87 research outputs found

    Degradación de estructuras urbanas generada por crecimiento de plantas y actividad microbiana

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    The purpose of this study was to isolate microorganisms associated to surface-affected concrete structures and to measure the in vitro dissolution of concrete based on the release of elements such as calcium and silicon. Although many microorganisms were detected only a fungus was capable of significantly decreasing the culture medium pH and releasing both elements. The molecular characterization allowed to identify the microorganism as Aspergillus carbonaurius, a citric-acid producing fungus that dissolved concrete in the in vitro test. After seven days of incubation, the soluble calcium concentration in the uninoculated culture medium containing concrete was 172.3 mg/L, while in the inoculated medium it was 525.0 mg/L. The soluble silicon concentration in the uninoculated medium was 10.3 mg/L, while in the inoculated medium it was 50.1 mg/L. These findings showed that plants and microorganisms rendered a synergistic effect accelerating the biodeterioration of concrete.El objetivo de este estudio fue aislar microorganismos de la superficie de estructuras urbanas de concreto deterioradas y medir su capacidad para disolver in vitro muestras de concreto, basada en la liberación de elementos como el calcio y el silicio. De todos los microorganismos aislados sólo un hongo fue capaz de disminuir el pH y disolver el concreto. Este hongo fue identificado a nivel molecular como Aspergillus carbonaurius, un productor de ácido cítrico. Después de siete días de incubación, se encontró que la concentración de calcio soluble en el medio de cultivo no inoculado fue 172,3 mg/L, mientras que en el medio inoculado era de 525,0 mg/L. La concentración de silicio soluble en el medio no inoculado fue de 10,3 mg/L, mientras que en el medio inoculado fue de 50,1 mg/L. Estos hallazgos mostraron que las plantas y los microorganismos producen un efecto sinérgico que acelera el biodeterioro del concreto

    Immuno-Electrophysiological Mechanisms of Functional Electrical Connections Between Recipient and Donor Heart in Patients With Orthotopic Heart Transplantation Presenting With Atrial Arrhythmias

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    [EN] BACKGROUND: The formation of recipient-to donor atrio-atrial connections (AAC) in patients after orthotopic heart transplantation (OHT) is poorly understood. We sought to investigate the mechanisms of atrial tachyarrhythmias after OHT, the role of AACs, and their relationship to the immunologic match. METHODS: In a large series of OHT patients, we performed a retrospective review of 42 patients who underwent catheter ablation for atrial arrhythmias. A realistic 3-dimensional computer model of human atria was used to study AAC conductivity. RESULTS: Patient age was 55 +/- 15 years (71% male). Biatrial anastomosis was present in 24/42 patients (57%). An AAC was found in 9/42 patients (21%, right-sided in 5 patients with biatrial anastomosis, left-sided in 4 patients). The AAC became apparent at the time of the electrophysiology study 10.1 +/- 7.6 years after OHT (range, 0.3-22.2 years). Donor-specific antibodies were present in no patient with AAC but were present in 69% of patients without AAC, P=0.002. In all patients with AAC, a recipient atrial tachycardia propagated via AAC to the donor atrium (4 patients presented with atrial fibrillation). Simulations showed AAC conduction requires an isthmus of >= 2 mm and is cycle length and location dependent. Patients without AAC (n=13) frequently presented with donor atrial arrhythmias, in 77% cavo-tricuspid isthmus flutter was ablated. The procedural success was high, although, 12 patients (29%) required reablation. CONCLUSIONS: AACs are found in 21% of OHT patients with atrial tachyarrhythmias and can manifest very early after OHT. Immune privilege characterized by the absence of donor-specific antibodies may facilitate AAC formation. Propagation across an AAC is width, cycle length, and location dependent. Patients with AAC present with focal atrial tachycardias or atrial fibrillation originating from the recipient atria; patients without most frequently present with cavo-tricuspid isthmus dependent atrial flutter. While multiple arrhythmias frequently require reablation, ablative therapy is highly effective.This study was supported in part by National Institutes of Health grants R21HL138064, and R01HL129136 to Dr Noujaim. This work was partially supported by the Direccion General de Politica Cientifica de la Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEU2020/043).Herweg, B.; Nellaiyappan, M.; Welter-Frost, AM.; Tran, T.; Mabry, G.; Weston, K.; Tobón, C.... (2021). Immuno-Electrophysiological Mechanisms of Functional Electrical Connections Between Recipient and Donor Heart in Patients With Orthotopic Heart Transplantation Presenting With Atrial Arrhythmias. Circulation Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. 14(4):412-423. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCEP.120.008751S41242314

