1,817 research outputs found

    Measurement-Device-Independent Approach to Entanglement Measures

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    Within the context of semiquantum nonlocal games, the trust can be removed from the measurement devices in an entanglement-detection procedure. Here we show that a similar approach can be taken to quantify the amount of entanglement. To be specific, first, we show that in this context a small subset of semiquantum nonlocal games is necessary and sufficient for entanglement detection in the LOCC paradigm. Second, we prove that the maximum pay-off for these games is a universal measure of entanglement which is convex and continuous. Third, we show that for the quantification of negative-partial-transpose entanglement, this subset can be further reduced down to a single arbitrary element. Importantly, our measure is operationally accessible in a measurement-device-independent way by construction. Finally, our approach is simply extended to quantify the entanglement within any partitioning of multipartite quantum states.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, the main result is split into two theorems with slight modifications, extended proof

    Resiko Jenis Pekerjaan terhadap Keluhan Muskuloskeletal Disorders pada Perawat Rumah Sakit

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi resiko cedera rangka otot pada perawat di rumah sakit. Studi dilakukan pada RSUD Serang dengan 173 responden perawat, terdiri dari 37 laki-laki dan 136 perempuan. Kuesioner DMQ (Dutch Musculoskeletal Questionaire) digunakan untuk mengukur faktor-faktor dan gejala resiko cedera rangka otot. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persentase responden mengalami keluhan fisik yang paling banyak diderita perawat adalah keluhan sakit leher (69%), punggung atas (59%), dan bahu (58%). Selanjutnya tingkat USAha untuk melakukan jenis pekerjaan ringan hingga sangat berat diukur dengan skala 1-4 dengan hasil sebagai berikut: mengangkat pasien (mean=2.57, SD=0.771), memindahkan pasien (mean=2.54, SD=0.688), mengangkat alat berat (mean=2.22 ,SD=0.909), membersihkan ruangan (mean=1.94, SD=0.595), berjalan kaki (mean=1.93, SD=0.606), duduk (mean=1.83, SD=0.489), memakaikan baju (mean=1.75, SD=0.081). Hasil pengukuran korelasi Spearman memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan pada pekerjaan memandikan pasien (S=0.280, Sig.2-tailed=0.000 ) terhadap keluhan punggung atas (p<0.01) dan hasil yang sama pada memindahkan pasien (S=0.208, Sig.2-tailed=0.008 ) terhadap keluhan punggung atas (p<0.01). Sedangkan aktifitas terlalu banyak berjalan kaki (S=-0.167, Sig.2-tailed=0.034 ) signifikan terhadap keluhan leher (p<0.05)

    Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Kisruh Partai Golkar Pasca Keputusan Menkumham Dalam Program Dialog Primetime News Metrotv Dan Kabar Petang Tvone

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    :In the span of 2014 to 2015, the Golkar Party experienced a tumultuous duality of leadership between Aburizal Bakrie and Agung Laksono version. The Government through the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights issued a decree stating Golkar Party Agung Laksono version is a legitimate stewardship. Two national television news station, Metro TV and TVOne, which are both owned by political party leaders, also 'warm' to the conflict on both sides. This study aims to understand, analyze, describe and compare dialog program Primetime News Metro and Evening News TVOne in framing news Golkar chaotic post-issuance of a decree by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights. Data analysis techniques used in this research is the analysis method with the paradigm framing or constructionist approach. This study uses a model framing analytical approach by using categorization Murray Edelman. From the results of research show can be quite impartial Metro while TVOne are beyond reasonable limits. Both seemed to favor and do not promote objectivity. Media ownership is considered to impact content that do both

    Excitation energies in semiconductors

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    Derivation of an expression for the energy gap in a semiconductor

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    Ready configuration of machines into an existing manufacturing system

