122 research outputs found

    Terorisme dalam Perspektif Politik dan Hukum

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    This article explores legal instruments relating terrorism which have been set up elsewhere and still valid until nowadays. Experience of India is brought about  as a case study in relation to our intention to fight over terrorism and terrorist activity. This article was ended by a brief comment on draft on the new Indonesian criminal law

    Water Governance for Urban Resilience Analysis of Key Factors and the Role of Stakeholders in Metropolitan Area

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    Water governance is critical for water security and as enabling condition to achieve urban resilience. Water governance involves multi-actor, multi-sector and multi-level. Water governance system is the foundation for all stakeholders involved in water management in urban areas. Clarity of roles and responsibilities of each actor and coordination at all levels can help to meet the goals of urban water security to be more efficient, effective and inclusive. This article highlights the current water governance in a metropolitan area with level analysis on policy, organizational and operational. This is a multidisciplinary perspective of environmental science and public policy. Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA) is chosen as a case study. Data and information gathered from secondary sources. The output is an initial baseline of water governance in BMA including key factors shaping water governance and role of stakeholder. This result will be used for the further research on dynamic and adaptive governance on the urban water sector

    Asylum Seekers in a Non-immigrant State and the Absence of Regional Asylum Seekers Mechanism: a Case Study of Rohingya Asylum Seekers in Aceh-Indonesia and ASEAN Response

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    The problem of asylum seekers has become a global humanitarian issues. Demands regarding the handling mechanisms based on the values of human rights is getting stronger voiced by the International community. In the Southeast Asian region, the number of ethnic Rohingya asylum seekers has increased and has started to demand settlement in non-immigrant countries like Indonesia. Although Indonesia does not have International legal obligations to receive asylum seekers, constitutionally, Indonesia has an obligation to guarantee the right of everyone to obtain asylum which has been included in the constitution. In a global perspective, humanitarian issues on the handling of asylum seekers started to be driven into the handling model based on regionalism. Therefore, ASEAN\u27s response to the issue of asylum seekers should start a discourse given the number of asylum seekers in Southeast Asia began to rise. This paper deals with the immigration policy on asylum seekers of Rohingya people in Aceh province of Indonesia who plight in 2015 “boat people crisis” with regionalism approach

    Pengalaman Komunikasi Keluarga Pada Mantan Buruh Migran Perempuan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengalaman komunikasi keluarga buruh migran perempuan mengelola komunikasi dalam rangka mempertahankan keutuhan rumah tangga. Pokok-pokok pertanyaan penelitiannya adalah buruh migran perempuan memaknai peran dirinya sebagai seorang istri dan ibu bagi anak-anaknya serta memaknai profesinya sebagai buruh migran perempuan dan memaknai komunikasi dirinya terhadap suami dan anaknya. Motif apa saja yang menguatkan pasangan suami istri untuk mengelola perkawinan mereka serta pengalaman komunikasi keluarga buruh migran perempuan. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan studi fenomenologi. Subjek penelitiannya adalah mantan buruh migran perempuan. Informan dipilih melalui teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buruh migran memaknai profesinya sebagai buruh migran perempuan yaitu sebagai profesi, mata pencaharian, aktualisasi diri, inspirator dan motivator. Buruh migran memaknai peran dirinya sebagai istri dan seorang ibu. Sebagai seorang istri buruh migran memaknai dirinya sebagai seorang perempuan ditakdirkan sebagai istri/kodrat illahi, sebagai istri dapat membantu mencari nafkah, sebagai teman hidup, penasehat yang bijaksana untuk suami, dan menjadi seseorang yang dapat mendorong/memotivasi suami. Buruh migran perempuan memaknai dirinya sebagai seorang ibu yaitu sebagai sumber pemenuhan kebutuhan anak, teladan atau model bagi anaknya dan sebagai pemberi stimuli bagi perkembangan anaknya.Tiga motif yang melatarbelakangi seseorang untuk mengelola komunikasi, yaitu motif saling menjaga, mencintai dan menyayangi, motif agama dan motif keluarga. Pengalaman komunikasi keluarga buruh migran perempuan dalam mengelola komunikasi untuk mempertahankan keutuhan rumah tangga yang harmonis meliputi komunikasi yang dilakukan dengan suami dan anak-anaknya. Komunikasi yang terjalin selama berada diluar negeri sampai informan kembali terus dipertahankan agar anak-anak tetap merasa nyaman dengan keberadaan ibunya