    Estimating the effects of meteorology and land cover on fire growth in Peru using a novel difference equation model

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    Statistical analyses of wildfire growth are rarely undertaken, particularly in South America. In this study, we describe a simple and intuitive difference equation model of wildfire growth that uses a spread parameter to control the radial speed of the modeled fire and an extinguish parameter to control the rate at which the burning perimeter becomes inactive. Using data from the GlobFire project, we estimate these two parameters for 1003 large, multi-day fires in Peru between 2001 and 2020. For four fire-prone ecoregions within Peru, a set of 24 generalized linear models are fit for each parameter that use fire danger indexes and land cover covariates. Akaike weights are used to identify the best-approximating model and quantify model uncertainty. We find that, in most cases, increased spread rates and extinguish rates are positively associated with fire danger indexes. When fire danger indexes are included in the models, the spread component is usually the best choice, but we also find instances when the fire weather index and burning index are selected. We also find that grassland cover is positively associated with spread rates and extinguish rates in tropical forests, and that anthropogenic cover is negatively associated with spread rates in xeric ecoregions. We explore potential applications of this model to wildfire risk assessment and burned area forecasting.</p

    Ultrasound and Microbubbles Mediated Bleomycin Delivery in Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma-: An In Vivo Veterinary Study

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    To investigate the feasibility and tolerability of ultrasound and microbubbles (USMB)-enhanced chemotherapy delivery for head and neck cancer, we performed a veterinary trial in feline companion animals with oral squamous cell carcinomas. Six cats were treated with a combination of bleomycin and USMB therapy three times, using the Pulse Wave Doppler mode on a clinical ultrasound system and EMA/FDA approved microbubbles. They were evaluated for adverse events, quality of life, tumour response and survival. Furthermore, tumour perfusion was monitored before and after USMB therapy using contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). USMB treatments were feasible and well tolerated. Among 5 cats treated with optimized US settings, 3 had stable disease at first, but showed disease progression 5 or 11 weeks after first treatment. One cat had progressive disease one week after the first treatment session, maintaining a stable disease thereafter. Eventually, all cats except one showed progressive disease, but each survived longer than the median overall survival time of 44 days reported in literature. CEUS performed immediately before and after USMB therapy suggested an increase in tumour perfusion based on an increase in median area under the curve (AUC) in 6 out of 12 evaluated treatment sessions. In this small hypothesis-generating study, USMB plus chemotherapy was feasible and well-tolerated in a feline companion animal model and showed potential for enhancing tumour perfusion in order to increase drug delivery. This could be a forward step toward clinical translation of USMB therapy to human patients with a clinical need for locally enhanced treatment

    Ultrasound and Microbubbles Mediated Bleomycin Delivery in Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma-An In Vivo Veterinary Study

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    To investigate the feasibility and tolerability of ultrasound and microbubbles (USMB)-enhanced chemotherapy delivery for head and neck cancer, we performed a veterinary trial in feline companion animals with oral squamous cell carcinomas. Six cats were treated with a combination of bleomycin and USMB therapy three times, using the Pulse Wave Doppler mode on a clinical ultrasound system and EMA/FDA approved microbubbles. They were evaluated for adverse events, quality of life, tumour response and survival. Furthermore, tumour perfusion was monitored before and after USMB therapy using contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). USMB treatments were feasible and well tolerated. Among 5 cats treated with optimized US settings, 3 had stable disease at first, but showed disease progression 5 or 11 weeks after first treatment. One cat had progressive disease one week after the first treatment session, maintaining a stable disease thereafter. Eventually, all cats except one showed progressive disease, but each survived longer than the median overall survival time of 44 days reported in literature. CEUS performed immediately before and after USMB therapy suggested an increase in tumour perfusion based on an increase in median area under the curve (AUC) in 6 out of 12 evaluated treatment sessions. In this small hypothesis-generating study, USMB plus chemotherapy was feasible and well-tolerated in a feline companion animal model and showed potential for enhancing tumour perfusion in order to increase drug delivery. This could be a forward step toward clinical translation of USMB therapy to human patients with a clinical need for locally enhanced treatment

    Influence of fly ash blending on hydration and physical behavior of Belite-Alite-Ye'elimite cements

