158 research outputs found

    50 years of Galtung and Ruge : reflections on their model of news values and its relevance for the study of journalism and communication today

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    In 1965, Galtung and Ruge initiated a rich strand of academic research on the notion of news values and the practice of gatekeeping in a context of international news reporting. Since its publication, many scholars have criticized, revisited, and put their findings to the test, often leading to somehow conflicting conclusions. In general, some studies tend to confirm their findings while others have uttered methodological concerns or came up with new or additional sets of news factors, hence arguing for a further specification of the model. In recent years, scholars also pointed towards the increasing impact of digital media on journalistic practices of news selection. Likewise, new perspectives on global journalism were introduced into the debate. In this article, we bring together these different perspectives in order to inform a broad discussion on Galtung and Ruge’s legacy for the field of communication sciences in general and studies on journalism and international news selection in particular. We first assess how Galtung and Ruge’s hypotheses hold up in an era of unlimited data. Second, we reflect on the need to integrate changing societal and cultural contexts of news selection, production and reception to understand news values today. Third, with contemporary journalistic practices and research in mind, we suggest an agenda for the study of news values in an era of global journalism

    catena-Poly[[bis­(methanol-κO)bis­(thio­cyanato-κN)cobalt(II)]-μ-1,3-bis­(pyridin-4-yl)propane-κ2 N,N′]

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [Co(NCS)2(C13H14N2)(CH3OH)2], consists of one cobalt(II) cation located on a center of inversion, one half of a 1,3-bis­(pyridin-4-yl)propane ligand located on a twofold rotation axis, as well as one thio­cyanate anion and one methanol mol­ecule in general positions. The cobalt(II) cation is coordinated by two terminal N-bonded thio­cyanate anions and two N-bonded 1,3-bis­(pyridin-4-yl)propane ligands, as well as two O atoms of methanol mol­ecules in a slightly distorted octa­hedral coordination mode. Adjacent cations are connected into chains parallel to [10] by the bridging 1,3-bis­(pyridin-4-yl)propane ligands. These chains are connected through inter­molecular O—H⋯S hydrogen bonds between the methanol hy­droxy group and the terminal S atom of the thio­cyanate anion

    The Story of the Vanished Project: Challenges and Coping Strategies in International Comparative and Collaborative Research Projects

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    The essay discusses the challenges that can occur in communication and media research projects with an international comparative and collaborative scope. The author uses her own re-search experience and auto-ethnographic reflections derived from an international comparative and collaborative media project to illustrate different considerations that researchers need to reflect upon in the implementation of such projects. The essay focuses not only on the “frontstage” of research projects (e.g., workplan, publications, presentations, established networks) but also sheds light on the “backstage” (Goffman), i.e., the project implementation, including conceptual, operational, in-terpretative, and social considerations, decisions, and procedures. It lists challenges that may arise and recommends conceptual, operational, interpretative, and social strategies that researchers may apply to confront them. The outlined experiences are not a rare phenomenon but are part of the “normal process and life cycle” of such projects. Researchers therefore should embrace them, reflect upon them, and acquire suitable coping strategies to assure a successful project implementation and knowledge production

    Austrian news coverage of Poland during the Polish EU presidency in 2011

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    This paper summarizes the key features of the Austrian print media news coverage of Poland throughout the timeframe of the Polish presidency of the EU in 2011. Results stem from a quantitative content analysis of three daily newspapers and one news magazine that were analyzed over a timeframe of 7 months from June 2011 to January 2012. Having entered the EU only in 1995, Austria is a rather young member state and one of the ‘EU-lightweights’, regarding its population size but also its political standing. Since its accession the country has developed a rather ambivalent and skeptical position towards its own EU membership as well as to EU-related matters, which is also strongly reflected in the focus of the Austrian news coverage of EU-related issues. At the same time, Austrian-Polish relations have specific features not only in a political, but also in a social, economic and historical dimension. Both aspects are crucial to bear in mind when Austrian news coverage of Poland during the presidency is taken into view. The paper shows that the Polish EU presidency did not change the overall thematic focus of the Austrian news coverage of Poland. Austrian news coverage shifted towards a more EU-related dimension only temporarily and slightly, but overall, other frames of perception as well as characteristic news factors shaped the Austrian news coverage of Poland

    The German News Coverage of Poland during the Polish EU Presidency Term in 2011

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    This paper summarizes the key features of the German print media news coverage on Poland throughout the timeframe of the Polish EU Presidency term in 2011. Results stem from a quantitative content analysis of three daily newspapers and one newsmagazine that were analyzed over a timeframe of 7 months from June 2011 to January 2012. Being one of the founding countries of the EU, Germany is one of the “EU-heavyweights”, regarding its population size and its political standing. Furthermore, compared to other EU members, the country has a rather supportive position towards its own EU membership as well as to EU-related matters. This position was slightly shaken more recently by the EU financial crisis, but remains more positive still than in many other EU countries. However, Germany also has a very special and not always conflict-free relationship to its neighboring country Poland. Both aspects are crucial to bear in mind when the German news coverage on Poland during the presidency term is taken into view. The paper shows that the Polish EU presidency did not change the overall thematic focus of the German news coverage on Poland. The frame of perceptions of Poland shifted towards a more EU-related dimension only slightly and temporarily, but overall, deeper-rooted frames of perception as well as characteristic news factors shaped the German news coverage on Poland

