35 research outputs found

    Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Maleo Egg in Bogani Nani Wartabone Park

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    The objective of this study was to examine the size (weight, length, and width) of Maleo egg in Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park.Physical characteristics that measure are : egg weight, egg shell, egg index , yolk, and albumen. Physical characteristics measured were: egg weight, egg shell thickness, egg index, yolk, and albumen. Two fresh eggs were weighed to the electric ohause balance with 400 g the scale 0.01. Two fresh egg were weighed with an electric balance. Length and width off egg were measured by used vernier caliper, egg shell thickness by  tripod micrometer, yolk color by yolk color fan. Length and width of egg used were measured by Vernier caliper, and egg shell thickness by a tripod micrometer, yolk color by yolk color fan. Physical characteristic have been identified eggs weight, egg width, egg length, egg index, albumen width, albumen length, albumen index, yolk width, yolk length, yolk index, weight albumen, weight yolk, egg shell thickness, and shell weight increased by 223.70 g, 104.00 mm, 56.68 mm, 56.41, 113.8 mm, 86.72 mm, 6.07%,  85.30 mm, 69.90 mm, 31.54%, 47.51 g, 110.80 g, 0.02 inch, 19.55 g, respectively. The result of analysis indicated that maleo eggs have completed amino acids and fatty acids, that is essensial amino acids, non essensial amino acids, saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids. Physical characteristic egg that comprised of egg weight, egg width, egg length, egg index, albumen width, albumen length, albumen index, yolk width, yolk length, yolk index, albumen weight, yolk weight, egg shell thickness, and shell weight were 223.70 g, 104.00 mm, 56.68 mm, 56.41, 113.8 mm, 86.72 mm, 6,07%, 85.30 mm, 69.90 mm, 31.54%, 47.51 g, 110.80 g, 0:02-inch, 19:55 g, respectively. Maleo egg contained complete amino acids and fatty acids, including essential amino acids, non essential amino acids, saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids. (Animal Production 12(1): 34-38 (2010)Key Words: Maleo bird, maleo egg, physical characteristics, chemical characteristic

    Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Untuk Trauma Anak Usia 5-7 Tahun Terhadap Anjing

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    Permasalahan bermula dari anak usia 5-7 tahun yang memiliki trauma terhadap anjing. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sebuah media untuk mengajarkan kepada anak tentang bahasa tubuh anjing dan cara berinteraksi dengan anjing. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif berupa kuisioner yang disebarkan di Tk Vita Surabaya. Hasil perancangan menghasilkan sebuah buku ilustrasi yang menggambarkan kehidupan seorang anak yang memiliki trauma terhadap anjing

    Diagnosis Lima Penyakit Utama Karena Jamur Pada 100 Kultivar Bibit Pisang

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    The research which aimed to identify main pathogenic fungi of 100 banana seedling cultivars and their disease intensity was carried out at the Laboratory of Plant Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University with samples and field data taking at Indonesian Insitute of Science Bogor. This descriptive research was started by taking samples and field data followed by identification of pathogenic fungi at the laboratory. Variables observed were disease symptoms, colony and pathogenic morphology, kinds of the pathogen, disease intensity, and physical data. Result of the research showed that there were five main pathogenic fungi of the banana seedlings, i.e., Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. f.sp. cubense, causing Fusarium wilt; Mychosphaerella musicola Mulder, causing Mycosphaerella leaf spot or Sigatoka; Cordana musae (Zimm.) Hohn., causing Cordana leaf spot; Curvularia lunata, causing leaf spot; and Cladosporium musae Mason, causing speckle. From 100 banana seedling cultivars observed, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense was the most frequently found with the intensity of 1.4-72%, followed by Curvularia lunata, Mychosphaerella musicola, Cladosporium Musae, and Cordana musae with the intensity of 1-32, 2-18, 2-24, and 3-23%, respectively