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    A cement powder, composed of belite, alite and ye’elimite, was blended with 0, 15 and 30 wt% of fly ash and the resulting lended cements were further characterized. During hydration, the presence of fly ash caused the partial inhibition of both AFt degradation and belite reactivity, even after 180 days. The compressive strength of the corresponding mortars increased by increasing the fly ash content (68, 73 and 82 MPa for mortars with 0, 15 and 30 wt% of fly ash, respectively, at 180 curing days), mainly due to the diminishing porosity and pore size values. Although pozzolanic reaction has not been directly proved there are indirect evidences.This work is part of the Ph.D. of D. Londono-Zuluaga funded by Beca Colciencias 646—Doctorado en el exterior and Enlaza Mundos 2013 program grant. Cement and Building materials group (CEMATCO) from National University of Colombia is acknowledged for providing the calorimetric measurements. Funding from Spanish MINECO BIA2017-82391-R and I3 (IEDI-2016-0079) grants, co-funded by FEDER, are acknowledged

    Non-invasive localization of atrial ectopic beats by using simulated body surface P-wave integral maps

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    Non-invasive localization of continuous atrial ectopic beats remains a cornerstone for the treatment of atrial arrhythmias. The lack of accurate tools to guide electrophysiologists leads to an increase in the recurrence rate of ablation procedures. Existing approaches are based on the analysis of the P-waves main characteristics and the forward body surface potential maps (BSPMs) or on the inverse estimation of the electric activity of the heart from those BSPMs. These methods have not provided an efficient and systematic tool to localize ectopic triggers. In this work, we propose the use of machine learning techniques to spatially cluster and classify ectopic atrial foci into clearly differentiated atrial regions by using the body surface P-wave integral map (BSPiM) as a biomarker. Our simulated results show that ectopic foci with similar BSPiM naturally cluster into differentiated non-intersected atrial regions and that new patterns could be correctly classified with an accuracy of 97% when considering 2 clusters and 96% for 4 clusters. Our results also suggest that an increase in the number of clusters is feasible at the cost of decreasing accuracy.This work was partially supported by The "Programa Prometeu" from Conselleria d'Educacio Formacio I Ocupacio, Generalitat Valenciana (www.edu.gva.es/fio/index_es.asp) Award Number: PROMETEU/2016/088 to JS; The "Plan Estatal de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica y de Innovacion 2013-2016" from the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad of Spain, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (www.mineco.gob.es) and the European Commission (European Regional Development Funds - ERDF -FEDER) (ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/es/funding/erdf/) Award Number: DPI2016-75799-R to JS and The "Programa Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientado a los Retos de la Sociedad" from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (www.mineco.gob.es) and the European Commission (European Regional Development Funds - ERDF -FEDER) (ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/es/funding/erdf/) Award Number: TIN2014-59932-JIN to AFA and RS. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Ferrer Albero, A.; Godoy, EJ.; Lozano, M.; Martínez Mateu, L.; Alonso Atienza, F.; Saiz Rodríguez, FJ.; Sebastián Aguilar, R. (2017). Non-invasive localization of atrial ectopic beats by using simulated body surface P-wave integral maps. PLoS ONE. 12(7):1-23. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0181263S12312

    Obelix vs. Asterix : size of US commercial banks and its regulatory challenge

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    Big banks pose substantial costs to society in the form of increased systemic risk and government bailouts during crises. So the question is: Should regulators limit the size of banks? To answer this question, regulators need to assess the potential costs of such regulations. If big banks enjoy substantial scale economies (i.e., average costs get lower as bank size increases), limiting the size of banks through regulations may be inefficient and likely to reduce social welfare. However, the literature offers conflicting results regarding the existence of economies of scale for the biggest US banks. We contribute to this literature using a novel approach to estimating nonparametric measures of scale economies and total factor productivity (TFP) growth. For US commercial banks, we find that around 73 % of the top one hundred banks, 98 % of medium and small banks, and seven of the top ten biggest banks by asset size exhibit substantial economies of scale. Likewise, we find that scale economies contribute positively and significantly to their TFP growth. The existence of substantial scale economies raises an important challenge for regulators to pursue size limit regulations

    Survey team on : conceptualisations of the role of competencies, knowing and knowledge in mathematics education research

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    This paper presents the outcomes of the work of the ICME 13 Survey Team on 'Conceptualisation and the role of competencies, knowing and knowledge in mathematics education research'. It surveys a variety of historical and contemporary views and conceptualisations of what it means to master mathematics, focusing on notions such as mathematical competence and competencies, mathematical proficiency, and mathematical practices, amongst others. The paper provides theoretical analyses of these notions-under the generic heading of mathematical competencies-and gives an overview of selected research on and by means of them. Furthermore, an account of the introduction and implementation of competency notions in the curricula in various countries and regions is given, and pertinent issues are reviewed. The paper is concluded with a set of reflections on current trends and challenges concerning mathematical competencie