6,394 research outputs found

    Neutralino-hadron scattering in the NMSSM

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    We provide a scan of the parameter space for neutralino-hadron scattering in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model using an updated value for the strange quark sigma commutator. These results also take into account constraints from WMAP data on the relic density and new constraints from the Large Hadron Collider. We find that the resultant spin-independent cross sections are smaller in magnitude than those found in recent results obtained within the constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model, yet still great enough to feasibly allow for detection in the case of bino-like neutralinos.Comment: 4 pages 5 figure

    Fundamental Speed Limits on Quantum Coherence and Correlation Decay

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    The study and control of coherence in quantum systems is one of the most exciting recent developments in physics. Quantum coherence plays a crucial role in emerging quantum technologies as well as fundamental experiments. A major obstacle to the utilization of quantum effects is decoherence, primarily in the form of dephasing that destroys quantum coherence, and leads to effective classical behaviour. We show that there are universal relationships governing dephasing, which constrain the relative rates at which quantum correlations can disappear. These effectively lead to speed limits which become especially important in multi-partite systems

    AC electric trapping of neutral atoms

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    We study the dynamic behavior of ultracold neutral atoms in a macroscopic ac electric trap. Confinement in such a trap is achieved by switching between two saddle-point configurations of the electric field. The gradual formation of a stably trapped cloud is observed and the trap performance is studied versus the switching frequency and the symmetry of the switching cycle. Additionally, the electric field in the trap is mapped out by imaging the atom cloud while the fields are still on. Finally, the phase-space acceptance of the trap is probed by introducing a modified switching cycle. The experimental results are reproduced using full three-dimensional trajectory calculations.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, updated version, added journal referenc

    Electrohydrodynamic jet printing of PZT thick film micro-scale structures

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    This paper reports the use of a printing technique, called electrohydrodynamic jet printing, for producing PZT thick film micro-scale structures without additional material removing processes. The PZT powder was ball-milled and the effect of milling time on the particle size was examined. This ball-milling process can significantly reduce the PZT particle size and help to prepare stable composite slurry suitable for the E-Jet printing. The PZT micro-scale structures with different features were produced. The PZT lines with different widths and separations were fabricated through the control of the E-Jet printing parameters. The widths of the PZT lines were varied from 80 μm to 200 μm and the separations were changed from 5 μm to 200 μm. In addition, PZT walled structures were obtained by multi-layer E-Jet printing. The E-Jet printed PZT thick films exhibited a relative permittivity (ɛr) of ∼233 and a piezoelectric constant (d33, f) of ∼66 pC N−1

    Second Addenda to The Special Issue: The Science and Practice of Managing Forests in Cities

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    In this second set of addenda to our first special issue, The Science and Practice of Managing Forests in Cities, we present seven new case studies documenting approaches to evaluating, managing, and protecting forested natural areas in cities across the U.S. These case studies were presented at the fourth gathering of the Forests in Cities network which took place in Miami-Dade County, Florida in February, 2024

    Atomic states in optical traps near a planar surface

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    In this work we discuss the atomic states in a vertical optical lattice in proximity of a surface. We study the modifications to the ordinary Wannier-Stark states in presence of a surface and we characterize the energy shifts produced by the Casimir-Polder interaction between atom and mirror. In this context, we introduce an effective model describing the finite size of the atom in order to regularize the energy corrections. In addition, the modifications to the energy levels due to a hypothetical non-Newtonian gravitational potential as well as their experimental observability are investigated.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Feather corticosterone levels on wintering grounds have no carry-over effects on breeding among three populations of great skuas (<i>Stercorarius skua</i>)

