422 research outputs found

    Инструментарий минимизации риска защищенности в распределенных системах (РКС)

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    Разработана структура средств минимизации риска защищенности распределенных компьютерных систем, выполнена формализация функционирования основных блоков предложенной структуры. Предложена оценка уровня угроз безопасности, интегральная оценка ущерба вследствие атак на уязвимости, а также оценка степени риска реализации угроз безопасности в компьютерных системах. Также предложен подход к анализу риска на основе оценок степени опасности факторов угроз безопасности и вероятности реализации угроз безопасности с разделением их на соответствующие группы, а также на основе построения специальной матрицы рисков защищенности для минимизации риска защищенности.Розроблено структуру засобів мінімізації ризику захищеності розподілених комп’ютерних систем, виконано формалізацію функціонування основних блоків запропонованої структури. Запропоновано оцінку рівня загроз безпеки, інтегральну оцінку збитку внаслідок атак на вразливості, а також оцінку ступеня ризику реалізації загроз безпеки в комп’ютерних системах. Також запропоновано підхід до аналізу ризику на основі оцінок ступеня небезпеки факторів загроз безпеки та ймовірності реалізації загроз безпеки з розділенням їх на відповідні групи, а також на основі побудови спеціальної матриці ризиків захищеності для мінімізації ризику захищеності.The structure of means for security risk minimization in distributed computer systems is developed, and the functioning of the basic blocks of the suggested structure is formalized. Also, estimation of the security threat level, the integrated assessment of the damage due to attacks on to the vulnerabilities, and the risk assessment for the security threat realization are proposed. An approach to the risk analysis on the basis of estimation of the danger level of safety threat factors and the probability of safety threat realization with division of the factors into related groups is suggested, which is also based on the constructed special security risk matrix for security risk minimization

    Этноконфликт как причина агрессии: проблема национальной безопасности Украины

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    Межэтнические и межнациональные противоречия являются сегодня одной из наиболее актуальных проблем многих стран мира, в том числе и Украины. Она относится к числу полиэтнических государств, где неизбежны межэтнические и межнациональные противоречия и конфликты. Анализу последних, их причин и возможных следствий и посвящена данная статья.Міжетнічні та міжнаціональні протиріччя сьогодні є однією з найбільш актуальних проблем багатьох країн світу, у тому числі і України. Вона належить до числа поліетнічних держав, де неминучі міжетнічні та міжнаціональні протиріччя та конфлікти, аналізу яких, їх причин і можливих наслідків присвячена дана стаття.Today interethnic and international contradictions are the most topical problems of many countries of the world including Ukraine. It belongs to those polyethnic states where interethnic and international contradictions and conflicts are unavoided. This article is devoted to analysis, causes and possible consequences of the last ones

    Interaction of antithrombin III with preadsorbed albumin-heparin conjugates

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    The adsorption of antithrombin III (AT III) onto polystyrene surfaces preadsorbed with albumin or albuminheparin conjugates was studied using a two step enzyme immuno assay. When AT III-buffer solutions were used, the highest adsorption values were measured on high affinity albumin-heparin conjugate pretreated surfaces. Less AT III adsorption was found on nonfractionated albumin-heparin conjugate preadsorbed surfaces. AT III adsorption could also be detected on low affinity conjugate and albumin coated surfaces. When AT III was adsorbed from plasma or plasma dilutions with buffer, only AT III on surfaces preadsorbed with high affinity or nonfractionated albumin-heparin conjugate was found. These results demonstrate that the heparin moiety of the conjugate is directed to the solution phase whereas the albumin moiety contacts the polystyrene surfaca

    Развитие инвестиционного кредитования в Украине

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    Free radical polymerization is often used to prepare protein and peptide-loaded hydrogels for the design of controlled release systems and molecular imprinting materials. Peroxodisulfates (ammonium peroxodisulfates (APS) or potassium peroxodisulfates (KPS)) with N,N,N,N-tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) are frequently used as initiator and catalyst. However, exposure to these free radical polymerization reagents may lead to modification of the protein and peptide. In this work, we show the modification of lysine residues by ammonium peroxodisulfate (APS)/TEMED of the immunostimulant thymopentin (TP5). Parallel studies on a decapeptide and a library of 15 dipeptides were performed to reveal the mechanism of modification. LC-MS of APS/TEMED-exposed TP5 revealed a major reaction product with an increased mass (+12 Da) with respect to TP5. LC-MS2 and LC-MS3 were performed to obtain structural information on the modified peptide and localize the actual modification site. Interpretation of the obtained data demonstrates the formation of a methylene bridge between the lysine and arginine residue in the presence of TEMED, while replacing TEMED with a sodium bisulfite catalyst did not show this modification. Studies with the other peptides showed that the TEMED radical can induce methyleneation on peptides when lysine is next to arginine, proline, cysteine, aspargine, glutamine, histidine, tyrosine, tryptophan, and aspartic acid residues. Stability of peptides and protein needs to be considered when using APS/TEMED in in situ polymerization systems. The use of an alternative catalyst such as sodium bisulfite may preserve the chemical integrity of peptides during in situ polymerization

