9,625 research outputs found

    Two species of Compsus Schoenherr, new citrus pests from Colombia (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae)

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    Two species of the weevil genus Compsus Schoenherr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) from Colombia are redescribed: C. obliquatus Hustache and C.viridivittatus (Guérin-Méneville). A key by Hustache in 1938, to 33 of the 34 recognized species of Colombian Compsus then known, is modified to include the one additional species. Habitus illustrations of males and females of the two species and illustrations of selected parts of the male and female genitalia are included. Nearly all of the specimens of these two species were collected on various species or varieties of citrus, indicating their potential as citrus pests in the future.Se redescriben dos especies de picudos del genero Compsus Schoenherr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) colectadas en Colombia: C. obliquatus Hustache y C. viridivittatus (Guérin-Méneville). Se modifica la clave de identificación de Hustache de 1938 la cual incluye 33 a 34 especies conocidas de Compsus en ese entonces en Colombia. Se incluyen ilustraciones con las características físicas de machos y hembras de ambas especies e ilustraciones de partes seleccionadas de la genitalia de machos y hembras de las dos especies. Casi todos los especímenes de estas dos especies fueron colectadas en varias especies o variedades de cítricos, lo cual indica su futuro potencial como plagas de cítricos

    Optimal search strategies for hidden targets

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    What is the fastest way of finding a randomly hidden target? This question of general relevance is of vital importance for foraging animals. Experimental observations reveal that the search behaviour of foragers is generally intermittent: active search phases randomly alternate with phases of fast ballistic motion. In this letter, we study the efficiency of this type of two states search strategies, by calculating analytically the mean first passage time at the target. We model the perception mecanism involved in the active search phase by a diffusive process. In this framework, we show that the search strategy is optimal when the average duration of "motion phases" varies like the power either 3/5 or 2/3 of the average duration of "search phases", depending on the regime. This scaling accounts for experimental data over a wide range of species, which suggests that the kinetics of search trajectories is a determining factor optimized by foragers and that the perception activity is adequately described by a diffusion process.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Giant optical Faraday rotation induced by a single electron spin in a quantum dot: Applications to entangling remote spins via a single photon

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    We propose a quantum non-demolition method - giant Faraday rotation - to detect a single electron spin in a quantum dot inside a microcavity where negatively-charged exciton strongly couples to the cavity mode. Left- and right-circularly polarized light reflected from the cavity feels different phase shifts due to cavity quantum electrodynamics and the optical spin selection rule. This yields giant and tunable Faraday rotation which can be easily detected experimentally. Based on this spin-detection technique, a scalable scheme to create an arbitrary amount of entanglement between two or more remote spins via a single photon is proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    High throughput genomic sequencing of bioaerosols in broiler chicken production facilities

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    Chronic inhalation exposure to agricultural dust promotes the development of chronic respiratory diseases among poultry workers. Poultry dust is composed of dander, chicken feed, litter bedding and microbes. However, the microbial composition and abundance has not been fully elucidated. Genomic DNA was extracted from settled dust and personal inhalable dust collected while performing litter sampling or mortality collection tasks. DNA libraries were sequenced using a paired-end sequencing-by-synthesis approach on an Illumina HiSeq 2500. Sequencing data showed that poultry dust is predominantly composed of bacteria (64–67%) with a small quantity of avian, human and feed DNA (\u3c 2% of total reads). Staphylococcus sp. AL1, Salinicoccus carnicancri and Lactobacillus crispatus were the most abundant bacterial species in personal exposure samples of inhalable dust. Settled dust had a moderate relative abundance of these species as well as Staphylococcus lentus and Lactobacillus salivarius. There was a statistical difference between the microbial composition of aerosolized and settled dust. Unlike settled dust composition, aerosolized dust composition had little variance between samples. These data provide an extensive analysis of the microbial composition and relative abundance in personal inhalable poultry dust and settled poultry dust

