
Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Kisruh Partai Golkar Pasca Keputusan Menkumham Dalam Program Dialog Primetime News Metrotv Dan Kabar Petang Tvone


:In the span of 2014 to 2015, the Golkar Party experienced a tumultuous duality of leadership between Aburizal Bakrie and Agung Laksono version. The Government through the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights issued a decree stating Golkar Party Agung Laksono version is a legitimate stewardship. Two national television news station, Metro TV and TVOne, which are both owned by political party leaders, also 'warm' to the conflict on both sides. This study aims to understand, analyze, describe and compare dialog program Primetime News Metro and Evening News TVOne in framing news Golkar chaotic post-issuance of a decree by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights. Data analysis techniques used in this research is the analysis method with the paradigm framing or constructionist approach. This study uses a model framing analytical approach by using categorization Murray Edelman. From the results of research show can be quite impartial Metro while TVOne are beyond reasonable limits. Both seemed to favor and do not promote objectivity. Media ownership is considered to impact content that do both

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