27 research outputs found

    A survey of orphan enzyme activities

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Using computational database searches, we have demonstrated previously that no gene sequences could be found for at least 36% of enzyme activities that have been assigned an Enzyme Commission number. Here we present a follow-up literature-based survey involving a statistically significant sample of such "orphan" activities. The survey was intended to determine whether sequences for these enzyme activities are truly unknown, or whether these sequences are absent from the public sequence databases but can be found in the literature.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that for ~80% of sampled orphans, the absence of sequence data is bona fide. Our analyses further substantiate the notion that many of these enzyme activities play biologically important roles.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This survey points toward significant scientific cost of having such a large fraction of characterized enzyme activities disconnected from sequence data. It also suggests that a larger effort, beginning with a comprehensive survey of all putative orphan activities, would resolve nearly 300 artifactual orphans and reconnect a wealth of enzyme research with modern genomics. For these reasons, we propose that a systematic effort to identify the cognate genes of orphan enzymes be undertaken.</p

    pKa Modulation of the Acid/Base Catalyst within GH32 and GH68: A Role in Substrate/Inhibitor Specificity?

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    Glycoside hydrolases of families 32 (GH32) and 68 (GH68) belong to clan GH-J, containing hydrolytic enzymes (sucrose/fructans as donor substrates) and fructosyltransferases (sucrose/fructans as donor and acceptor substrates). In GH32 members, some of the sugar substrates can also function as inhibitors, this regulatory aspect further adding to the complexity in enzyme functionalities within this family. Although 3D structural information becomes increasingly available within this clan and huge progress has been made on structure-function relationships, it is not clear why some sugars bind as inhibitors without being catalyzed. Conserved aspartate and glutamate residues are well known to act as nucleophile and acid/bases within this clan. Based on the available 3D structures of enzymes and enzyme-ligand complexes as well as docking simulations, we calculated the pKa of the acid-base before and after substrate binding. The obtained results strongly suggest that most GH-J members show an acid-base catalyst that is not sufficiently protonated before ligand entrance, while the acid-base can be fully protonated when a substrate, but not an inhibitor, enters the catalytic pocket. This provides a new mechanistic insight aiming at understanding the complex substrate and inhibitor specificities observed within the GH-J clan. Moreover, besides the effect of substrate entrance on its own, we strongly suggest that a highly conserved arginine residue (in the RDP motif) rather than the previously proposed Tyr motif (not conserved) provides the proton to increase the pKa of the acid-base catalyst

    Annotation Error in Public Databases: Misannotation of Molecular Function in Enzyme Superfamilies

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    Due to the rapid release of new data from genome sequencing projects, the majority of protein sequences in public databases have not been experimentally characterized; rather, sequences are annotated using computational analysis. The level of misannotation and the types of misannotation in large public databases are currently unknown and have not been analyzed in depth. We have investigated the misannotation levels for molecular function in four public protein sequence databases (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, GenBank NR, UniProtKB/TrEMBL, and KEGG) for a model set of 37 enzyme families for which extensive experimental information is available. The manually curated database Swiss-Prot shows the lowest annotation error levels (close to 0% for most families); the two other protein sequence databases (GenBank NR and TrEMBL) and the protein sequences in the KEGG pathways database exhibit similar and surprisingly high levels of misannotation that average 5%–63% across the six superfamilies studied. For 10 of the 37 families examined, the level of misannotation in one or more of these databases is >80%. Examination of the NR database over time shows that misannotation has increased from 1993 to 2005. The types of misannotation that were found fall into several categories, most associated with “overprediction” of molecular function. These results suggest that misannotation in enzyme superfamilies containing multiple families that catalyze different reactions is a larger problem than has been recognized. Strategies are suggested for addressing some of the systematic problems contributing to these high levels of misannotation

    Comparative analyses imply that the enigmatic sigma factor 54 is a central controller of the bacterial exterior

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    Contains fulltext : 95738.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Sigma-54 is a central regulator in many pathogenic bacteria and has been linked to a multitude of cellular processes like nitrogen assimilation and important functional traits such as motility, virulence, and biofilm formation. Until now it has remained obscure whether these phenomena and the control by Sigma-54 share an underlying theme. RESULTS: We have uncovered the commonality by performing a range of comparative genome analyses. A) The presence of Sigma-54 and its associated activators was determined for all sequenced prokaryotes. We observed a phylum-dependent distribution that is suggestive of an evolutionary relationship between Sigma-54 and lipopolysaccharide and flagellar biosynthesis. B) All Sigma-54 activators were identified and annotated. The relation with phosphotransfer-mediated signaling (TCS and PTS) and the transport and assimilation of carboxylates and nitrogen containing metabolites was substantiated. C) The function annotations, that were represented within the genomic context of all genes encoding Sigma-54, its activators and its promoters, were analyzed for intra-phylum representation and inter-phylum conservation. Promoters were localized using a straightforward scoring strategy that was formulated to identify similar motifs. We found clear highly-represented and conserved genetic associations with genes that concern the transport and biosynthesis of the metabolic intermediates of exopolysaccharides, flagella, lipids, lipopolysaccharides, lipoproteins and peptidoglycan. CONCLUSION: Our analyses directly implicate Sigma-54 as a central player in the control over the processes that involve the physical interaction of an organism with its environment like in the colonization of a host (virulence) or the formation of biofilm

    Ueber die Bildung kolloider Goldlösungen mittels elektrischer Entladungsfunken

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    Limnoglobus roseus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel freshwater planctomycete with a giant genome from the family Gemmataceae

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    The family Gemmataceae accommodates aerobic, chemoorganotrophic planctomycetes, which inhabit various freshwater ecosystems, wetlands and soils. Here, we describe a novel member of this family, strain PX52(T), which was isolated from a boreal eutrophic lake in Northern Russia. This isolate formed pink-pigmented colonies and was represented by spherical cells that occurred singly, in pairs or aggregates and multiplied by budding. Daughter cells were highly motile. PX52(T) was an obligate aerobic chemoorganotroph, which utilized various sugars and some heteropolysaccharides. Growth occurred at pH 5.0-7.5 (optimum pH 6.5) and at temperatures between 10 and 30 degrees C (optimum 20-25 degrees C). The major fatty acids were C-18:7 omega 7c, C-18:0 and beta OH-C-16:0; the major intact polar lipid was trimethylornithine, and the quinone was MK-6. The complete genome of PX52(T) was 9.38 Mb in size and contained nearly 8000 potential protein-coding genes. Among those were genes encoding a wide repertoire of carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) including 33 glycoside hydrolases (GH) and 87 glycosyltransferases (GT) affiliated with 17 and 12 CAZy families, respectively. DNA G+C content was 65.6 mol%. PX52(T) displayed only 86.0-89.8% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to taxonomically described Gemmataceae planctomycetes and differed from them by a number of phenotypic characteristics and by fatty acid composition. We, therefore, propose to classify it as representing a novel genus and species, Limnoglobus roseus gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain is strain PX52(T) (=KCTC 72397(T)=VKM B-3275(T))