2,382 research outputs found

    An Evaluable Theory for a Class of Migration Problems

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    A master equation formulation for a class of migration problems describing the spatio-temporal dynamics of a system of regions is introduced. The transition probabilities are functions of trend parameters, which characterize preferences, growth pool and saturation effects. The trend parameters can be determined by regression analysis from the empirical migration matrix. The solution of meanvalue equations yields a nonlinear migration prognosis. The relation between trend parameters and motivation factors, e.g., income per capita, infrastructure and transportation costs, is also discussed. Numerical simulations illustrate the influence of the superposition of migration trends on the evolution of the system

    Wightman Functions' Behaviour on the Event Horizon of an Extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"om Black Hole

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    A weaker Haag, Narnhofer and Stein prescription as well as a weaker Hessling Quantum Equivalence Principle for the behaviour of thermal Wightman functions on an event horizon are analysed in the case of an extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole in the limit of a large mass. In order to avoid the degeneracy of the metric in the stationary coordinates on the horizon, a method is introduced which employs the invariant length of geodesics which pass the horizon. First the method is checked for a massless scalar field on the event horizon of the Rindler wedge, extending the original procedure of Haag, Narnhofer and Stein onto the {\em whole horizon} and recovering the same results found by Hessling. Afterwards the HNS prescription and Hessling's prescription for a massless scalar field are analysed on the whole horizon of an extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole in the limit of a large mass. It is proved that the weak form of the HNS prescription is satisfyed for all the finite values of the temperature of the KMS states, i.e., this principle does not determine any Hawking temperature. It is found that the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m vacuum, i.e., T=0T=0 does satisfy the weak HNS prescription and it is the only state which satisfies weak Hessling's prescription, too. Finally, it is suggested that all the previously obtained results should be valid dropping the requirements of a massless field and of a large mass black hole.Comment: 27 pages, standard LaTex, no figures, final version containing the results following from Hessling's principle as they appeared in the other paper gr-qc/9510016, minor changes in the text and in references, it will appear on Class. Quant. Gra

    There are No Causality Problems for Fermi's Two Atom System

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    A repeatedly discussed gedanken experiment, proposed by Fermi to check Einstein causality, is reconsidered. It is shown that, contrary to a recent statement made by Hegerfeldt, there appears no causality paradoxon in a proper theoretical description of the experiment.Comment: 6 pages, latex, DESY 94-02

    The Quest for Understanding in Relativistic Quantum Physics

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    We discuss the status and some perspectives of relativistic quantum physics.Comment: Invited contribution to the Special Issue 2000 of the Journal of Mathematical Physics, 38 pages, typos corrected and references added, as to appear in JM

    Pion-Nucleon Scattering in Kadyshevsky Formalism: I Meson Exchange Sector

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    In a series of two papers we present the theoretical results of πN\pi N/meson-baryon scattering in the Kadyshevsky formalism. In this paper the results are given for meson exchange diagrams. On the formal side we show, by means of an example, how general couplings, i.e. couplings containing multiple derivatives and/or higher spin fields, should be treated. We do this by introducing and applying the Takahashi-Umezawa and the Gross-Jackiw method. For practical purposes we introduce the Pˉ\bar{P} method. We also show how the Takashashi-Umezawa method can be derived using the theory of Bogoliubov and collaborators and the Gross-Jackiw method is also used to study the nn-dependence of the Kadyshevsky integral equation. Last but not least we present the second quantization procedure of the quasi particle in Kadyshevsky formalism.Comment: 29 page

    Relational interpretation of the wave function and a possible way around Bell's theorem

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    The famous ``spooky action at a distance'' in the EPR-szenario is shown to be a local interaction, once entanglement is interpreted as a kind of ``nearest neighbor'' relation among quantum systems. Furthermore, the wave function itself is interpreted as encoding the ``nearest neighbor'' relations between a quantum system and spatial points. This interpretation becomes natural, if we view space and distance in terms of relations among spatial points. Therefore, ``position'' becomes a purely relational concept. This relational picture leads to a new perspective onto the quantum mechanical formalism, where many of the ``weird'' aspects, like the particle-wave duality, the non-locality of entanglement, or the ``mystery'' of the double-slit experiment, disappear. Furthermore, this picture cirumvents the restrictions set by Bell's inequalities, i.e., a possible (realistic) hidden variable theory based on these concepts can be local and at the same time reproduce the results of quantum mechanics.Comment: Accepted for publication in "International Journal of Theoretical Physics

    Causality and dispersion relations and the role of the S-matrix in the ongoing research

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    The adaptation of the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relations to the causal localization structure of QFT led to an important project in particle physics, the only one with a successful closure. The same cannot be said about the subsequent attempts to formulate particle physics as a pure S-matrix project. The feasibility of a pure S-matrix approach are critically analyzed and their serious shortcomings are highlighted. Whereas the conceptual/mathematical demands of renormalized perturbation theory are modest and misunderstandings could easily be corrected, the correct understanding about the origin of the crossing property requires the use of the mathematical theory of modular localization and its relation to the thermal KMS condition. These new concepts, which combine localization, vacuum polarization and thermal properties under the roof of modular theory, will be explained and their potential use in a new constructive (nonperturbative) approach to QFT will be indicated. The S-matrix still plays a predominant role but, different from Heisenberg's and Mandelstam's proposals, the new project is not a pure S-matrix approach. The S-matrix plays a new role as a "relative modular invariant"..Comment: 47 pages expansion of arguments and addition of references, corrections of misprints and bad formulation

    A sharpened nuclearity condition for massless fields

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    A recently proposed phase space condition which comprises information about the vacuum structure and timelike asymptotic behavior of physical states is verified in massless free field theory. There follow interesting conclusions about the momentum transfer of local operators in this model.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX. As appeared in Letters in Mathematical Physic

    A Bisognano-Wichmann-like Theorem in a Certain Case of a Non Bifurcate Event Horizon related to an Extreme Reissner-Nordstr\"om Black Hole

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    Thermal Wightman functions of a massless scalar field are studied within the framework of a ``near horizon'' static background model of an extremal R-N black hole. This model is built up by using global Carter-like coordinates over an infinite set of Bertotti-Robinson submanifolds glued together. The analytical extendibility beyond the horizon is imposed as constraints on (thermal) Wightman's functions defined on a Bertotti-Robinson sub manifold. It turns out that only the Bertotti-Robinson vacuum state, i.e. T=0T=0, satisfies the above requirement. Furthermore the extension of this state onto the whole manifold is proved to coincide exactly with the vacuum state in the global Carter-like coordinates. Hence a theorem similar to Bisognano-Wichmann theorem for the Minkowski space-time in terms of Wightman functions holds with vanishing ``Unruh-Rindler temperature''. Furtermore, the Carter-like vacuum restricted to a Bertotti-Robinson region, resulting a pure state there, has vanishing entropy despite of the presence of event horizons. Some comments on the real extreme R-N black hole are given
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