959 research outputs found

    Comparison of Algorithms and Parameterisations for Infiltration into Organic-Covered Permafrost Soils

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    Infiltration into frozen and unfrozen soils is critical in hydrology, controlling active layer soil water dynamics and influencing runoff. Few Land Surface Models (LSMs) and Hydrological Models (HMs) have been developed, adapted or tested for frozen conditions and permafrost soils. Considering the vast geographical area influenced by freeze/thaw processes and permafrost, and the rapid environmental change observed worldwide in these regions, a need exists to improve models to better represent their hydrology. In this study, various infiltration algorithms and parameterisation methods, which are commonly employed in current LSMs and HMs were tested against detailed measurements at three sites in Canada’s discontinuous permafrost region with organic soil depths ranging from 0.02 to 3 m. Field data from two consecutive years were used to calibrate and evaluate the infiltration algorithms and parameterisations. Important conclusions include: (1) the single most important factor that controls the infiltration at permafrost sites is ground thaw depth, (2) differences among the simulated infiltration by different algorithms and parameterisations were only found when the ground was frozen or during the initial fast thawing stages, but not after ground thaw reaches a critical depth of 15 to 30 cm, (3) despite similarities in simulated total infiltration after ground thaw reaches the critical depth, the choice of algorithm influenced the distribution of water among the soil layers, and (4) the ice impedance factor for hydraulic conductivity, which is commonly used in LSMs and HMs, may not be necessary once the water potential driven frozen soil parameterisation is employed. Results from this work provide guidelines that can be directly implemented in LSMs and HMs to improve their application in organic covered permafrost soils

    Stable isotopic indicators of population structure and natal habitats of Asian carps threatening to invade the Great Lakes

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    Understanding early-life habitats is crucial for managing non-indigenous large river fishes such as silver carp that are threatening to invade the Great Lakes and may significantly impact economically valuable Great Lakes fisheries. Silver carp inhabiting the upper Illinois River directly below the electrical deterrent barrier (installed on a canal in the Chicago area that connects the Illinois River with Lake Michigan) possess the greatest potential to invade the Great Lakes. However, adult silver carp inhabiting this reach of the Illinois River may have originated from many points throughout the Mississippi River basin (e.g., Illinois River or Middle Mississippi River), and the relative importance of these potential origination locations is unknown. As such, this study was used to identify natal habitats of adult silver carp in the upper portion of the Illinois River. Based on the stable oxygen and stable carbon isotopes of otoliths (earstones) from individual fish, we have determined that silver carp inhabiting the area below the electric barrier originated from within the Illinois River itself, the Middle Mississippi River, and floodplain lakes along the lower Illinois River valley. Because of the geographically widespread points of origin for individual fish, management efforts for eradication or control of silver carp in the upper Illinois River should be directed at a similarly broad geographic scale. While potentially challenging to implement, large-scale removal of silver carp and the closely related bighead carp in the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers could greatly reduce the probability of these species breaching the electrical barriers and entering the Great Lakes

    Establishment of invasive Black Carp (\u3ci\u3eMylopharyngodon piceus\u3c/i\u3e) in the Mississippi River basin: identifying sources and year classes contributing to recruitment

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    Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) was imported to the USA to control aquaculture pond snails. This species has escaped captivity and occurs in parts of the Mississippi River, several tributaries, and floodplain lakes, which is concerning due to potential competition with native fishes and predation on native mussels, many of which are imperiled. However, Black Carp captures have primarily been incidental by commercial fishers, and evidence of reproduction in the wild is limited. The objectives of this study were to assess relative abundance of aquaculture- origin and wild Black Carp using ploidy and otolith stable isotope analysis, identify spatial extent of natural reproduction using otolith microchemistry, assess age distributions of wild and aquaculturesource Black Carp to infer years in which natural reproduction occurred and timing of aquaculture escapement or introductions, and estimate size and age at maturation to assess whether recruitment to adulthood has occurred. Results revealed that Black Carp are established in parts of the Mississippi River basin based on findings that: (1) non-captive Black Carp primarily consist of fertile, naturally-reproduced fish, (2) reproduction has occurred in several rivers, (3) multiple year classes of wild fish are present, and (4) wild fish have recruited to adulthood. Multiple introductions or escapements of aquaculture-source fish into the wild, including both fertile and functionally sterile individuals, were also inferred. Individual growth appears to be rapid, although considerable variation was observed among fish. Additional study is suggested to refine understanding of where and when Black Carp reproduction is occurring in the Mississippi River basin

    Habitat Characteristics of Black Crappie Nest Sites in an Illinois Impoundment

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    Ten nest colonies of black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus were visually located and verified by angling in Campus Lake, a small urban impoundment in southern Illinois. Habitat characteristics were measured at these nest sites and compared to habitat measurements obtained from 45 unused sites. Seven habitat characteristics (substrate firmness, temperature, dissolved oxygen, distance to deep water [3.8-m depth contour], substrate type, vegetation height, and vegetation density) were significantly different between nest sites and unused sites. Although temperature and dissolved oxygen were significantly different between nest sites and unused sites, all values were within the suitable range for black crappie spawning to occur. Black crappies selected nest sites close to deep water with firm substrates and low vegetation height and density. Our results present insight on habitat characteristics of black crappie spawning locations in a small urban impoundment. Interestingly, we located several black crappie nesting colonies with more than 10 individual nests in close proximity to one another; colonial nesting by black crappies has not previously been reported in the literature. Furthermore, we suggest that degree of shoreline modification and other anthropogenic influences in and adjacent to Campus Lake did not affect black crappie nest site selection. Black crappie nest sites in Campus Lake were always located near deep water (3.8 m), in low-density, short vegetation, and on firm clay or sand substrate; because nest site selection can influence earlylife survival and recruitment of black crappie, the availability of these habitat characteristics may regulate black crappie population demographics in Campus Lake. Efforts to limit sediment inputs will be important for maintaining suitable black crappie spawning habitat in Campus Lake and other small impoundments

