1,376 research outputs found

    Miscellaneous Letters on Burma, 1755-1760, I, edited by Alexander Dalrymple and re-edited by Michael W. Charney

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    These letters, and in cases extracts of letters, were reproduced by Alexander Dalrymple in 1808, published in London under the title Oriental Repertory, by William Ballintine for the East India Company. Relevant portions of Dalrymple’s commentary to some letters have also been included. Edited by Michael W. Charney for the SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research

    Understanding How Vulnerable Populations Use Common Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) to Access Health Care Information

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    The goal of this study is to investigate patterns of internet access via computers and cellular telephones among the population being served by the Drexel University Eleventh (11th) Street Health Center (Here after, the Center) and to determine which Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) will be most appropriate for delivering health care information to this population. This two-part study examines 2 concepts: 1). Which ICTs do patients at the11th Street center use to connect to the internet; 2) How these patients use the internet through the identified ICTs. Results of the project will be used to improve the ways the Center communicates with its patients by developing new approaches for using ICTs that better reflect the existing patterns of use in the population. The study will also provide researchers with a better understanding of the barriers and facilitators to internet access in this vulnerable population


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    Post-fisc inequality: U.S. & West Germany compared

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    CD-ROM MEDLINE use and users: information transfer in the clinical setting

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    Effective delivery of biomedical information to health professionals depends on the availability of systems that are compatible with the information-seeking patterns of health professionals. MEDLINE is a major source of biomedical information, but has been available primarily through libraries via telecommunications networks. The recent availability of MEDLINE on CD-ROM has made it possible to provide MEDLINE directly to clinicians without the associated problems of telecommunications and online use charges. The MEDLINE on CD-ROM Evaluation Forum sponsored by the National Library of Medicine reported on clinicians' use of CD-ROM MEDLINE at seven different clinical settings. This article summarizes the findings from these sites and places them in the context of current understanding of information-seeking behaviors of health professionals. Key issues in the design and development of information technologies in the clinical setting are also articulated

    Understanding Accreditation: The Librarian's Role in Educational Evaluation

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    This article will describe the practice of accreditation in general, and will identify several issues and trends that occurred as a result of changes in political and social structures. It will also discuss some of the challenges facing accreditation today, and how the changes in higher education may affect both libraries and accreditation

    Hutchison Medallist 1. Wave-Dominated to Tide-Dominated Coastal Systems: A Unifying Model for Tidal Shorefaces and Refinement of the Coastal- Environments Classification Scheme

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    Coastal depositional systems are normally classified based on the relative input of wave, tide, and river processes. While wave- through to river-dominated environments are well characterized, environments along the wave-to-tide continuum are relatively poorly understood and this limits the reliability and utility of coastal classification schemes. Two tidal shoreface models, open-coast tidal flats (OCTF) and tidally modulated shorefaces (TMS), have been introduced for mixed wave-tide coastal settings. Following nearly two decades of research on tidal shorefaces, a number of significant insights have been derived, and these data are used here to develop a unified model for such systems. First, OCTFs are components of larger depositional environments, and in multiple published examples, OCTFs overlie offshore to lower shoreface successions that are similar to TMS. Consequently, we combine OCTFs and TMSs into a single tidal shoreface model where TMS (as originally described) and TMS-OCTF successions are considered as variants along the wave-tide continuum. Second, tidal shoreface successions are preferentially preserved in low- to moderate-wave energy environments and in progradational to aggradational systems. It is probably difficult to distinguish tidal shorefaces from their storm-dominated counterparts. Third, tidal shorefaces, including both TMSs and OCTFs, should exhibit tidally modulated storm deposits, reflecting variation in storm-wave energy at the sea floor resulting from the rising and falling tide. They may also exhibit interbedding of tidally generated structures (e.g. double mud drapes or bidirectional current ripples), deposited under fairweather conditions, and storm deposits (e.g. hummocky cross-stratification) through the lower shoreface and possibly into the upper shoreface.The development of the tidal shoreface model sheds light on the limitations of the presently accepted wave-tide-river classification scheme of coastal environments and a revised scheme is presented. In particular, tidal flats are components of larger depositional systems and can be identified in the rock record only in settings where intertidal and supratidal deposits are preserved; consequently, they should not represent the tide-dominated end-member of coastal systems. Instead, we suggest that tide-dominated embayments should occupy this apex. Tide-dominated embayments exhibit limited wave and river influence and include a wide range of geomorphological features typically associated with tidal processes, including tidal channels, bars and flats.Les systèmes de dépôts côtiers sont normalement classés en fonction de l’apport relatif des processus liés à la houle, aux marées et aux rivières. Si les environnements dominés par la houle et les rivières sont bien caractérisés, les environnements le long du continuum houle-marée sont relativement mal compris, ce qui limite la fiabilité et l’utilité des systèmes de classification des côtes. Deux modèles d’avant-plages tidales, les estrans ouverts (open-coast tidal flats; OCTF) et les avant-plages modulées par la marée (tidally modulated shoreface; TMS), ont été introduits pour les milieux côtiers mixtes, houle-marée. Suite à près de deux décennies de recherche sur les avant-plages tidales, un certain nombre d’informations importantes ont été obtenues et ces données sont utilisées ici pour développer un modèle unifié pour ces systèmes. Tout d’abord, les OCTF sont les composants de systèmes de dépôt plus vastes et, dans de nombreux exemples publiés, les OCTF recouvrent des successions sédimentaires allant du large à l’avant-plage inférieure, similaires à celle des TMS. Par conséquent, nous combinons les OCTF et les TMS en un seul modèle d’avant-plage tidale où les TMS (tel que décrit à l’origine) et les successions TMS-OCTF sont considérés comme des variantes le long du continuum houle-marée. Deuxièmement, les successions d’avant-plages tidales sont préférentiellement préservées dans des environnements ayant une houle faible à modérée et dans des systèmes progradant et aggradant. Il est probablement difficile de distinguer les avant-plages tidales de leurs homologues dominés par les tempêtes. Troisièmement, les avant-plages tidales, incluant à la fois les TMS et les OCTF devraient présenter des dépôts de tempête modulés par la marée, reflétant ainsi la variation de l’énergie des vagues de tempête sur le fond marin liée à la marée montante et descendante. Les avant-plages tidales peuvent également présenter une interstratification de structures générées par la marée (par exemple, des doubles drapages argileux ou des rides de courants bidirectionnelles) déposées pendant des conditions de beau temps, et des dépôts de tempête (par exemple, des stratifications en mamelons) au niveau de l’avant-plage inférieure et éventuellement de l’avant-plage supérieure.Le développement du modèle d’avant-plage tidale met en lumière les limites de la classification tripartite (houle-marée-rivière) des environnements côtiers actuellement acceptée et une classification révisée est présentée. En particulier, les OCTF et les estrans sont des composantes de systèmes dedépôt plus importants et ne peuvent être identifiés que dans le registre sédimentaire dans les milieux où les dépôts intertidaux et supratidaux sont préservés; par conséquent, ils ne devraient pas représenter le membre extrême des systèmes côtiers dominé par la marée. Nous suggérons plutôt que les baies dominées par la marée occupent cette place. Les baies dominées par les marées présentent une influence limitée des vagues et des rivières et comprennent un large éventail de caractéristiques géomorphologiques généralement associées aux processus de marée, notamment des chenaux, des barres et des platiers tidaux