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    Environmental conditions encountered by migratory seabirds in their wintering areas can shape their fitness. However, the underlying physiological mechanisms remain largely unknown as birds are relatively inaccessible during winter. To assess physiological condition during this period, we measured corticosterone concentrations in winter-grown primary feathers of female great skuas (Stercorarius skua) from three breeding colonies (Bjørnøya, Iceland, Shetland) with wintering areas identified from characteristic stable isotope signatures. We subsequently compared winter feather corticosterone levels between three wintering areas (Africa, Europe and America). Among females breeding in 2009, we found significant differences in feather corticosterone levels between wintering areas. Surprisingly, levels were significantly higher in Africa despite seemingly better local ecological factors (based on lower foraging effort). Moreover, contrary to our predictions, females sharing the same wintering grounds showed significant differences in feather corticosterone levels depending on their colony of origin suggesting that some skuas could be using suboptimal wintering areas. Among females wintering in Africa, Shetland females showed feather corticosterone levels on average 22% lower than Bjørnøya and Iceland females. Finally, the lack of significant relationships between winter feather corticosterone levels and any of the breeding phenology traits does not support the hypothesis of potential carry-over effects of winter feather corticosterone. Yet, the fitness consequences of elevated feather corticosterone levels remain to be determined

    Enhanced Tissue Integration During Cartilage RepairIn VitroCan Be Achieved by Inhibiting Chondrocyte Death at the Wound Edge

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    Objective: Experimental wounding of articular cartilage results in cell death at the lesion edge. The objective of this study was to investigate whether inhibition of this cell death results in enhanced integrative cartilage repair. Methods: Bovine articular cartilage discs (6mm) were incubated in media containing inhibitors of necrosis (Necrostatin-1, Nec-1) or apoptosis (Z-VAD-FMK, ZVF) before cutting a 3mm inner core. This core was left in situ to create disc/ring composites, cultured for up to 6 weeks with the inhibitors, and analyzed for cell death, sulfated glycosaminoglycan release, and tissue integration. Results: Creating the disc/ring composites resulted in a significant increase in necrosis. ZVF significantly reduced necrosis and apoptosis at the wound edge. Nec-1 reduced necrosis. Both inhibitors reduced the level of wound-induced sulfated glycosaminoglycan loss. Toluidine blue staining and electron microscopy of cartilage revealed significant integration of the wound edges in disc/ring composites treated with ZVF. Nec-1 improved integration, but to a lesser extent. Push-out testing revealed that ZVF increased adhesive strength compared to control composites. Conclusions: This study shows that treatment of articular cartilage with cell death inhibitors during wound repair increases the number of viable cells at the wound edge, prevents matrix loss, and results in a significant improvement in cartilage-cartilage integration

    Interactions between Auditory and Visual Semantic Stimulus Classes: Evidence for Common Processing Networks for Speech and Body Actions

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    Incongruencies between auditory and visual signals negatively affect human performance and cause selective activation in neuroimaging studies; therefore, they are increasingly used to probe audiovisual integration mechanisms. An open question is whether the increased BOLD response reflects computational demands in integrating mismatching low-level signals or reflects simultaneous unimodal conceptual representations of the competing signals. To address this question, we explore the effect of semantic congruency within and across three signal categories (speech, body actions, and unfamiliar patterns) for signals with matched low-level statistics. In a localizer experiment, unimodal (auditory and visual) and bimodal stimuli were used to identify ROIs. All three semantic categories cause overlapping activation patterns. We find no evidence for areas that show greater BOLD response to bimodal stimuli than predicted by the sum of the two unimodal responses. Conjunction analysis of the unimodal responses in each category identifies a network including posterior temporal, inferior frontal, and premotor areas. Semantic congruency effects are measured in the main experiment. We find that incongruent combinations of two meaningful stimuli (speech and body actions) but not combinations of meaningful with meaningless stimuli lead to increased BOLD response in the posterior STS (pSTS) bilaterally, the left SMA, the inferior frontal gyrus, the inferior parietal lobule, and the anterior insula. These interactions are not seen in premotor areas. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that pSTS and frontal areas form a recognition network that combines sensory categorical representations (in pSTS) with action hypothesis generation in inferior frontal gyrus/premotor areas. We argue that the same neural networks process speech and body actions