125 research outputs found

    Molecular analysis distinguishes metastatic disease from second cancers in patients with retinoblastoma

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    The pediatric ocular tumor retinoblastoma readily metastasizes, but these lesions can masquerade as histologically similar pediatric small round blue cell tumors. Since 98% of retinoblastomas have RB1 mutations and a characteristic genomic copy number “signature”, genetic analysis is an appealing adjunct to histopathology to distinguish retinoblastoma metastasis from second primary cancer in retinoblastoma patients. Here, we describe such an approach in two retinoblastoma cases. In patient one, allele-specific (AS)-PCR for a somatic nonsense mutation confirmed that a temple mass was metastatic retinoblastoma. In a second patient, a rib mass shared somatic copy number gains and losses with the primary tumor. For definitive diagnosis, however, an RB1 mutation was needed, but heterozygous promoter→exon 11 deletion was the only RB1 mutation detected in the primary tumor. We used a novel application of inverse PCR to identify the deletion breakpoint. Subsequently, AS-PCR designed for the breakpoint confirmed that the rib mass was metastatic retinoblastoma. These cases demonstrate that personalized molecular testing can confirm retinoblastoma metastases and rule out a second primary cancer, thereby helping to direct the clinical management

    Characterisation of retinoblastomas without RB1 mutations: genomic, gene expression, and clinical studies

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    SummaryBackgroundRetinoblastoma is the childhood retinal cancer that defined tumour-suppressor genes. Previous work shows that mutation of both alleles of the RB1 retinoblastoma suppressor gene initiates disease. We aimed to characterise non-familial retinoblastoma tumours with no detectable RB1 mutations.MethodsOf 1068 unilateral non-familial retinoblastoma tumours, we compared those with no evidence of RB1 mutations (RB1+/+) with tumours carrying a mutation in both alleles (RB1−/−). We analysed genomic copy number, RB1 gene expression and protein function, retinal gene expression, histological features, and clinical data.FindingsNo RB1 mutations (RB1+/+) were reported in 29 (2·7%) of 1068 unilateral retinoblastoma tumours. 15 of the 29 RB1+/+ tumours had high-level MYCN oncogene amplification (28–121 copies; RB1+/+MYCNA), whereas none of 93 RB1−/− primary tumours tested showed MYCN amplification (p<0·0001). RB1+/+MYCNA tumours expressed functional RB1 protein, had fewer overall genomic copy-number changes in genes characteristic of retinoblastoma than did RB1−/− tumours, and showed distinct aggressive histological features. MYCN amplification was the sole copy-number change in one RB1+/+MYCNA retinoblastoma. One additional MYCNA tumour was discovered after the initial frequencies were determined, and this is included in further analyses. Median age at diagnosis of the 17 children with RB1+/+MYCNA tumours was 4·5 months (IQR 3·5–10), compared with 24 months (15–37) for 79 children with non-familial unilateral RB1−/− retinoblastoma.InterpretationAmplification of the MYCN oncogene might initiate retinoblastoma in the presence of non-mutated RB1 genes. These unilateral RB1+/+MYCNA retinoblastomas are characterised by distinct histological features, only a few of the genomic copy-number changes that are characteristic of retinoblastoma, and very early age of diagnosis.FundingNational Cancer Institute–National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, German Research Foundation, Canadian Retinoblastoma Society, Hyland Foundation, Toronto Netralaya and Doctors Lions Clubs, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, UK-Essen, and Foundations Avanti-STR and KiKa

    Temporal Coordination of Gene Networks by Zelda in the Early Drosophila Embryo

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    In past years, much attention has focused on the gene networks that regulate early developmental processes, but less attention has been paid to how multiple networks and processes are temporally coordinated. Recently the discovery of the transcriptional activator Zelda (Zld), which binds to CAGGTAG and related sequences present in the enhancers of many early-activated genes in Drosophila, hinted at a mechanism for how batteries of genes could be simultaneously activated. Here we use genome-wide binding and expression assays to identify Zld target genes in the early embryo with the goal of unraveling the gene circuitry regulated by Zld. We found that Zld binds to genes involved in early developmental processes such as cellularization, sex determination, neurogenesis, and pattern formation. In the absence of Zld, many target genes failed to be activated, while others, particularly the patterning genes, exhibited delayed transcriptional activation, some of which also showed weak and/or sporadic expression. These effects disrupted the normal sequence of patterning-gene interactions and resulted in highly altered spatial expression patterns, demonstrating the significance of a timing mechanism in early development. In addition, we observed prevalent overlap between Zld-bound regions and genomic “hotspot” regions, which are bound by many developmental transcription factors, especially the patterning factors. This, along with the finding that the most over-represented motif in hotspots, CAGGTA, is the Zld binding site, implicates Zld in promoting hotspot formation. We propose that Zld promotes timely and robust transcriptional activation of early-gene networks so that developmental events are coordinated and cell fates are established properly in the cellular blastoderm embryo

