275 research outputs found

    The effects of introducing terminal alkenyl substituents into the 2,2'-bipyridine domain in [Cu(N^N)(P^P)]+ coordination compounds

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    The N^N chelating ligands 6,6'-bis(but-3-en-1-yl)-2,2'-bipyridine ( 1 ), 6-(but-3-en-1-yl)-6'-methyl-2,2'-bipyridine ( 2 ), 6,6'-bis(pent-4-en-1-yl)-2,2'-bipyridine ( 3 ), 6-(pent-4-en-1-yl)-6'-methyl-2,2'-bipyridine ( 4 ) have been prepared, characterized, and incorporated into the heteroleptic [Cu(N^N)(P^P)][PF 6 ] complexes in which P^P is either POP (bis(2-(diphenylphosphanyl)phenyl)ether) or xantphos (9,9-dimethyl-9 H -xanthene-4,5-diyl)bis(diphenylphosphane). The eight coordination compounds have been fully characterized, including the single crystal structures of [Cu( 1 )(xantphos)][PF 6 ], [Cu( 1 )(POP)][PF 6 ]·CH 2 Cl 2 , [Cu( 2 )(xantphos)][PF 6 ], [Cu( 2 )(POP)][PF 6 ] and [Cu(3)(POP)][PF 6 ]·0.5Et 2 O. The [Cu(N^N)(P^P)] + cations exhibit a partially reversible or irreversible Cu + /Cu 2+ oxidation at more positive potentials than the benchmark [Cu(bpy)(P^P)]+ and [Cu(Me2bpy)(P^P)]+ complexes consistent with the increase in steric hindrance of the terminal alkenyl substituents. When excited in the region of the metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) absorption, solutions of the [Cu(N^N)(P^P)][PF 6 ] complexes are weak emitters with in the range 565-578 nm. However, powdered samples achieve photoluminescence quantum yields in the range to 28.5 to 62.3%, with the highest PLQY found for [Cu( 3 )(POP)][PF 6 ] with an excited-state lifetime, , of 16.1 μs. For [Cu( 3 )(POP)][PF 6 ], the excited state lifetime was measured in MeTHF at 293 and 77K, and the increase in from 1.77 to 59.4 μs upon cooling supports thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) at ambient temperature

    Pseudokatalytische Sauerstoffübertragung

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    Efectos del establecimiento de las áreas marinas protegidas en la pesquería argentina de la merluza negra (Dissostichus eleginoides)

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    At the beginning of the 1990s, the Argentine toothfish fishery gained prominence as a consequence of the rapid expansion of trawler and longliner fleets targeting this species. This fishing area covers the slope and shelf from 60° S to 37° S in the Argentine Exclusive Economic Zone. The main fishing ground is located in the southern area, bordering Namuncurá-Burdwood Bank II (NBBII) and Yaganes (Y) marine protected areas (MPA) established in 2018. In order to determine the impact generated by MPAs on effort distribution, 308 fishing trips carried out between 2010 and 2020, which reported 82% of the total fishing effort of Argentine toothfish declared in that period, were spatially analyzed. The Y-MPA sector categorized as National Marine Reserve and located to the south of Tierra del Fuego reported more than half (58%) of the toothfish catch recorded throughout that period, while the NBBII-MPA located to the east of Tierra del Fuego and south of De los Estados Island represented 17%. The NBBII-MPA sector established as a Strict National Marine Reserve and located to the south of the Burdwood Bank represented 25%. With the establishment of the MPAs, 7.11% of the international requirement has been met. At the moment, effects resulting from the creation of MPAs can only be speculated upon qualitatively, but should be quantified in the near future.A principios de la década de 1990, la pesquería de merluza negra argentina ganó protagonismo gracias a la rápida expansión de las flotas de arrastre y palangre que se dirigían a esta especie. Esta zona de pesca cubre el talud y plataforma desde los 60° S hasta los 37° S en la Zona Económica Exclusiva argentina. El principal caladero se encuentra en la zona sur, colindando con las áreas marinas protegidas (AMP) Banco Namuncurá-Burdwood II (NBBII) y Yaganes (Y), establecidas en 2018. Para determinar el impacto que generan las AMP en la distribución del esfuerzo, se analizaron espacialmente 308 viajes de pesca realizados entre 2010 y 2020, que reportaron 82% del total del esfuerzo pesquero declarado de merluza negra argentina en ese período. El sector Y-AMP categorizado como Reserva Nacional Marina y ubicado al sur de Tierra del Fuego, reportó más de la mitad (58%) de la captura de merluza negra registrada durante ese período, mientras que el NBBII-AMP ubicado al este de Tierra del Fuego y sur de la Isla de los Estados representaron 17%. El sector NBBII-AMP establecido como Reserva Nacional Marina Estricta y ubicado al sur del Banco Burdwood representó el 25%. Con el establecimiento de las AMP se ha cumplido 7,11% del requerimiento internacional. En la actualidad, los efectos resultantes de la creación de AMP solo pueden especularse cualitativamente, pero deberían cuantificarse en un futuro próximo.

