microbleeds (n = 25) and a non-microbleed control group (n = 30) matched for age, gender and intelligence quotient. To avoid the confounding effects of coexisting cerebrovascular disease, the groups were also matched for the extent of MRI-visible white matter changes of presumed ischaemic origin, location of cortical strokes, and for the proportion of patients with different stroke subtypes (including lacunar stroke). A battery of neuropsychological tests was used to assess current intellectual function, verbal and visual memory, naming and perceptual skills, speed and attention and executive function. Microbleeds were most common in the basal ganglia but were also found in frontal, parieto-occipital, temporal and infratentorial regions. There was a striking difference between the groups in the prevalence of executive dysfunction, which was present in 60% of microbleed patients compared with 30% of non-microbleed patients (P = 0.03). Logistic regression confirmed that microbleeds (but not white matter changes) were an independent predictor of executive impairment (adjusted odds ratio = 1.32, 95% confidence interval 1.01-1.70, P = 0.04). Patients with executive dysfunction had more microbleeds in the frontal region (mean count 1.54 versus 0.03; P = 0.002) and in the basal ganglia (mean 1.17 versus 0.32; P = 0.048). There was a modest correlation between the number of microbleeds and the number of cognitive domains impaired (r = 0.44, P = 0.03). This study provides novel evidence that microbleeds are associated with cognitive dysfunction, independent of the extent of white matter changes of presumed ischaemic origin, or the presence of ischaemic stroke. The striking effect of microbleeds on executive dysfunction is likely to result from associated tissue damage in the frontal lobes and basal ganglia. These findings have implications for the diagnosis of stroke patients with cognitive impairment, and for the appropriate use of antihypertensive and antiplatelet treatments in these patients

    Seasonal variability of the warm Atlantic Water layer in the vicinity of the Greenland shelf break

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    The warmest water reaching the east and west coast of Greenland is found between 200?m and 600?m. Whilst important for melting Greenland's outlet glaciers, limited winter observations of this layer prohibit determination of its seasonality. To address this, temperature data from Argo profiling floats, a range of sources within the World Ocean Database and unprecedented coverage from marine-mammal borne sensors have been analysed for the period 2002-2011. A significant seasonal range in temperature (~1-2?°C) is found in the warm layer, in contrast to most of the surrounding ocean. The phase of the seasonal cycle exhibits considerable spatial variability, with the warmest water found near the eastern and southwestern shelf-break towards the end of the calendar year. High-resolution ocean model trajectory analysis suggest the timing of the arrival of the year's warmest water is a function of advection time from the subduction site in the Irminger Basin

    Loss of the insulin receptor in murine megakaryocytes/platelets causes thrombocytosis and alterations in IGF signalling.

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    AIMS: Patients with conditions that are associated with insulin resistance such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and polycystic ovary syndrome have an increased risk of thrombosis and a concurrent hyperactive platelet phenotype. Our aim was to determine whether insulin resistance of megakaryocytes/platelets promotes platelet hyperactivation. METHODS AND RESULTS: We generated a conditional mouse model where the insulin receptor (IR) was specifically knocked out in megakaryocytes/platelets and performed ex vivo platelet activation studies in wild-type (WT) and IR-deficient platelets by measuring aggregation, integrin αIIbβ3 activation, and dense and α-granule secretion. Deletion of IR resulted in an increase in platelet count and volume, and blocked the action of insulin on platelet signalling and function. Platelet aggregation, granule secretion, and integrin αIIbβ3 activation in response to the glycoprotein VI (GPVI) agonist collagen-related peptide (CRP) were significantly reduced in platelets lacking IR. This was accompanied by a reduction in the phosphorylation of effectors downstream of GPVI. Interestingly, loss of IR also resulted in a reduction in insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1)- and insulin-like growth factor-2 (IGF-2)-mediated phosphorylation of IRS-1, Akt, and GSK3β and priming of CRP-mediated platelet activation. Pharmacological inhibition of IR and the IGF-1 receptor in WT platelets recapitulated the platelet phenotype of IR-deficient platelets. CONCLUSIONS: Deletion of IR (i) increases platelet count and volume, (ii) does not cause platelet hyperactivity, and (iii) reduces GPVI-mediated platelet function and platelet priming by IGF-1 and IGF-2

    Single-cell quantification of IL-2 response by effector and regulatory T cells reveals critical plasticity in immune response

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    The sensitivity of T cells to interleukin-2 (IL-2) can vary by three orders of magnitude and is determined by the surface densities of the IL-2 receptor α subunits.Regulatory T cells inflict a double hit on effector T cells by lowering the bulk IL-2 concentration as well as the sensitivity of effector T cells to this crucial cytokine.This double hit deprives weakly activated effector T cells of pSTAT5 survival signals while having only minimal effects on strongly activated effector cells that express increased levels of the IL-2 receptor.Short-term signaling differences lead to a differential functional in terms of proliferation and cell division: regulatory T cell specifically suppress weakly activated effector T cells even at large numbers; small numbers of strongly activated effector T cells overcome the suppression

    Terrorism, governmentality and the simulated city: the Boston Marathon bombing and the search for suspect two

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    This article examines the online circulation of a photograph of the immediate aftermath of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings taken by David Green, a Boston Marathon runner. The photograph fortuitously captured an image of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the younger Tsarnaev brother, running from the scene. Initially, Tsarnaev went unnoticed by online message board users and FBI investigators – he was just another face in the urban crowd. However, after he was identified as suspect two, he emerged in the photograph as the figure of terror, the condensed embodiment of the spectacular attack, and thus as a spectre, a figure whose appearance in the archive of the past haunts the future. The author examines how this spectral emergence simultaneously reveals the attack terrorism launches against everyday mediations and how everyday mediations respond to terrorist spectacle. He argues that photography sustains vernacular practices that also support the practices of urban governmentality. Understanding urban governmentality thus requires attending to the urban archive of visual mediation in which the relationships between past and present, image and reality, and surveillance and spectacle are always contingent and open to revision

    The Science Case for PILOT I: Summary and Overview

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=139&amp;aid=108 DOI: 10.1071/AS08048 [Open access article]PILOT (the Pathfinder for an International Large Optical Telescope) is a proposed 2.5-m optical/infrared telescope to be located at Dome C on the Antarctic plateau. Conditions at Dome C are known to be exceptional for astronomy. The seeing (above ∼30 m height), coherence time, and isoplanatic angle are all twice as good as at typical mid-latitude sites, while the water-vapour column, and the atmosphere and telescope thermal emission are all an order of magnitude better. These conditions enable a unique scientific capability for PILOT, which is addressed in this series of papers. The current paper presents an overview of the optical and instrumentation suite for PILOT and its expected performance, a summary of the key science goals and observational approach for the facility, a discussion of the synergies between the science goals for PILOT and other telescopes, and a discussion of the future of Antarctic astronomy. Paper II and Paper III present details of the science projects divided, respectively, between the distant Universe (i.e. studies of first light, and the assembly and evolution of structure) and the nearby Universe (i.e. studies of Local Group galaxies, the Milky Way, and the Solar System).Peer reviewe