30 research outputs found

    Supercontinuum pulse shaping in the few-cycle regime

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    The synthesis of nearly arbitrary supercontinuum pulse forms is demonstrated with sub-pulse structures that maintain a temporal resolution in the few-cycle regime. Spectral broadening of the 35 fs input pulses to supercontinuum bandwidths is attained in a controlled two-stage sequential filamentation in air at atmospheric pressure, facilitating a homogeneous power density over the full spectral envelope in the visible to near infrared spectral range. Only standard optics and a liquid crystal spatial light modulator (LC-SLM) are employed for achieving pulse compression to the sub 5 fs regime with pulse energies of up to 60 μJ and a peak power of 12 GW. This constitutes the starting point for further pulse form synthesis via phase modulation within the sampling limit of the pulse shaper. Transient grating frequency-resolved optical gating (TG-FROG) allows for the characterization of pulse forms that extend over several hundred femtoseconds with few-cycle substructure

    mechanistic insight into the oxidation of propene on the V4O11− cluster

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    An experimental methodology for a mechanistic analysis of gas phase chemical reactions is presented in the context of structure–reactivity relationships of metal oxide clusters relevant to photocatalysis. The spectroscopic approach is demonstrated with the investigation of the photoinduced oxygenation of propene on the V4O11−cluster, where the thermal activation and subsequent photoreaction are deduced with the information from (i) the temperature dependency of the aggregation kinetics in the propene-seeded helium atmosphere of an ion-trap reactor; (ii) the fluence dependency in the yield of different product channels of the photoreaction and (iii) the intensity dependency in the fragmentation of neutral reaction products that are probed via in situ multi-photon ionization. For the thermal reaction, selective hydrogen abstraction from the allylic position of propene accompanied by the linkage to the cluster at the dioxo moiety is postulated as the mechanism in the aggregation of propene on the V4O11−cluster. In accordance with an insightful neutralization–reionization study (Schröder et al., J. Mass. Spectrom., 2010, 301, 84), the subsequent photoinduced reaction is defined by an allylic oxidation in the formation of acrolein from the initial allyloxy radical photoproduct. The relevance of the observed selectivity is discussed in view of the electronic structure and bond motifs offered by high valence oxide systems such as the V4O11−cluster

    Photo-oxidation by laser pulse induced desorption of phthalocyanines

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    Photo-oxidation of iron(II)-phthalocyanine (PcFe) has been observed in matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and laser desorption/ionization (LDI) and is interpreted by theoretical molecular dynamics simulations. The two ionization methods show different amounts of μ-oxo-bridged PcFe-dimer and deliver evidence that MALDI produces less mechanical stress on the analyte. The typical proton-transfer in the MALDI-process does not occur which leads to the assumption of a released electron of the delocalized π-system

    a step towards modulating precipitation?

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    We review the recent results about laser-induced condensation based on self- guided filaments generated by ultrashort laser pulses. After recalling the physico-chemistry of cloud particle formation in the atmosphere and the physics of laser filamentation, we discuss experimental results on laser- induced condensation and its relevance for modulating precipitation

    Photoassociation and coherent transient dynamics in the interaction of ultracold rubidium atoms with shaped femtosecond pulses - I. Experiment

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    We experimentally investigate various processes present in the photoassociative interaction of an ultracold atomic sample with shaped femtosecond laser pulses. We demonstrate the photoassociation of pairs of rubidium atoms into electronically excited, bound molecular states using spectrally cut femtosecond laser pulses tuned below the rubidium D1 or D2 asymptote. Time-resolved pump-probe spectra reveal coherent oscillations of the molecular formation rate, which are due to coherent transient dynamics in the electronic excitation. The oscillation frequency corresponds to the detun-ing of the spectral cut position to the asymptotic transition frequency of the rubidium D1 or D2 lines, respectively. Measurements of the molecular photoassociation signal as a function of the pulse energy reveal a non-linear dependence and indicate a non-perturbative excitation process. Chirping the association laser pulse allowed us to change the phase of the coherent transients. Furthermore, a signature for molecules in the electronic ground state is found, which is attributed to molecule formation by femtosecond photoassociation followed by spontaneous decay. In a subsequent article [A. Merli et al., submitted] quantum mechanical calculations are presented, which compare well with the experimental data and reveal further details about the observed coherent transient dynamics

    Coherent control with shaped femtosecond laser pulses applied to ultracold molecules

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    We report on coherent control of excitation processes of translationally ultracold rubidium dimers in a magneto-optical trap by using shaped femtosecond laser pulses. Evolution strategies are applied in a feedback loop in order to optimize the photoexcitation of the Rb2 molecules, which subsequently undergo ionization or fragmentation. A superior performance of the resulting pulses compared to unshaped pulses of the same pulse energy is obtained by distributing the energy among specific spectral components. The demonstration of coherent control to ultracold ensembles opens a path to actively influence fundamental photo-induced processes in molecular quantum gases

    Infrared Photodissociation Spectroscopy of C2n+1N− Anions with n = 1 – 5

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    The gas phase vibrational spectroscopy of cryogenically cooled C2n + 1N− anions with n = 1 − 5 is investigated in the spectral range of the C≡C and C≡N stretching modes (1850–2400 cm–1) by way of infrared photodissociation (IRPD) spectroscopy of messenger-tagged C2n+1N–· mD2 complexes. The IRPD spectra are assigned based on a comparison to previously reported anharmonic and harmonic CCSD(T) vibrational frequencies and intensities. Experimentally determined and predicted anharmonic vibrational transition energies lie within ± 21 cm–1. For the harmonic CCSD(T)/vqz+ vibrational frequencies a scaling factor of 0.9808 is determined, resulting in comparable absolute deviations. The influence of the D2-messenger molecules on the structure and the IRPD spectrum is found to be small. Compared to the results of previous IR matrix isolation studies additional, in particular weaker, IR-active transitions are identified

    PCF-Based Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopic Sensors for Simultaneous Multicomponent Trace Gas Analysis

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    A multiwavelength, multicomponent CRDS gas sensor operating on the basis of a compact photonic crystal fibre supercontinuum light source has been constructed. It features a simple design encompassing one radiation source, one cavity and one detection unit (a spectrograph with a fitted ICCD camera) that are common for all wavelengths. Multicomponent detection capability of the device is demonstrated by simultaneous measurements of the absorption spectra of molecular oxygen (spin-forbidden b-X branch) and water vapor (polyads 4v, 4v + δ) in ambient atmospheric air. Issues related to multimodal cavity excitation, as well as to obtaining the best signal-to-noise ratio are discussed together with methods for their practical resolution based on operating the cavity in a “quasi continuum” mode and setting long camera gate widths, respectively. A comprehensive review of multiwavelength CRDS techniques is also given

    Argon physisorption as structural probe for endohedrally doped silicon clusters

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    Contains fulltext : 98812.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access