    Functional Characterization of Transcription Factor Motifs Using Cross-species Comparison across Large Evolutionary Distances

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    We address the problem of finding statistically significant associations between cis-regulatory motifs and functional gene sets, in order to understand the biological roles of transcription factors. We develop a computational framework for this task, whose features include a new statistical score for motif scanning, the use of different scores for predicting targets of different motifs, and new ways to deal with redundancies among significant motif–function associations. This framework is applied to the recently sequenced genome of the jewel wasp, Nasonia vitripennis, making use of the existing knowledge of motifs and gene annotations in another insect genome, that of the fruitfly. The framework uses cross-species comparison to improve the specificity of its predictions, and does so without relying upon non-coding sequence alignment. It is therefore well suited for comparative genomics across large evolutionary divergences, where existing alignment-based methods are not applicable. We also apply the framework to find motifs associated with socially regulated gene sets in the honeybee, Apis mellifera, using comparisons with Nasonia, a solitary species, to identify honeybee-specific associations

    Multifactorial Regulation of a Hox Target Gene

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    Hox proteins play fundamental roles in controlling morphogenetic diversity along the anterior–posterior body axis of animals by regulating distinct sets of target genes. Within their rather broad expression domains, individual Hox proteins control cell diversification and pattern formation and consequently target gene expression in a highly localized manner, sometimes even only in a single cell. To achieve this high-regulatory specificity, it has been postulated that Hox proteins co-operate with other transcription factors to activate or repress their target genes in a highly context-specific manner in vivo. However, only a few of these factors have been identified. Here, we analyze the regulation of the cell death gene reaper (rpr) by the Hox protein Deformed (Dfd) and suggest that local activation of rpr expression in the anterior part of the maxillary segment is achieved through a combinatorial interaction of Dfd with at least eight functionally diverse transcriptional regulators on a minimal enhancer. It follows that context-dependent combinations of Hox proteins and other transcription factors on small, modular Hox response elements (HREs) could be responsible for the proper spatio-temporal expression of Hox targets. Thus, a large number of transcription factors are likely to be directly involved in Hox target gene regulation in vivo

    Cell Type–dependent Requirement for PIP Box–regulated Cdt1 Destruction During S Phase

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    Previous studies have shown that Cdt1 overexpression in cultured cells can trigger re-replication, but not whether CRL4Cdt2-triggered destruction of Cdt1 is required for normal mitotic cell cycle progression in vivo. We demonstrate that PIP box–mediated destruction of Cdt1Dup during S phase is necessary for the cell division cycle in Drosophila

    PKC Inhibition Increases Gap Junction Intercellular Communication and Cell Adhesion in Human Neuroblastoma

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    Abstract Gap junction intercellular communication and cell–cell adhesion are essential for maintaining a normal cellular phenotype, including the control of growth and proliferation. Loss of either cell–cell adhesion or communication is common in cancers, while restoration of function is associated with tumor suppression. Protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes regulate a broad spectrum of cellular functions including growth and proliferation, and their overexpression has been correlated with carcinogenesis. Consequently, PKC inhibitors are currently undergoing clinical trials as an anti-cancer agents although the precise cellular alterations induced by PKC inhibitors remain to be elucidated. In the current study, the effects of PKC inhibitors on cell interactions were investigated using human neuroblastoma (IMR32, SKNMC, and SHSY-5Y) cell lines. An analysis of intercellular communication revealed an increase in gap junctional coupling with PKC inhibition. The observed increase in coupling was not associated with a change in Connexin43 distribution or an alteration of phosphorylation status of the protein. There was also an increase in cell–cell adhesion with PKC inhibitor treatment as indicated by a cell aggregation assay. Therefore, the growth suppressive abilities of PKC inhibition on tumors may be due to the cancer suppressive effects of increased gap junction intercellular communication and cell–cell adhesion