1,339 research outputs found

    Big Red, Ltd.

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    This case addresses two frequently heard questions in real-world business settings: “Why are sales going down?” and “What decisions must we make to reverse the sales decline?” These questions were directed to Dr. Felix Wilder, a professor of Marketing, by the senior management of Big Red, Ltd., headquartered in Waco, Texas, after sales reports indicated a significant decline in year-over-year sales in the Louisville, Kentucky, market region. This region represented one of Big Red’s most important market areas for soft drinks outside of its home base in Texas. Members of Big Red’s senior management team were unable to identify the specific factors that had contributed to the sales decline. As a result, they commissioned Dr. Wilder to conduct an extensive marketing research project to determine the factors contributing to the erosion in sales. Dr. Wilder proposed a multifaceted exploratory research project that involved an extensive review of industry and trade literature, in-depth interviews with grocery store and super center store managers, an in-store consumer survey of Big Red customers, and a consumer focus group. The research design focused on the marketing mix variables, environmental factors, the target market, and changing consumer purchase behavior and lifestyle issues as possible sources contributing to the sales erosion. The results of Dr. Wilder’s investigation conflicted with Big Red management’s preliminary hypotheses and revealed unexpected factors that may have contributed to the downward drift in sales.  Based on the research, Dr. Wilder presented management with various alternative courses of action to correct the sales decline.

    Microminiaturized, biopotential conditioning system (MBCS)

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    Multichannel, medical monitoring system allows almost complete freedom of movement for subject during monitoring periods. System comprises monitoring unit (biobelt), transmission line, and data acquisition unit. Belt, made of polybenzimidizole fabric, is wrapped around individual's waist and held in place by overlapping sections of Velcro closure material

    Diffusion of Mn interstitials in (Ga,Mn)As epitaxial layers

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    Magnetic properties of thin (Ga,Mn)As layers improve during annealing by out-diffusion of interstitial Mn ions to a free surface. Out-diffused Mn atoms participate in the growth of a Mn-rich surface layer and a saturation of this layer causes an inhibition of the out-diffusion. We combine high-resolution x-ray diffraction with x-ray absorption spectroscopy and a numerical solution of the diffusion problem for the study of the out-diffusion of Mn interstitials during a sequence of annealing steps. Our data demonstrate that the out-diffusion of the interstitials is substantially affected by the internal electric field caused by an inhomogeneous distribution of charges in the (Ga,Mn)As layer.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Surface Plasmon Enhanced Photoconductance of Gold Nanoparticle Arrays with Incorporated Alkane Linkers

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    We report on a photoconductive gain effect in two-dimensional arrays of gold nanoparticles, in which alkane molecules are inserted. The nanoparticle arrays are formed by a self-assembly process from alkanethiol-coated gold nanoparticles, and subsequently they are patterned on a Si/SiO2 chip by a microcontact printing technique. We find that the photoconductance of the arrays is strongly enhanced at the frequency of the surface plasmon of the nanoparticles. We interpret the observation as a bolometric enhancement of the conductance of the nanoparticle arrays upon excitation of the surface plasmon resonance

    First Gale Western Butte Capping-Unit Compositions, and Relationships to Earlier Units Along Curiosity's Traverse

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    The Curiosity rover has been traversing through the clay-bearing unit (Glen Torridon; GT), approaching Greenheugh pediment, a large, fan-shaped surface surrounding the mouth of Gediz Vallis on the lower slope of Mt. Sharp. The pediment unconformably overlies the underlying bedrock, and is hence younger than units of the Mt. Sharp group. Orbital imaging of the pediment has shown it to have a slightly lower albedo and higher thermal inertia than neighboring units, to be relatively retentive of craters (e.g., erosion resistant), and to exhibit curved bedforms suggestive of lithified eolian bedforms. No diagnostic spectral signature has been observed from orbit. Recent rover positions allowed remote imaging of the contact between Greenheugh pediment and the eroded Murray formation strata below it, showing that the pediment capping material is cross-bedded and relatively thin (1-3 m), and suggesting that the pediment may have been much larger at one time. As Curiosity approached the edge of the pediment, the team investigated two buttes named Central and Western. The latter butte contains dark capping material that initially looked similar to the pediment cap, but close inspection revealed important physical differences. Here we report on compositions from ChemCam of two float rocks that appear to have rolled down from the capping unit, and on potential relation-ships to other targets along the traverse of the rover