    Identification of main fungal disease from hydroponic melon in greenhouse

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    Hydroponic melon is a method of cultivating melons and grown in a greenhouse. The melon cultivation has problems, namely plant diseases, even in a closed greenhouse. The melon plant disease caused huge losses in melon cultivation until the melon plants died. The purpose of this descriptive study was to identify the cause of the melon plant disease. Samples of sick melon plants were taken and grown on PDA media in the laboratory. The fungus that grows is identified based on the literature. The identification results showed that the main disease causing hydroponic melon plants in the greenhouse was the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis. The fungi have crescent-shaped macroconidia with 1-3 septa, hyaline, thick walls, and form chlamydospores that are spherical in intercalary and hyaline

    Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Penanggulangan Penyakit Malaria Lima Setengah Tahun Setelah Berakhirnya Penelitian di Desa Berakit, Riau Kepulauan

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    An evaluation study was carried out five and a half years after the termination of intervention studies in Berakit a rural hyperendemic malaria area. The efforts of the community to maintain the low morbidity were by detecting suspected malaria cases in the family members or neighbours and taking them to the health centers, by avoiding mosquito bites with anti mosquito coils. A greater percentage of the respondents (64,6%) knew about life cycle of malaria mosquito as malaria vector and that they should clean the environment to reduce mosquito breeding places. The learning module which was distributed to the head of the households at the beginning of the previous intervention studies is still used by people of Berakit for malaria health education. Malaria cadres are still active to advice members of the family, to bring the suspected malaria cases to the health center for examination. The social funds established during intervention studies only partly survived for 2 1/2 years, but the idea of establishing social funds for malaria patients is still implemented in one of the RT\u27s (neighborhood organization) in the study area. The idea of social funds inspires them to grow chilli, pepper and watermelon on their own financial capacity. According to them there were still members of the community who got fever and chills. A close coordination between health workers, head of the village, cadres and the community is needed to control malaria in this area

    Pengetahuan, Pengalaman, Pandangan, dan Pola Pencarian Pengobatan Tentang Penyakit Malaria di Daerah Hiper Endemik Mimika Timur Irian Jaya

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    Socio-antropological, bio medical and entomological studies have been conducted to know the malaria situation in a hyper-endemic area in Irian Jaya. This paper is a report on the results of sociological studies especially knowledge, attitude and behaviour of the community concerning malaria. Data were collected from the villages of Hiripau, Kaugapu, Mwapi, Kwamki Lama through observation and interviews using questionnaires. Results showed that 25.4 to 77.8% of the respondents finished elementary schools only. Their knowledge about malaria was generally adequate as could be observed from the results of their interviews : 94.4% to 97.4% of the respondents have known about malaria, between 79.5% and 96.6% knew that fever is a symptom of malaria, between 41.3% and 52.6% believed that transmission of malaria was through mosquito bites. However a low percentage (10.2% - 22.0%) stated that transmission of malaria was through consumption of unprotected food. Experience/opinion of the community about malaria was generally adequate which could be observed from people who have experienced the malaria disease themselves. Between 93.9% and 98.4% of respondents stated that they have ever had malaria. Between 78.3% and 91.4% stated that malaria illness disturbed their daily activities and between 97.2% to 100.0% were unable to work.Between 28.2% to 77.2% did not agree about the opinion that the disease was more prevalent in children than in adults. Between 76.9% and 95.2% of respondents did not agree about the opinion that people who have had the disease, would not contract the disease anymore. Between 88.5% and 95.9% agreed that malaria is dangerous. Practice for seeking medicine and treatment through health services was still low since 22.4% to 78.3% of the respondents were practicing selftreatment as first action As second action in case they were not cured was to visit the health services (40.0% to 87.0% of the respondents). Between 41.9% and 58.6% of the respondents went to health services for medical treatment after being ill for 2 days; and between 32.0% and 69.4% of married couples were treating their family members themselves

    Pengobatan Infeksi Cacing Usus yang Ditularkan dengan Perantaraan Tanah (Soil Transmitted Helminths), dengan Pyrantel Pamoate, di YOGYAKARTA