    A Glass Spherule of Questionable Impact Origin from the Apollo 15 Landing Site: Unique Target Mare Basalt

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    A 6 mm-diameter dark spherule, 15434,28, from the regolith on the Apennine Front at the Apollo 15 landing site has a homogeneous glass interior with a 200 microns-thick rind of devitrified or crystallized melt. The rind contains abundant small fragments of Apollo 15 olivine-normative mare basalt and rare volcanic Apollo 15 green glass. The glass interior of the spherule has the chemical composition, including a high FeO content and high CaO/Al2O3, of a mare basalt. Whereas the major element and Sc, Ni, and Co abundances are similar to those of low-Ti mare basalts, the incompatible elements and Sr abundances are similar to those of high-Ti mare basaits. The relative abundance patterns of the incompatible trace elements are distinct from any other lunar mare basalts or KREEP; among these distinctions are a much steeper slope of the heavy rare earth elements. The 15434,28 glass has abundances of the volatile element Zn consistent with both impact glasses and crystalline mare basalts, but much lower than in glasses of mare volcanic origin. The glass contains siderophile elements such as Ir in abundances only slightly higher than accepted lunar indigenous levels, and some, such as Au, are just below such upper limits. The age of the glass, determined by the Ar-40/Ar-39 laser incremental heating technique, is 1647 +/- 11 Ma (2 sigma); it is expressed as an age spectrum of seventeen steps over 96% of the Ar-38 released, unusual for an impact glass. Trapped argon is negligible. The undamaged nature of the sphere demonstrates that it must have spent most of its life buried in regolith; Ar-38 cosmic ray exposure data suggest that it was buried at less than 2m but more than a few centimeters if a single depth is appropriate. That the spherule solidified to a glass is surprising; for such a mare composition, cooling at about 50 C/s is required to avoid crystallization, and barely attainable in such a large spherule. The low volatile abundances, slightly high siderophile abundances, and the young age are perhaps all most consistent with an impact origin, but nonetheless not absolutely definitive

    Tools for improvement: a systematic analysis and guide to accreditation by the JCAHO

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    By viewing the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' (JCAHO) standards in the context of current accreditation practice, hospital librarians can understand and clarify their role in realizing their organization's mission, goals, and objectives. By broadening their view of the information function as described in the accreditation standards, health sciences librarians can enhance their position in the hospital's management team, improve health information practice, and contribute to the overall performance of the health care organization. The role of the librarian and the library throughout the entire set of standards and interrelationships with other professionals and units are described. Examples of ways to demonstrate conformity to the standards are provided. Special emphasis is placed on Standard 9, Management of Information, to provide guidance to the librarian undergoing JCAHO accreditation
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