    Experimentally verified pulse formation model for high-power femtosecond VECSELs

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    Optically pumped vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (OP-VECSELs), passively modelocked with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM), have generated the highest average output power from any sub-picosecond semiconductor laser. Many applications, including frequency comb synthesis and coherent supercontinuum generation, require pulses in the sub-300-fs regime. A quantitative understanding of the pulse formation mechanism is required in order to reach this regime while maintaining stable, high-average-power performance. We present a numerical model with which we have obtained excellent quantitative agreement with two recent experiments in the femtosecond regime, and we have been able to correctly predict both the observed pulse duration and the output power for the first time. Our numerical model not only confirms the soliton-like pulse formation in the femtosecond regime, but also allows us to develop several clear guidelines to scale the performance toward shorter pulses and higher average output power. In particular, we show that a key VECSEL design parameter is a high gain saturation fluence. By optimizing this parameter, 200-fs pulses with an average output power of more than 1 W should be possible

    Composition, Morphology, and Stratigraphy of Noachian Crust around the Isidis basin

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    Definitive exposures of pristine, ancient crust on Mars are rare, and the finding that much of the ancient Noachian terrain on Mars exhibits evidence of phyllosilicate alteration adds further complexity. We have analyzed high-resolution data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in the well-exposed Noachian crust surrounding the Isidis basin. We focus on data from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars as well as imaging data sets from High Resolution Imagine Science Experiment and Context Imager. These data show the lowermost unit of Noachian crust in this region is a complex, brecciated unit of diverse compositions. Breccia blocks consisting of unaltered mafic rocks together with rocks showing signatures of Fe/Mg-phyllosilicates are commonly observed. In regions of good exposure, layered or banded phyllosilicate-bearing breccia rocks are observed suggestive of pre-Isidis sedimentary deposits. In places, the phyllosilicate-bearing material appears as a matrix surrounding mafic blocks, and the mafic rocks show evidence of complex folded relationships possibly formed in the turbulent flow during emplacement of basin-scale ejecta. These materials likely include both pre-Isidis basement rocks as well as the brecciated products of the Isidis basin–forming event at 3.9 Ga. A banded olivine unit capped by a mafic unit covers a large topographic and geographic range from northwest of Nili Fossae to the southern edge of the Isidis basin. This olivine-mafic cap combination superimposes the phyllosilicate-bearing basement rocks and distinctly conforms to the underlying basement topography. This may be due to draping of the topography by a fluid or tectonic deformation of a previously flatter lying morphology. We interpret the draping, superposed olivine-mafic cap combination to be impact melt from the Isidis basin–forming event. While some distinct post-Isidis alteration is evident (carbonate, kaolinite, and serpentine), the persistence of olivine from the time of Isidis basin suggests that large-scale aqueous alteration processes had ceased by the time this unit was emplaced

    Social media use and impact during the holiday travel planning process

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    Through an empirical study among holiday travellers, residing in the Former Soviet Union Republics, this paper presents a comprehensive view of role and impact of social media on the whole holiday travel planning process: Before, during and after the trip, providing insights on usage levels, scope of use, level of influence and trust. Findings suggest that social media are predominantly used after holidays for experience sharing. It is also shown that there is a strong correlation between perceived level of influence from social media and changes made in holiday plans prior to final decisions. Moreover, it is revealed that user-generated content is perceived as more trustworthy when compared to official tourism websites, travel agents and mass media advertising

    Spatial relationships between patterned ground and ground ice detected by the neutron spectrometer on Mars

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    [1] Patterned grounds, like polygonal features, are the signature of climatic effects in periglacial regions on Earth. Identifying similar features on Mars is important for an understanding of the past Martian climate. In this study we mapped fresh patterned landforms from the systematic analysis of Mars Orbiter Camera high-resolution images. We show that most of them are distributed at latitudes poleward of ±55°, making a climatic control likely. This distribution correlates to the distribution of ground ice detected by the Neutron Spectrometer aboard Mars Odyssey. This correlation is likely the consequence of the Neutron Spectrometer detecting ice no deeper than about 1 m. Patterned ground formation requires ice in this range of depth because these features are triggered by the propagation of a thermal wave that is driven by seasonal or diurnal changes in insolation, which affect the temperature in the uppermost ground layers. Sublimation seems to play a role in the shaping of many of the small patterns observed at latitudes between 55°and 70°. No widespread polygonal features are correlated to the equatorial regions where hydrogen is detected by the Neutron Spectrometer