    The Impact of Measurement Conditions on Solar Cell Efficiency

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    Precise solar cell measurements become more and more challenging due to the increasing complexity of metallization patterns and the sensitivity to rear side illumination for bifacial cell concepts. In this context, the measurement conditions under which conversion efficiencies are determined need to be closely examined: Different efficiency values can occur for the same solar cell because of different measurement conditions. To provide more transparency, a notation has recently been published, which unambiguously characterizes the measurement conditions used and which is included in the calibration documents of the calibration laboratories ISFH CalTeC and Fraunhofer ISE CalLab PV Cells. As this notation is held rather technical and no quantitative assessment is given so far, herein, the effects associated with different measurement conditions are analyzed and quantified in detail for typical industrial-type solar cells. It is shown that varying the measurement conditions as well as the busbar concept can lead to significant differences in measured efficiency of 0.5%abs. The power gains coming from different cell measurement configurations do not occur in the same manner on the module level though and can lead to considerable variations in cell-to-module power factors. Several hints to increase the significance of solar cell measurements are given

    Passive-performance, analysis, and upgrades of a 1-ton seismic attenuation system

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    The 10m Prototype facility at the Albert-Einstein-Institute (AEI) in Hanover, Germany, employs three large seismic attenuation systems to reduce mechanical motion. The AEI Seismic-Attenuation-System (AEI-SAS) uses mechanical anti-springs in order to achieve resonance frequencies below 0.5Hz. This system provides passive isolation from ground motion by a factor of about 400 in the horizontal direction at 4Hz and in the vertical direction at 9Hz. The presented isolation performance is measured under vacuum conditions using a combination of commercial and custom-made inertial sensors. Detailed analysis of this performance led to the design and implementation of tuned dampers to mitigate the effect of the unavoidable higher order modes of the system. These dampers reduce RMS motion substantially in the frequency range between 10 and 100Hz in 6 degrees of freedom. The results presented here demonstrate that the AEI-SAS provides substantial passive isolation at all the fundamental mirror-suspension resonances

    Huddle test measurement of a near Johnson noise limited geophone

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    In this paper, the sensor noise of two geophone configurations (L-22D and L-4C geophones from Sercel with custom built amplifiers) was measured by performing two huddle tests. It is shown that the accuracy of the results can be significantly improved by performing the huddle test in a seismically quiet environment and by using a large number of reference sensors to remove the seismic foreground signal from the data. Using these two techniques, the measured sensor noise of the two geophone configurations matched the calculated predictions remarkably well in the bandwidth of interest (0.01 Hz–100 Hz). Low noise operational amplifiers OPA188 were utilized to amplify the L-4C geophone to give a sensor that was characterized to be near Johnson noise limited in the bandwidth of interest with a noise value of 10−11 m/Hz⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯√10−11 m/Hz at 1 Hz

    Local active isolation of the AEI-SAS for the AEI 10 m prototype facility

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    Abstract: High precision measurements in various applications rely on active seismic isolation to decouple the experiment from seismic motion; therefore, closed feed-back control techniques such as sensor blending and sensor correction are commonly implemented. This paper reviews the active isolation techniques of the Albert Einstein Institute seismic attenuation system (AEI-SAS). Two approaches to improve the well known techniques are presented. First, the influence of the sensor basis for the signal-to-noise ratio in the chosen coordinate system is calculated and second, a procedural optimization of blending filters to minimize the optical table velocity is performed. Active isolation techniques are adapted to the mechanical properties and the available sensors and actuators of the AEI-SAS. The performance of the final isolation is presented and limitations to the isolation are analyzed in comparison to a noise model. The optical table motion reaches approximately 8 × 1 0 − 10 m / H z at 1 Hz, reducing the ground motion by a factor of approximately 100

    Ring-Moat Dome Structures (RMDSs) in the Lunar Maria:Statistical, Compositional, and Morphological Characterization and Assessment of Theories of Origin

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    Ring-moat dome structures (RMDSs) are positive morphologic features found clustered across many mare regions on the Moon, of which only a few isolated examples have been previously reported. Our continuing survey has expanded the known locations of the RMDSs from ~2,600 to over 8,000, indicating that RMDSs are more common geological features than previously thought. This work presents a detailed geomorphological analysis of 532 RMDSs identified in several mare basins. The combination of detailed elemental mapping, morphological and morphometric analyses, spatial distribution relationships with other geologic structures, and comparison with terrestrial analogs lead us to conclude that (1) RMDSs represent low circular mounds with diameters of a few hundred meters (average about 200 m) and a mean height of 3.5 m. The mounds are surrounded by moats ranging from tens to over 100 m in width and up to several meters in depth; (2) there is a wide variation of titanium abundances, although RMDSs are more commonly found in mare regions of moderate-to-high titanium content (>3 wt% TiO2); (3) RMDSs are found to occur on or around fractures, graben, and volcanic edifices (small shields and cones); (4) a spatial association between RMDSs and Irregular Mare Patches (see Braden et al., 2014, https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo2252) is observed, suggesting that both may form from related lava flows; (5) comparisons between RMDSs and lava inflationary structures on Earth support an inflation-related extrusive nature and a genetic relationship with host lava flow processes; and (6) RMDS embayment relationships with craters of different degradation ages superposed on the host mare, and regolith development models, produces conflicting age relationships and divide theories of RMDS origin into two categories, (1) synchronous with the emplacement and cooling of the host lava flows ~3–4 Ga and (2) emplaced substantially after the host mare lava unit, in the period ~0–3 Ga. We outline the evidence supporting this age conundrum and implications for the different theories of origin and describe future research avenues to help resolve these outstanding questions. ©2020. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved