378 research outputs found

    Fashion and counterfeits : the market of counterfeit products in Poland and in the world : describing the phenomenon

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    Handel podrabianymi produktami naraża na wielomiliardowe straty prywatnych przedsiębiorców, rządy poszczególnych państw i społeczeństwa. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja teorii oraz badań dotyczących sprzedaży podróbek wraz z analizą statystyk i przekazów medialnych jako próbą określenia, w jaki sposób polscy konsumenci postrzegają ten problem.The trade in counterfeit products is liable to multibillion-dollar losses of private entrepreneurs, national governments, and society. The aim of the article is to present theory and research on the sale of counterfeit together with an analysis of statistics and media coverage as an attempt to determine how Polish consumers perceive this problem

    Minimum Sample Size Allocation in Stratified Sampling Under Constraints on Variance and Strata Sample Sizes

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    We derive optimality conditions for the optimal sample allocation problem, formulated as the determination of the fixed strata sample sizes that minimize total sample size, under assumed level of the variance of the stratified π\pi-estimator and one-sided upper bounds imposed on strata sample sizes. In this paper, this problem is considered in the context of general stratified sampling scheme that includes simple random sampling without replacement design within strata as a special case. Based on established optimality conditions, we create a new algorithm, the LrNa, that solves the allocation problem defined above. This new algorithm has its origin in popular recursive Neyman allocation procedure, the rNa, that is used to solve classical optimal sample allocation problem (i.e. minimization of the π\pi-estimator's variance under fixed total sample size) with only one-sided upper bounds constraints imposed on strata sample sizes (see e.g. S\"arndal, Swensson, and Wretman (1992, Remark 12.7.1, p. 466), or Weso{\l}owski, Wieczorkowski, and W\'ojciak (2021)). Ready-to-use R-implementation of the LrNa is available on CRAN repository at https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/stratallo


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    Issues specified in the study concern evaluating a road network providing access to cadastral parcels in villages divided by a linear investment. The scope of work includes the villages of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship which are crossed by the motorway dividing them into two parts of different sizes- the northern and southern ones located along the motorway. Basing on the data from the descriptive and cartographic part of the Land and Buildings Register, there were made detailed surveys of the spatial structure of land in rural areas. In this regard, a detailed analysis of the road network in villages of the Podkarpackie Voivodship was made using QGIS tools. Detailed examinations have revealed parcels without access to the road. In conducting research in this field, a cartographic method was used to present the distribution of cadastral parcels without access on local registration maps with the application of QGIS tools. On the basis of land register data and the factual assessment, there was made an evaluation of the road network providing direct access to cropland in the examined villages. Poorly developed network of roads providing direct access to cropland, combined with strong fragmentation of plots and other degradation effects resulting from the motorway construction illustrates the scale of this problem. Complex consolidation and exchange of land can play the corrective role in the space degraded by linear investments.AGH University of Science and Technolog

    Recursive Neyman Algorithm for Optimum Sample Allocation under Box Constraints on Sample Sizes in Strata

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    The optimal sample allocation in stratified sampling is one of the basic issues of modern survey sampling methodology. It is a procedure of dividing the total sample among pairwise disjoint subsets of a finite population, called strata, such that for chosen survey sampling designs in strata, it produces the smallest variance for estimating a population total (or mean) of a given study variable. In this paper we are concerned with the optimal allocation of a sample, under lower and upper bounds imposed jointly on the sample strata-sizes. We will consider a family of sampling designs that give rise to variances of estimators of a natural generic form. In particular, this family includes simple random sampling without replacement (abbreviated as SI) in strata, which is perhaps, the most important example of stratified sampling design. First, we identify the allocation problem as a convex optimization problem. This methodology allows to establish a generic form of the optimal solution, so called optimality conditions. Second, based on these optimality conditions, we propose new and efficient recursive algorithm, named RNABOX, which solves the allocation problem considered. This new algorithm can be viewed as a generalization of the classical recursive Neyman allocation algorithm, a popular tool for optimal sample allocation in stratified sampling with SI design in all strata, when only upper bounds are imposed on sample strata-sizes. We implement the RNABOX in R as a part of our package stratallo, which is available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Finally, in the context of the established optimality conditions, we briefly discuss two existing methodologies dedicated to the allocation problem being studied: the noptcond algorithm introduced in Gabler, Ganninger and M\"unnich (2012); and fixed iteration procedures from M\"unnich, Sachs and Wagner (2012)