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    This paper focuses on simplifying and easing the integration of a new machine into an existing conventional hierarchical manufacturing system. Based on a distributed manufacturing paradigm, it proposes the functions and interfaces that a new machine and an existing manufacturing system should possess so that ready and simple configuration of additional machines can be achieved. The configuration process is intended to include, not only mechanical and electrical interfaces, but also decision system interfaces (such as planning, scheduling, and shop-floor control). Preliminary laboratory experiments to compare the reconfigurability resulting from a conventional integration method and the proposed distributed method are presented and discussed. Β© 2007 ISAM

    Modeling survival in colon cancer: a methodological review

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    The Cox proportional hazards model is the most widely used model for survival analysis because of its simplicity. The fundamental assumption in this model is the proportionality of the hazard function. When this condition is not met, other modifications or other models must be used for analysis of survival data. We illustrate in this review several methodological approaches to deal with the violation of the proportionality assumption, using survival in colon cancer as an illustrative example

    Pengaruh Pemasangan Tail Dan Front Boat Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Aerodinamik Pada Kendaraan Sedan

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    Dalam era modern sekarang ini perkembangan industri otomotif untuk semua jenis kendaraan roda empat yang mulai memadati jalanan kota, dari kendaraan penumpang kecil hingga bus dan truk yang besar, pengurangan tahanan angin (air drag) yang ditandai dengan pengurangan koefisien tahanan (drag Coeffisient) adalah salah satu cara paling efisien untuk meningkatkan kecepatan kendaraan serta menghemat penggunaan bahan bakar. Pengurangan koefisien tahanan (drag Coeffisient) pada suatu kendaraan merupakan salah satu cara yang cukup efektif untuk menambah kecepatan dari kendaraan tersebut serta menghemat penggunaan bahan bakarnya. Pada penelitian ini gaya aerodinamik pada kendaraan mobil jenis sedan yang dievaluasi dengan melakukan penambahan boat. Paramenter yang dibahas adalah kecepatan serta tekanan aliran udara disekeliling mobil sedan. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen, yaitu untuk mengguji mobil standart yang dibandingkan dengan mobil dengan penambahan tail boat, front boat, tail and front boat. Adapun variable yang diukur dan dihitung adalah simpangan pada manometer (DH), kecepatan angin (m/s), gaya drag (kg.m/s2). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, analisa data dan pembahasan maka dapat diambil kesimpulan; 1) Semakin kecil koefisien gesek kendaraan (Cd),maka besarnya gaya drag (Fd) akan semakin kecil. 2) Jika gaya drag kendaraan (Fd) kecil, maka kecepatan kendaraan akan semakin laju. 3) Bentuk kendaraan berpengaruh terhadap lajunya, semakin kecil bidang gesek terhadap udara maka hambatan laju kendaraan semakin kecil dan laju kendaraan akan semakin kencang

    Parameter Kinetik Char Hasil Pirolisis Serbuk Kayu Mahoni (Switenia Macrophylla) Dengan Variasi Heating Rate Dan 1 Temperatur

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    The value of k (rate constant) is one of the important parameters in the equation speed of reaction (kinetics of reactions). This paper discusses the value of k (rate constan) at each heating rate (673 K / h and 873 K / h). Where k is the value obtained by calculating the value of k temperature 523 K, 623 K, 723 K, 773 K and 873 K heating rate of 673 K / h and k values of temperature 523 K, 623 K, 723 K, 773 K and 873 K heating rate 1073 K / h. From the k value of each temperature, calculated values of k in the heating rate. Calculation results obtained kinetic parameters heating rate of 673 K / h Kinetic is = 24,022 . βˆ’1230 ⁄ , Ea = 10226.2 kJ Mol -1 , A = 269.4548 min -1 and a heating rate of 1073 K / h is = 8,998 . , Ea = 6550.6 kJ Mol -1 , A = 100.9273 min . From the k value of each heating rate validated into the mass loss is calculated, which obtain the actual mass loss results with the mass loss calculation results of kinetic equations for each temperature and heating rate can be seen that the value of mass loss value calculation results is approaching mass reduction so the actual kinetic equation respectively temperature and heating rate. Rate constan) is one of the important parameters in the equation speed of reaction (kinetics of reactions) -
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