126 research outputs found


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    A new integrative assessment indicator for damage caused by major pests and diseases in the vineyard

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    An original and integrative evaluation indicator has been developed to quantify the cumulated damage from major pests and diseases affecting grape bunches: downy mildew, powdery mildew, gray mould and tortricid moths. It made it possible to estimate the associated crop losses and to relate them to the plant protection strategy in different modes of production (organic farming, in-transition, conventional). Thus, overall plant losses were higher in 2012 than in 2011. The in-transition growers’ strategy, with reduced copper doses but increased numbers of sprays, led to a 20% increase in average severity on bunches (essentially due to Downy mildew). The more pragmatic approach of experienced organic growers and conventional ones (higher doses and fewer sprays) reduced the yield losses. The proposed indicator is used for two purposes, i) evaluating the quantitative losses due to pest attacks and ii) differentiating them from other non-pest ones. A more detailed analysis including the impact on performance will be achieved and published soon

    Développement d'outils microbiologiques et chimiques permettant d'identifier l'origine des pollutions fécales dans les eaux de baignades

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    La pollution organique issue des effluents d'élevage et des stations d'épuration urbaines conduit à un problème essentiel de santé publique lié à la contamination des eaux de surface où s'exercent des activités sensibles telles que la baignade. S'il est possible de déterminer les pollutions localisées liées à un dysfonctionnement des systèmes de traitement, il est beaucoup plus difficile d'identifier les pollutions organiques diffuses qui participent pourtant majoritairement à la dégradation de la qualité des eaux de surface. La problématique des pollutions diffuses est d'autant plus importante que la nouvelle réglementation européenne concernant les eaux de baignade (Directive 2006/7/CE) demande de constituer des profils de baignade qui nécessitent une identification et une hiérarchisation des sources de pollutions fécales. Le dénombrement de Escherichia coli et des entérocoques intestinaux stipulé par les textes réglementaires européens, représente actuellement le seul outil analytique permettant la mise en évidence d'une contamination fécale du milieu aquatique, sans toutefois différencier l'origine humaine ou animale de cette contamination. Il est donc nécessaire de développer de nouvelles méthodes de détection de la pollution fécale qui puissent non seulement mettre en évidence une contamination mais aussi en indiquer l'origine. C'est d'ailleurs dans cet objectif que s'est développé depuis quelques années, le concept de "Microbial Source Tracking" ("Traceurs de Sources Microbiennes") qui consiste à identifier à l'aide de marqueurs microbiologiques ou chimiques les sources de pollutions fécales. Dans ce contexte, six laboratoires de recherche se sont associés pour développer des techniques de traçage des contaminations fécales afin de proposer un outil opérationnel utilisable pour différencier les sources de pollution, de leur point d'émission jusqu'au milieu récepteur final que constituent les eaux de surface. Les marqueurs qui ont fait l'objet de cette étude sont des molécules chimiques naturelles (stéroïdes, caféine), des molécules de synthèse retrouvées dans les effluents de stations d'épuration ou des rapports de fluorescence de la matière organique ainsi que des micro-organismes (bactériophages, bactéries). A la suite des développements méthodologiques, plusieurs marqueurs ont été sélectionnés : - bactéries appartenant aux groupes bactériens dominants du tractus intestinal humain (Bifidobacterium adolescentis) et porcin (Lactobacillus amylovorus) ; - Bacteroidales spécifiques des humains, porcins et bovins (HF183, Pig-2-Bac, Rum-2-Bac); - génogroupes humains des bactériophages F ARN spécifiques; - rapports de stéroïdes : coprostanol/(24ethylcoprostanol+coprostanol) (R1) et sitostanol/coprostanol (R2); - caféine, benzophénone et tri(2-chloroethyl)phosphate (TCEP)

    Relative Decay of Fecal Indicator Bacteria and Human-Associated Markers: A Microcosm Study Simulating Wastewater Input into Seawater and Freshwater

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    Fecal contaminations of inland and coastal waters induce risks to human health and economic losses. To improve water management, specific markers have been developed to differentiate between sources of contamination. This study investigates the relative decay of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB, Escherichia coli and enterococci) and six human-associated markers (two bacterial markers: Bacteroidales HF183 (HF183) and Bifidobacterium adolescentis (BifAd); one viral marker: genogroup II F-specific RNA bacteriophages (FRNAPH II); three chemical markers: caffeine and two fecal stanol ratios) in freshwater and seawater microcosms seeded with human wastewater. These experiments were performed in darkness, at 20 °C and under aerobic conditions. The modeling of the decay curves allows us (i) to compare FIB and markers and (ii) to classify markers according to their persistence in seawater (FRNAPH II < HF183, stanol ratios < BifAd, caffeine) and in freshwater (HF183, stanol ratios < FRNAPH II < BifAd < caffeine). Although those results depend on the experimental conditions, this study represents a necessary step to develop and validate an interdisciplinary toolbox for the investigation of the sources of fecal contaminations

    Including Pathogen Risk in Life Cycle Assessment of Wastewater Management. 1. Estimating the Burden of Disease Associated with Pathogens

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    The environmental performance of wastewater and sewage sludge management is commonly assessed using life cycle assessment (LCA), whereas pathogen risk is evaluated with quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA). This study explored the application of QMRA methodology with intent to include pathogen risk in LCA and facilitate a comparison with other potential impacts on human health considered in LCA. Pathogen risk was estimated for a model wastewater treatment system (WWTS) located in an industrialized country and consisting of primary, secondary, and tertiary wastewater treatment, anaerobic sludge digestion, and land application of sewage sludge. The estimation was based on eight previous QMRA studies as well as parameter values taken from the literature. A total pathogen risk (expressed as burden of disease) on the order of 0.2–9 disability-adjusted life years (DALY) per year of operation was estimated for the model WWTS serving 28 600 persons and for the pathogens and exposure pathways included in this study. The comparison of pathogen risk with other potential impacts on human health considered in LCA is detailed in part 2 of this article series

    Renewable, ethical? Assessing the energy justice potential of renewable electricity

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    Energy justice is increasingly being used as a framework to conceptualize the impacts of energy decision making in more holistic ways and to consider the social implications in terms of existing ethical values. Similarly, renewable energy technologies are increasingly being promoted for their environmental and social benefits. However, little work has been done to systematically examine the extent to which, in what ways and in what contexts, renewable energy technologies can contribute to achieving energy justice. This paper assesses the potential of renewable electricity technologies to address energy justice in various global contexts via a systematic review of existing studies analyzed in terms of the principles and dimensions of energy justice. Based on publications including peer reviewed academic literature, books, and in some cases reports by government or international organizations, we assess renewable electricity technologies in both grid integrated and off-grid use contexts. We conduct our investigation through the rubric of the affirmative and prohibitive principles of energy justice and in terms of its temporal, geographic, socio-political, economic, and technological dimensions. Renewable electricity technology development has and continue to have different impacts in different social contexts, and by considering the different impacts explicitly across global contexts, including differences between rural and urban contexts, this paper contributes to identifying and understanding how, in what ways, and in what particular conditions and circumstances renewable electricity technologies may correspond with or work to promote energy justice

    Therapy for African trypanosomiasis

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