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    The use of pyrantel pamoate in controlling soil transmitted helminthic infection has been studied in a sample of population on low socio-economic level, consisting of workers of the Madukismo Suger Estate and their families. Pyrantel pamoate proved to be more effective to Ascaris lumbricoides and hookworm than to Trichuris trichiura infection. The cure rates found were 90.2%, 57.5% and 3.7% for A. lumbricoides, hookworm and T. trichiura respectively, while in the hookworm infection the drug was more effective to Ancylostomiasis duodenale than to Necator americanus. The result of the study showed, that 6 months after treatment was still found a reduction of the prevalence of A. lumbricoides infection to 27.2% (from 74.4% to 47.2%) and a reduction of the egg count from 6352 to 3348 per gram of stool. After one year the prevalence rate and the intensity of Ascaris infection reached almost the same level as that before treatment. As regards the hookworm infection, it seemed that the treatment was still effective after a period of one year. Prior to the treatment the prevalence rate was 36.3% and the egg count was J37 per gram of stool, while one year after treatment they were still reduced to 23.97c and 39 respectively

    Inovasi Berbasis Pengguna: Survei Industri Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih Di Indonesia

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    . Innovation has a role in improving firm\u27s performance, as well as to build the firm\u27s competitiveness. Firms whose continuously innovate will be more adaptive and competitive in changing market. The firm\u27s need to innovate is in almost all industrial sectors, including clean water technology industry. The diversity of water treatment technology emerged to meet various need of user. This study aims to examine how the different characteristics of users influence the degree of innovations novelty produced by water treatment technology manufacturers. The method used is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodsthrough conducting surveys and in-depth interviews. The results showed that differences in the characteristics of users will influence the degree of novelty of innovation in water treatment technology industries. There are three characteristics that influence the degree of novelty of innovation, namely technology needs, innovation funding and user involvement in the development process of innovation. Efficiency based innovation, flexibility of innovation funding, and increasing user involvement in the development of innovation will increase the degree of novelty of innovation

    Sucrose in the concentrated solution or the supercooled “state” : a review of caramelisation reactions and physical behaviour

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    Sucrose is probably one of the most studied molecules by food scientists, since it plays an important role as an ingredient or preserving agent in many formulations and technological processes. When sucrose is present in a product with a concentration near or greater than the saturation point—i.e. in the supercooled state—it possesses high potentialities for the food industry in areas as different as pastry industry, dairy and frozen desserts or films and coatings production. This paper presents a review on critical issues and research on highly concentrated sucrose solutions—mainly, on sucrose thermal degradation and relaxation behaviour in such solutions. The reviewed works allow identifying several issues with great potential for contributing to significant advances in Food Science and Technology.Authors are grateful for the valuable discussions with Teresa S. Brandao and Rosiane Lopes da Cunha during this research. Author M. A. C. Quintas acknowledges the financial support of her research by FCT grant SFRH/BPD/41715/2007

    Keefektifan Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Student Teams Achievement Divisions (Stad) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Sistem Pendingin

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hasil belajar sistem pendingin dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD serta keefektifannya terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh kelas XI Program Keahlian Teknik Kendaraan Ringan SMK N Jambu tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 berjumlah 4 kelas, dan sampel yang digunakan adalah kelas XI TKR 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen, kelas XI TKR 3 sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelas XI TKR 3 sebagai kelas uji coba. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan pendekatan static group comparison, menggunakan tes sebagai alat pengumpul data. Hasil analisis deskriptif diketahui bahwa hasil pre-test dan post-test pada kedua kelompok penelitian mengalami peningkatan. Selisih peningkatan hasil belajar pada model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD lebih besar daripada pembelajaran langsung (21,86 > 14,01), maka hasil belajar sistem pendingin siswa kelas XI Program Keahlian Teknik Kendaraan Ringan SMK N Jambu menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran langsung