506 research outputs found

    Quantum properties of two-dimensional electron gas in the inversion layer of Hg1−xCdxTe bicyrstals

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    The electronic and magnetotransport properties of conduction electrons in the grain boundary interface of p-type Hg1−xCdxTe bicrystals are investigated. The results clearly demonstrate the existence of a two-dimensional degenerate n-type inversion layer in the vicinity of the grain boundary. Hydrostatic pressure up to 103 MPa is used to characterize the properties of the two-dimensional electron gas in the inversion layer. At atmospheric pressure three series of quantum oscillations are revealled, indicating that tthree electric subbands are occupied. From quantum oscilations of the magnetoresistivity the characteristics parameters of the electric subbands (subband populations nsi, subband energies EF−Ei, effective electron masses m*ci) and their pressure dependences are established. A strong decrease of the carrier concentration in the inversion layer and of the corresponding subband population is observed when pressure is applied A simple theoretical model based on the triangular-well approximation and taking into account the pressure dependence of the energy band structure of Hg1−xCdxTe is use to calculate the energy band diagram of the quantum well and the pressure dependence of the subband parameters

    LDEF Space Plasma-High Voltage Drainage Experiment post-flight results

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    The Space Plasma-High Voltage Drainage Experiment (SP-HVDE) was comprised of two identical experimental trays. With one tray located on the leading (ram facing, B10) edge and the other located on the trailing (wake facing, D4) edge of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF), it was possible to directly compare the effects of ram and wake spacecraft environments on charged dielectric materials. Six arrays of Kapton dielectric samples of 2 mil, 3 mil, and 5 mil thicknesses maintained at +/- 300, +/- 500, and +/- 1000 voltage bias formed the experimental matrix of each tray. In addition, each tray carried two solar cell strings, one biased at +300 volts and the other at -300 volts, to study current leakage from High Voltage Solar Arrays (HVSA). The SP-HVDE provides the first direct, long-term, in-flight measurements of average leakage current through dielectric materials under electric stress. The experiment also yields information on the long term stability of the bulk dielectric properties of such materials. Data and findings of the SP-HVDE are an extension of those from shorter term flight experiments such as the PIX-1 (Plasma Interaction Experiment) and PIX-2 and are therefore valuable in the design and evaluation of long-lived space systems with high voltage systems exposed to the low earth orbital environment. A summary of the SP-HVDE post flight analysis final report delivered to the LDEF Project Office under contract to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is presented

    A gradient index metamaterial

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    Metamaterials--artificially structured materials with tailored electromagnetic response--can be designed to have properties difficult to achieve with existing materials. Here we present a structured metamaterial, based on conducting split ring resonators (SRRs), which has an effective index-of-refraction with a constant spatial gradient. We experimentally confirm the gradient by measuring the deflection of a microwave beam by a planar slab of the composite metamaterial over a broad range of frequencies. The gradient index metamaterial represents an alternative approach to the development of gradient index lenses and similar optics that may be advantageous, especially at higher frequencies. In particular, the gradient index material we propose may be suited for terahertz applications, where the magnetic resonant response of SRRs has recently been demonstrated

    Transformation Optics for Plasmonics

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    A new strategy to control the flow of surface plasmon polaritons at metallic surfaces is presented. It is based on the application of the concept of Transformation Optics to devise the optical parameters of the dielectric medium placed on top of the metal surface. We describe the general methodology for the design of Transformation-Optical devices for surface plasmons and analyze, for proof-of-principle purposes, three representative examples with different functionalities: a beam shifter, a cylindrical cloak and a ground-plane cloak.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    General Relativity in Electrical Engineering

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    In electrical engineering metamaterials have been developed that offer unprecedented control over electromagnetic fields. Here we show that general relativity lends the theoretical tools for designing devices made of such versatile materials. Given a desired device function, the theory describes the electromagnetic properties that turn this function into fact. We consider media that facilitate space-time transformations and include negative refraction. Our theory unifies the concepts operating behind the scenes of perfect invisibility devices, perfect lenses, the optical Aharonov-Bohm effect and electromagnetic analogs of the event horizon, and may lead to further applications

    An invisibility cloak using silver nanowires

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    In this paper, we use the parameter retrieval method together with an analytical effective medium approach to design a well-performed invisible cloak, which is based on an empirical revised version of the reduced cloak. The designed cloak can be implemented by silver nanowires with elliptical cross-sections embedded in a polymethyl methacrylate host. This cloak is numerically proved to be robust for both the inner hidden object as well as incoming detecting waves, and is much simpler thus easier to manufacture when compared with the earlier proposed one [Nat. Photon. 1, 224 (2007)].Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Macroscopic invisibility cloaking of visible light

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    Invisibility cloaks, which used to be confined to the realm of fiction, have now been turned into a scientific reality thanks to the enabling theoretical tools of transformation optics and conformal mapping. Inspired by those theoretical works, the experimental realization of electromagnetic invisibility cloaks has been reported at various electromagnetic frequencies. All the invisibility cloaks demonstrated thus far, however, have relied on nano- or micro-fabricated artificial composite materials with spatially varying electromagnetic properties, which limit the size of the cloaked region to a few wavelengths. Here, we report the first realization of a macroscopic volumetric invisibility cloak constructed from natural birefringent crystals. The cloak operates at visible frequencies and is capable of hiding, for a specific light polarization, three-dimensional objects of the scale of centimetres and millimetres. Our work opens avenues for future applications with macroscopic cloaking devices

    Broadband polygonal invisibility cloak for visible light

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    Invisibility cloaks have recently become a topic of considerable interest thanks to the theoretical works of transformation optics and conformal mapping. The design of the cloak involves extreme values of material properties and spatially dependent parameter tensors, which are very difficult to implement. The realization of an isolated invisibility cloak in the visible light, which is an important step towards achieving a fully movable invisibility cloak, has remained elusive. Here, we report the design and experimental demonstration of an isolated polygonal cloak for visible light. The cloak is made of several elements, whose electromagnetic parameters are designed by a linear homogeneous transformation method. Theoretical analysis shows the proposed cloak can be rendered invisible to the rays incident from all the directions. Using natural anisotropic materials, a simplified hexagonal cloak which works for six incident directions is fabricated for experimental demonstration. The performance is validated in a broadband visible spectrum
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