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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of type of the solvent (water, aqueous ethanol and ethanol) on the antioxidant properties of four various herbs: couch grass (A. repens), milk thistle (S. marianum), dandelion (T. officinale) and fireweed (E. angustifolium) measurement by three common UV-VIS methods (TPC, ABTS+, DPPH). The results were collected through the Vision-Pro™ UV-VIS spectrophotometer software. Aqueous ethanol was the most effective solvent for extraction for all type of herbs. Fireweed contains the highest amount of polyphenol compounds (0.625 µg GA/ml). The lowest antioxidant capacity was presented by extracts from couch grass (0.019 µg GA/ml)

    The Virgin Mary in the narratives of contemporary Catholic and Muslim mothers in Poland

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    In this paper, we demonstrate how the figure of the Virgin Mary functions as an important element of the lived religion of contemporary Catholic and Muslim mothers in Poland. Based on the analysis of in-depth interviews and observational data we argue that the figure of Mary is recognized as a religious ideal and a role model by mothers identifying with both religions. We trace similarities and differences between Catholic and Muslim mothers in their reflexive engagement with ideas, symbols, and prescriptions attached to Mary and discuss how they reinvent the figure and ascribe it with personalised meanings: embrace some of the traditional attributes of Mary, challenge, and contest others, and construct new meanings firmly embedded in their daily life mothering experiences.In this paper, we demonstrate how the figure of the Virgin Mary functions as an important element of the lived religion of contemporary Catholic and Muslim mothers in Poland. Based on the analysis of in-depth interviews and observational data we argue that the figure of Mary is recognized as a religious ideal and a role model by mothers identifying with both religions. We trace similarities and differences between Catholic and Muslim mothers in their reflexive engagement with ideas, symbols, and prescriptions attached to Mary and discuss how they reinvent the figure and ascribe it with personalised meanings: embrace some of the traditional attributes of Mary, challenge, and contest others, and construct new meanings firmly embedded in their daily life mothering experiences

    Ameryka – Rosja. Perspektywa Miłosza

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    AMERICA – RUSSIA. MIŁOSZ’S PERSPECTIVE This article considers Russian themes in Miłosz’s writing, especially in his work created in the U.S.A. The transoceanic perspective allowed the Polish poet acute observation and insight into Russia; his opinions resulted from systematic and thorough studies. Moreover, the article discusses migration, exile and empire – issues central to Miłosz – by contrasting and comparing the Polish Nobel Prize winner and the Russian Joseph Brodsky

    Probiotic Microorganisms in Dry Fermented Meat Products

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    In the modern lifestyle, food is supposed not only to feed the hunger but also to provide an appropriate amount and quality of nutrients necessary for proper functioning of the body. The interest of consumers in functional food, including fermented products with probiotic properties, has been growing for several years. Meat and meat products represent one of the most important components of contemporary human diet. Meat fermentation is one of the oldest methods of preserving food. This is a low‐energy, biological acidulation which results in unique flavour and palatability, colour, microbiological safety and tenderness. Changes of muscle form into fermented meat product are caused by homo‐ or heterofermentative starter cultures or “wild” microorganisms which lower the pH. Fermented meat products are one of the most cherished and valuable food products. Fermentation and ageing process would deliver most aromatic and rich in flavour products, which is incomparable with other processes. A new solution is dry‐aged meats with the use of new probiotic starter cultures with a high degree of health safety and long shelf life due to the inhibition of growth of the pathogenic microorganisms and therefore reduction of the formation of harmful compounds from protein transformation or lipid oxidation

    Od Elsy Schiaparelli do Jeremy’ego Scotta – ubiór w kategoriach kiczu i kampu

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    Niniejszy artykuł traktuje o pojęciach kiczu i kampu w świecie mody. W modzie, jak zauważa autor, znaleźć można wiele przykładów kiczu, zarówno tego świadomego, jak i nie. Spora część projektantów konsekwentnie i świadomie z sezonu na sezon sięga po tego typu estetykę i nie traktuje tego zabiegu w kategoriach chwilowego romansu.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00