34,788 research outputs found

    Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in a Weakly Ionized Medium

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    Ambient interstellar material may become entrained in outflows from massive stars as a result of shear flow instabilities. We study the linear theory of the Kelvin - Helmholtz instability, the simplest example of shear flow instability, in a partially ionized medium. We model the interaction as a two fluid system (charged and neutral) in a planar geometry. Our principal result is that for much of the relevant parameter space, neutrals and ions are sufficiently decoupled that the neutrals are unstable while the ions are held in place by the magnetic field. Thus, we predict that there should be a detectably narrower line profile in ionized species tracing the outflow compared with neutral species since ionized species are not participating in the turbulent interface with the ambient ISM. Since the magnetic field is frozen to the plasma, it is not tangled by the turbulence in the boundary layer.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Thermomagnetic analysis of meteorites. 3: C3 and C4 chondrites

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    Thermomagnetic analysis on all of the C3 and C4 chondrites, conducted under conditions of controlled oxygen fugacity, indicates the presence of a thermally unstable component in at least 5 of the C3 chondrites which upon heating results in magnetite production. This unstable component is most likely troilite (FeS). The presence of the unstable substance may affect the estimation of paleointensities in meteorites which contain it. Our results indicate that Grosnaja, Ornans, Kainsaz, Felix, and Warrenton are likely to be less complicated for paleointensity determinations than the other C3 chondrites. Both C4 chondrites should lead to reliable results

    The fish fauna of the Iwokrama Forest

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    Fishes were collected from the rivers in and around the Iwokrama Forest during January-February and November-December 1997. Four hundred species of fish were recorded from forty families in ten orders. Many of these fishes are newly recorded from Guyana and several are thought to be endemic. The number of species recorded for the area is surprising given the low level of effort and suggests that this area may be particularly important from a fish diversity perspective. This paper focuses on species of particular interest from a management perspective including those considered economically important, rare or endangered. The paper is also the basis for developing fisheries management systems in the Iwokrama Forest and Rupununi Wetlands

    Thermomagnetic analysis of meterorites. 4: Ureilites

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    Samples of all available ureilites have been analyzed thermomagnetically. For three of the six (Dyalpur, Goalpara and Havero) evidence was found for only low-nickel metallic-iron as the magnetic component and the (saturation magnetization vs, temperature) curves were reversible. In the Novo Urei ureilite, magnetite in addition to low-nickel metallic-iron was indicated and again the Js-T curve was reversible. For the two badly weathered ureilites, Dingo Pup Donga and North Haig, indication was also found that both initial magnetite and low-nickel metallic-iron were present. However, the Js-T curves were somewhat irreversible and the final saturation magnetization was 20% and 50% greater than initially for North Haig and Dingo Pup Donga, respectively. This behavior is interpreted to be the result of magnetite production from a secondary iron oxide during the experiment

    Thermomagnetic analysis of meteorites, 2: C2 chondrites

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    Samples of all eighteen of the known C2 chondrites were analyzed thermomagnetically. For eleven of these, initial Fe3O4 content is low(generally 1%) and the J sub s-T curves are irreversible. The heating curves show variable and erratic behavior, whereas the cooling curves appear to be that of Fe3O4. The saturation moment after cooling is greater (up to 10 times larger) than it is initially. This behavior is interpreted to be the result of the production of magnetite from a thermally unstable phase--apparently FeS. Four of the remaining 7 C2 chondrites contain Fe3O4 as the only significant magnetic phase: initial magnetite contents range from 4 to 13 percent. The remaining three C2 chondrites contain iron or nickel-iron in addition to Fe3O4. These seven C2 chondrites show little evidence of the breakdown of a thermally unstable phase

    An assessment of an F2 or N2O4 atmospheric injection from an aborted space shuttle mission

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    Assuming a linear relationship between the stratosphere loading of NOx and the magnitude of the ozone perturbation, the change in ozone expected to result from space shuttle ejection of N2O4 was calculated based on the ozone change that is predicted for the (much greater) NOx input that would accompany large-scale operations of SSTs. Stratospheric fluorine reactions were critically reviewed to evaluate the magnitude of fluorine induced ozone destruction relative to the reduction that would be caused by addition of an equal amount of chlorine. The predicted effect on stratospheric ozone is vanishingly small

    Characterising exo-ringsystems around fast-rotating stars using the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect

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    Planetary rings produce a distinct shape distortion in transit lightcurves. However, to accurately model such lightcurves the observations need to cover the entire transit, especially ingress and egress, as well as an out-of-transit baseline. Such observations can be challenging for long period planets, where the transits may last for over a day. Planetary rings will also impact the shape of absorption lines in the stellar spectrum, as the planet and rings cover different parts of the rotating star (the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect). These line-profile distortions depend on the size, structure, opacity, obliquity and sky projected angle of the ring system. For slow rotating stars, this mainly impacts the amplitude of the induced velocity shift, however, for fast rotating stars the large velocity gradient across the star allows the line distortion to be resolved, enabling direct determination of the ring parameters. We demonstrate that by modeling these distortions we can recover ring system parameters (sky-projected angle, obliquity and size) using only a small part of the transit. Substructure in the rings, e.g. gaps, can be recovered if the width of the features (δW\delta W) relative to the size of the star is similar to the intrinsic velocity resolution (set by the width of the local stellar profile, γ\gamma) relative to the stellar rotation velocity (vv sinii, i.e. δW/R∗≳v\delta W / R_* \gtrsim vsinii/γ\gamma). This opens up a new way to study the ring systems around planets with long orbital periods, where observations of the full transit, covering the ingress and egress, are not always feasible.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evidence for the Strong Dominance of Proton-Neutron Correlations in Nuclei

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    We analyze recent data from high-momentum-transfer (p,pp)(p,pp) and (p,ppn)(p,ppn) reactions on Carbon. For this analysis, the two-nucleon short-range correlation (NN-SRC) model for backward nucleon emission is extended to include the motion of the NN-pair in the mean field. The model is found to describe major characteristics of the data. Our analysis demonstrates that the removal of a proton from the nucleus with initial momentum 275-550 MeV/c is 92−18+892^{+8}_{-18}% of the time accompanied by the emission of a correlated neutron that carries momentum roughly equal and opposite to the initial proton momentum. Within the NN-SRC dominance assumption the data indicate that the probabilities of pppp or nnnn SRCs in the nucleus are at least a factor of six smaller than that of pnpn SRCs. Our result is the first estimate of the isospin structure of NN-SRCs in nuclei, and may have important implication for modeling the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figures, Revised version to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Inflatonless Inflation

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    We consider a 4+N dimensional Einstein gravity coupled to a non-linear sigma model. This theory admits a solution in which the N extra dimensions contract exponentially while the ordinary space expand exponentially. Physically, the non-linear sigma fields induce the dynamical compactification of the extra dimensions, which in turn drives inflation. No inflatons are required.Comment: 12 pages, version to appear in IJMP
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