    Optimum Rotation for Harvesting of Cajuput Leave at KPH YOGYAKARTA

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    The productivity of cajuput plantation has improved through tree breeding, while manipulation of site and management engineering of timber plantations have been less attention. Management engineering can be obtained by determining the optimum cycle of cajuput leaves harvesting. This study aims to determine the optimum cycling of cajuput leaves harvesting at KPH Yogyakarta by considering the biological cycles of cajuput leaves, chemical physical properties, and the yield of cajuput oil. The tools used in the research were digital scales, distillation devices, and testing tools of physical-chemical properties of cajuput oil. The material for research was the cajuput plants at KPH Yogyakarta. Data of cajuput leave-twig biomass were obtained for 9 months from 9 plots which were well distributed on various ages. Biological cycle analysis uses curent monthly increment (CMI) and mean monthly increment (MMI) intersection approach. Analysis of the physical-chemical properties on cajuput oil refers to SNI 3954:2014 on cajuput oil. The results showed that the biological cycles of cajuput leaves were obtained 5 months after leaves harvesting. The chemical physical properties of cajuput oil that meet the requirements of SNI were achieved after the leaves are 7 months after harvested. The yield of cajuput oil which is above 0.7% was obtained after the leaves are 8 months after harvested. Thus, the optimum cycle for harvesting of cajuput leaves in KPH Yogyakarta is after 8 months

    A Therapeutic Communication Study of Families with Children Suffering From Cancer

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    Therapeutic communication is a relatively new area of research in Indonesia. It is widely known that the success of therapeutic communication is largely influenced by the medical providers\u27 communication effectiveness when dealing with their clients. This paper reports on research that aimed to explore the connection between therapeutic communication and satisfaction and dissatisfaction as experienced by families of child cancer patients. It used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design. The sample was the families of child cancer patients who were acccompanying the patients during hospital stay treatment at an Indonesian public hospital in Jakarta over the period December of 2014 – March 2015. There were 23 respondents for the research. The statistical test used was chi-square with an 0.05 level of significance. The result indicated that 56.5% of the respondents were satisfied with the therapeutic communication provided by nursing staff and that those who praticed therapeutic communication well, were 22 times more likely to provide a satisfactory level to the families of child cancer patients compared with those who did not apply good therapeutic communication (the value of p=0.003 and Odds ratio= 22). Thus, the research indicated that the medical providers\u27 communication effectiveness was associated with the patients\u27 satisfaction. We suggest that medical providers be given workshops on how to improve their communication skills to make their clients more satisfied with the medical services

    Ethnomathematics: Predicting the Average Height of the Bali Mula Ancestors using Linear Regression

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    This research is a study of Ethnomathematics. In this case, we view Ethnomathematics as an intersection between mathematics, mathematical modelling, and cultural anthropology. The purpose of this study is to determine the average height of Bali Mula ancestors communities in the area of Ancient Caldera Batur. We use exploration, observation, experimentation, documentation, and interviews method. In the initial stage of the study, we determine the relationship between the finger length index and the height body of Bali Mula male. The linear regression equation expresses the relationship, which is a length of the index finger as a predictor variable. Moreover, measure the pillars width of some houses Saka Roras and substituting it, we have the regression equation. Consequently, we estimate the average height of the Bali Mula ancestors in Kintamani area are 165 cm. Since it contains linier regression concepts, prediction the average height of Bali Mula ancestors from their traditional homes may be used as the context in mathematical (statistical) learning at school or university


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    This study describes how the resilience of single parent families with schizophrenic children who have received services at the UPT Puskesos Social Service and Poverty Prevention in Bandung, the form of family resilience needed is comprehensive social support to accelerate the resilience process. This source of support is used when facing difficult situations that affects the pattern of resilience for single parents. Descriptive research method with a qualitative approach, informants numbered 10 people with purposive sampling techniques and data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation studies. The results of this study found differences in terms of support resilience, support of each nuclear family from a single parent that the support that is often given is emotional support but the single parent expects support other than that of instrumental support such as economic assistance because it is very helpful in solving child treatment solutions with schizophreni
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