    Varieties of collaboration: On the influence of funding schemes on forms and characteristics of international collaborative research projects (ICRPs)

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    This article discusses characteristics and forms of international collaborative research projects (ICRPs) and provides conceptual considerations as well as initial empirical insights on the impact of funding conditions on ICRPs in the social sciences and external project funding. Specifically, by presenting a German case study of funding formats in two national funding institutions and the funding tools of the European Commission in Horizon 2020. The findings draw on desk-research and a review of research on the relationship between funding and international research collaboration. The analysis used a conceptual perspective, that understands research projects as temporary organisations, to discuss characteristics of international collaborative research projects and to provide a descriptive analysis of the funding conditions for ICRPs. The article systematises different forms of ICRPs and suggest differentiating them along their variety by four ICRP attributes: size, geographical distance, funding structures and funding formats. The discussion section elaborates on implications for future research and practice​

    A triclinic polymorph of poly[[bis­[μ-1,2-bis­(pyridin-4-yl)ethene-κ2 N:N′]bis­(thio­cyanato-κN)cobalt(II)] 1,2-bis­(pyridin-4-yl)ethene monosolvate]

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, [Co(NCS)2(C12H10N2)2]·C12H10N2, the CoII cations are octa­hedrally coordinated by two terminally N-bonded thio­cyanate anions and four 1,2-bis­(pyridin-4-yl)ethene (bpe) ligands. The asymmetric unit consists of three crystallographically independent CoII cations, six thio­cyanate anions and six coordinating bpe ligands in general positions. Additionally, three non-coordin­ating bpe ligands are present in the asymmetric unit with two of them located on a center of inversion. The CoII cations are connected by the bpe ligands into layers parallel to the bc plane. The crystal investigated was non-merohedrically twinned, with a fractional contribution of 0.261 (2) for the minor domain

    Tetra­kis(3-cyano­pyridine-κN 1)bis­(thio­cyanato-κN)cobalt(II) 1,4-dioxane disolvate

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, {[Co(NCS)2(C6H4N2)4]·2C4H8O2}, the CoII cations are octa­hedrally coordinated by two terminal N-bonded thio­cyanate anions and four N-bonded 3-cyano­pyridine ligands. The asymmetric unit consists of one CoII cation, which is located on a special position with site symmetry 2/m, one thio­cyanate anion and one dioxane mol­ecule, located on a crystallographic mirror plane, as well as one 3-cyano­pyridine ligand in a general position. The crystal structure consists of discrete complexes of [Co(NCS)2(3-cyano­pyridine)4], as well as two non-coordinating 1,4-dioxane solvent mol­ecules which are disordered due to symmetry

    Fairness bei der Performancebewertung in Supply Chains - Eine mehrstufige Literaturanalyse zum State of the Art

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    Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht soll den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zum Thema Fairness bei der Performancebewertung in Supply Chains abbilden. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Fragen, wodurch eine faire Performancebewertung in Supply Chains gekennzeichnet ist und warum die Fairness in diesem Zusammenhang von Bedeutung ist. Durch Berücksichtigung des Fairnessaspekts wird die Supply-Chain-Management-Forschung, die sich traditionell auf die Rationalitätsannahme stützt, um verhaltensökonomische Erkenntnisse bereichert. Im Rahmen der systematischen Literaturrecherche wurde ein nahezu weißer Fleck auf der derzeitigen Forschungslandkarte festgestellt. Um übertragbare Theorien und empirische Erkenntnisse zu identifizieren, wurde der Betrachtungshorizont bei der Recherche anschließend ausgeweitet. Die Methodik und Ergebnisse der mehrstufigen systematischen Literaturrecherche werden im Arbeitsbericht ausführlich dargelegt. Im Zuge der inhaltlichen Literaturanalyse werden diverse Einflussfaktoren auf die individuelle Fairnesswahrnehmung bei Performancebewertungen zusammengetragen. Final werden Wege für die zukünftige Forschung aufgezeigt.This paper presents the current state of research on the topic of fairness in performance evaluation in supply chains. The focus is on the questions of what characterizes a fair performance evaluation in supply chains and why fairness is important in this context. By considering the fairness aspect, supply chain management research, which is traditionally based on the rationality assumption, is enriched with behavioral economic insights. Within the scope of the systematic database search, a nearly white spot on the current research map was identified. In order to find transferable theories and empirical findings, the scope of the literature search was subsequently broadened. The methodology and results of the multi-stage systematic literature search are presented in detail in the paper. As part of the literature analysis, various factors are gathered that influence individual perceptions of fairness in performance evaluations. Finally, directions for future research are provided