    Effect of Polyplex Size on Penetration into Tumor Spheroids

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    Ovarian cancer is one of the most lethal gynecological cancers in the world. In recent years, nucleic acid (NA)-based formulations have been shown to be promising treatments for ovarian cancer, including tumor nodules. However, gene therapy is not that far advanced in clinical reality due to unfavorable physicochemical properties of the NAs, such as high molecular weight, poor cellular uptake, rapid degradation by nucleases, etc. One of the strategies used to overcome these drawbacks is the complexation of anionic NAs via electrostatic interactions with cationic polymers, resulting in the formation of so-called polyplexes. In this work, the role of the size of pDNA and siRNA polyplexes on their penetration into ovarian-cancer-based tumor spheroids was investigated. For this, a methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (mPEG-pDMAEMA) diblock copolymer was synthesized as a polymeric carrier for NA binding and condensation with either plasmid DNA (pDNA) or short interfering RNA (siRNA). When prepared in HEPES buffer (10 mM, pH 7.4) at a nitrogen/phosphate (N/P) charge ratio of 5 and pDNA polyplexes were formed with a size of 162 +/- 11 nm, while siRNA-based polyplexes displayed a size of 25 +/- 2 nm. The polyplexes had a slightly positive zeta potential of +7-8 mV in the same buffer. SiRNA and pDNA polyplexes were tracked in vitro into tumor spheroids, resembling in vivo avascular ovarian tumor nodules. For this purpose, reproducible spheroids were obtained by coculturing ovarian carcinoma cells with primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts in different ratios (5:2, 1:1, and 2:5). Penetration studies revealed that after 24 h of incubation, siRNA polyplexes were able to penetrate deeper into the homospheroids (composed of only cancer cells) and heterospheroids (cancer cells cocultured with fibroblasts) compared to pDNA polyplexes which were mainly located in the rim. The penetration of the polyplexes was slowed when increasing the fraction of fibroblasts present in the spheroids. Furthermore, in the presence of serum siRNA polyplexes encoding for luciferase showed a high cellular uptake in 2D cells resulting in similar to 50% silencing of luciferase expression. Taken together, these findings show that self-assembled small siRNA polyplexes have good potential as a platform to test ovarian tumor nodulus penetration.

    Кіноніми Кіровоградщини: особливості вибору кличок та способи їх творення

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    Стаття присвячена вивченню особливостей української кінонімії. Основну увагу зосереджено на дослідженні процесу номінації та способів словотворення кличок собак. Окремо розглянуто офіційні назви тварин, які мають родослівну.Статья посвящена изучению особенностей украинской кинонимии. Основное внимание сосредоточено на изучении процесса номинации и способах словообразования кличек собак. Отдельно рассмотрены официальные названия собак, имеющих родословную.The article is devoted to the research of the peculiarities of Ukrainian cynonymy. Most attention is taid to the research of the process of nomination and to the ways of formation of dogs' names. Special consideration is given to the official names of the animals with genealogy

    Needs assessment to strengthen capacity in water and sanitation research in Africa:experiences of the African SNOWS consortium

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    Despite its contribution to global disease burden, diarrhoeal disease is still a relatively neglected area for research funding, especially in low-income country settings. The SNOWS consortium (Scientists Networked for Outcomes from Water and Sanitation) is funded by the Wellcome Trust under an initiative to build the necessary research skills in Africa. This paper focuses on the research training needs of the consortium as identified during the first three years of the project

    Mechanistic Study on the Degradation of Hydrolysable Core-Crosslinked Polymeric Micelles

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    Core-crosslinked polymeric micelles (CCPMs) are an attractive class of nanocarriers for drug delivery. Two crosslinking approaches to form CCPMs exist: either via a low-molecular-weight crosslinking agent to connect homogeneous polymer chains with reactive handles or via cross-reactive handles on polymers to link them to each other (complementary polymers). Previously, CCPMs based on methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)- b-poly[ N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide-lactate] (mPEG- b-PHPMAmLac n ) modified with thioesters were crosslinked via native chemical ligation (NCL, a reaction between a cysteine residue and thioester resulting in an amide bond) using a bifunctional cysteine containing crosslinker. These CCPMs are degradable under physiological conditions due to hydrolysis of the ester groups present in the crosslinks. The rapid onset of degradation observed previously, as measured by the light scattering intensity, questions the effectiveness of crosslinking via a bifunctional agent. Particularly due to the possibility of intrachain crosslinks that can occur using such a small crosslinker, we investigated the degradation mechanism of CCPMs generated via both approaches using various analytical techniques. CCPMs based on complementary polymers degraded slower at pH 7.4 and 37 °C than CCPMs with a crosslinker (the half-life of the light scattering intensity was approximately 170 h versus 80 h, respectively). Through comparative analysis of the degradation profiles of the two different CCPMs, we conclude that partially ineffective intrachain crosslinks are likely formed using the small crosslinker, which contributed to more rapid CCPM degradation. Overall, this study shows that the type of crosslinking approach can significantly affect degradation kinetics, and this should be taken into consideration when developing new degradable CCPM platforms