    Long-Term PIT and T-Bar Anchor Tag Retention Rates in Adult Muskellunge

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    Mark-recapture studies require knowledge of tag retention rates specific to tag types, fish species and size, and study duration. We determined the probability of tag loss for passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags implanted into dorsal musculature, T-bar anchor tags attached to dorsal pterygiophores, and loss of both tags in relation to years post-tagging for double-marked adult muskellunge Esox masquinongy over a 10 year period. We also used PIT tags as a benchmark to assess the interactive effects of fish length at tagging, sex, and years post-tagging on T-bar anchor tag loss rates. Only five instances of PIT tag loss were identified; the calculated probability of a fish losing its PIT tag was consistently \u3c 1.0% for up to 10 years post-tagging. The probability of T-bar anchor tag loss by muskellunge was related to the number of years post-tagging and total length of fish at tagging. T-bar anchor tag loss rate one year after tagging was 6.5%. Individuals \u3c 750 mm total length at tagging had anchor tag loss rates \u3c 10% for up to 6 years after tagging. However, the proportion of fish losing T-bar anchor tags steadily increased with increasing years post-tagging (~30% after 6 years) for larger muskellunge. Fish gender did not influence probability of T-bar anchor tag loss. Our results indicate that T-bar anchor tags are best suited for short-term applications (≤ 1 year duration) involving adult muskellunge. We recommend use of PIT tags for longer-term tagging studies, particularly for muskellunge \u3e 750 mm total length

    Methane Flux from Drained Northern Peatlands: Effect of a Persistent Water Table Lowering on Flux

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    Measurements of CH4 flux from drained and undrained sites in three northern Ontario peatlands (a treed fen, a forested bog, and a treed bog) were made from the beginning of May to the end of October 1991. In the drained portions, the water table had been lowered between 0.1 and 0.5 m, compared to the water table of the undrained portion of the peatlands. The mean seasonal CH4 flux from the undrained portions of three peatlands was small, ranging from 0 to 8 mg m-2d-1, but similar to the CH4 flux from other treed and forested northern peatlands. The mean seasonal CH4 flux from the drained portion of the peatlands was either near zero or slightly negative (i.e., uptake): fluxes ranged from 0.1 to -0.4 mg m-2d-1. Profiles of CH4 in the air-filled pores in the unsaturated zone, and the water-filled pores of the saturated zone of the peat at the undrained sites, showed that all the CH4 produced at depth was consumed within 0.2 m of the water table and that atmospheric CH4 was consumed in the upper 0.15 m of the peatland. On the basis of laboratory incubations of peat slurries to determine CH4 production and consumption potentials, the lowering of the water table eliminated the near-surface zone of CH4 production that existed in the undrained peatland. However, drainage did not alter significantly the potential for CH4 oxidation between the water table and peatland surface but increased the thickness of the layer over which CH4 oxidation could take place. These changes occurred with a drop in the mean summer water table of only 0.1 m (from -0.2 to -0.3 m) suggesting that only a small negative change in soil moisture would be required to significantly reduce CH4 flux from northern peatlands

    Fishmeal supplementation during ovine pregnancy and lactation protects against maternal stress-induced programming of the offspring immune system

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    Background: Prenatally stressed offspring exhibit increased susceptibility to inflammatory disorders due to in utero programming. Research into the effects of n-3 PUFAs shows promising results for the treatment and prevention of these disorders. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether maternal fishmeal supplementation during pregnancy and lactation protects against programming of the offspring\u27s immune response following simulated maternal infection. Methods: In order to accomplish this, 53 ewes were fed a diet supplemented with fishmeal (FM; rich in n-3 PUFA) or soybean meal (SM; rich in n-6 PUFAs) from day 100 of gestation (gd 100) through lactation. On gd135, half the ewes from each dietary group were challenged with either 1.2 ÎĽg/kg Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) endotoxin to simulate a bacterial infection, or saline as the control. At 4.5 months of age the offspring\u27s dermal immune response was assessed by cutaneous hypersensitivity testing with ovalbumin (OVA) and candida albicans (CAA) 21 days after sensitization. Skinfold measurements were taken and serum blood samples were also collected to assess the primary and secondary antibody immune response. Results: Offspring born to SM + LPS mothers had a significantly greater change in skinfold thickness in response to both antigens as well as a greater secondary antibody response to OVA compared to all treatments. Conclusions: Supplementation during pregnancy with FM appears to protect against adverse fetal programming that may occur during maternal infection and this may reduce the risk of atopic disease later in life
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