    XMM-Newton observations of Nova Sgr 1998

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    We report on X-ray observations of Nova Sagittarius 1998 (V4633 Sgr), performed with XMM-Newton at three different epochs, 934, 1083 and 1265 days after discovery. The nova was detected with the EPIC cameras at all three epochs, with emission spanning the whole energy range from 0.2 to 10 keV. The X-ray spectra do not change significantly at the different epochs, and are well fitted for the first and third observations with a multi-temperature optically thin thermal plasma, while lower statistics in the second observations lead to a poorer fit. The thermal plasma emission is most probably originated in the shock heated ejecta, with chemical composition similar to that of a CO nova. However, we can not completely rule out reestablished accretion as the origin of the emission. We also obtain upper limits for the temperature and luminosity of a potential white dwarf atmospheric component, and conclude that hydrogen burning had already turned-off by the time of our observations.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures. Accepted in Astrophysical Journa

    Weevils of the genus Cercopeus Schoenherr from South Carolina, USA (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae)

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    Six new species of the weevil genus Cercopeus Schoenherr are described from South Carolina: C. alexi, C. cornelli, C. femoratus, C. paulus, C. skelleyi, and C. tibialis. Three other species also found in South Carolina are re-described: C. chrysorrhoeus (Say), C. maspavancus Sleeper, and C. strigicollis Sleeper. Keys to known males and females of all 17 species of Cercopeus are given, along with photographs of habitus, leg features, and antennae, and line illustrations of genitalia. Nearly all specimens of the new species were collected from January-March and these species are winter activ

    The Union of Hearts Depicted: Gladstone, Home Rule and United Ireland

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    First paragraph: William Ewart Gladstone detested political cartoons. They embodied caricature, the exaggeration of a particular feature into a deformity to excite ridicule or hatred. Cartoons, Gladstone once pointed out, had not existed in ancient Greece. There the ideal of human beauty was so deeply cherished that its distortion was not tolerated. Yet cartoons did the statesman powerful service during his long career. Their very frequency consolidated his image as a popular politician, bringing out qualities such as courage and tenacity that he was happy to have publicised. Nowhere, however, did they advance his cause more than in Ireland after the introduction of Home Rule. The nationalist journal United Ireland, as the illustrations in this paper will show, gave currency to striking depictions of Gladstone; and they vividly portrayed the union of hearts between England and Ireland that he preached so persistently in the late 1880s. The purpose of this article is to examine a sample of the cartoons, but first they need to be placed in their context

    A Snapshot of J. L. Synge

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    A brief description is given of the life and influence on relativity theory of Professor J. L. Synge accompanied by some technical examples to illustrate his style of work

    Validated Sandwich ELISA for the Quantification of von Willebrand Factor in Rabbit Plasma

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    von Willebrand Factor (vWF) is a multimeric plasma protein important for platelet plug formation. As part of its haemostatic role, it is released from endothelial cells during vascular stress or injury and is considered an excellent biomarker of endothelial function. Currently, there are no validated kits available to measure vWF in rabbits. We developed a sensitive and reproducible sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of vWF in rabbit plasma using commercially available antibodies and reagents. Purified human vWF was used as a calibrator standard with a dynamic range of 1.56–100 ng/mL. The Minimum Required Dilution for rabbit plasma was 1:100. When plasma was spiked with 3.76 or 10 ng/mL vWF, recovery was 108 ± 2% and 93 ± 2%, respectively. Intra- and inter-assay precision for 8 rabbit plasma samples were 3% and 4%, respectively. The Minimum Detectable Concentration was 254 pg/mL for purified human vWF and 1:10,700 dilution of cholesterol-fed rabbit plasma, and the Reliable Detection Limits were 457 pg/mL and 1:5940. Three freeze-thaw cycles significantly decreased vWF concentrations for purified human vWF and 2 of 3 plasma samples assayed. This ELISA provides sensitive and reproducible measurements of rabbit plasma vWF, which is an important biomarker for cardiovascular research
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