7,248 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi pada Remaja di Desa Margosari Kecamatan Limbangankabupaten Kendal

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    Menurut Biro Pusat Statistik jumlah total penduduk propinsi Jawa Tengah mencapai lebih dari 31.896.114 jiwa. Dari jumlah tersebut ternyata remaja umur 10-14 tahun mencapai 5%, umur 15-19 tahun mencapai 8,9% dan remaja umur 20-24 tahun mencapai 8%. Remaja di Jawa Tengah banyak yang sudah aktif secara seksual meski tidak selalu atas pilihan sendiri. Kegiatan seksual menempatkan remaja pada tantangan resiko terhadap berbagai masalah kesehatan reproduksi. Pusat Informasi dan Layanan Remaja Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (Pilar PKBI) Jawa Tengah 2004 mengungkapkan bahwa 43,22 % pengetahuan remaja tentang kesehatan reproduksi rendah, 37,28 % cukup, dan 19,50 % memadai. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat melalui pendidikan kesehatan masyarakat pada remaja di Kecamatan Limbangan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang pentingnya kesehatan reproduksi yang baik, sehingga dapat menurunkan kejadian praktik seksual yang kurang benar. Setelah dilaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian, didapatkan hasil adanya peningkatan nilai pre test dari peserta sebesar 32% serta kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah pada tingkat kelompok serta USAha untuk mempraktekan pengetahuan yang didapat pada kegiatan kerja sehari-hari

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Konten Pekerjaan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Melalui Motivasi Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Kasus Pada Karyawan CV. Cita Nasional Semarang)

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    Nowadays , business competition in the industrial sector is very competitive. Human resources is one of the main factors to compete with the other company. CV.Cita Nasional is one of milk processing industry company in Semarang, Central Java. Problems in this research is performance reduction of production employee 2013-2015, This was happen due to less leadership and job content that is not in suits with employees. This study attempts to find out whether there is impact of leadership and job content to employees performance by motivation on production employees CV.Cita Nasional. Data collection techniques used the interview and questionnaires , while the sample techniques used non probability of sampling with 94 the total sample. The research results show that leadership and job content having a positive influence and significantly to employee performance by motivation. This can be seen from the results of the simple analysis linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test, the coefficients determination test , sobel test and path analysis. Motivation as variable intervening mediate between leadership against employee performance that is both partial mediation as well as motivation as variable intervening mediate between leadership against employee performance that is both full mediation

    Pengelolaan Remote Keamanan Embedded System pada Sistem Operasi Mikrotik Router Os Menggunakan Proprietary Protocols

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    Keamanan data dalam komunikasi merupakan menjadi hal yang penting di era digital sekarang. Keamanan Protokol komunikasi yang ada pada sistem operasi bisa menjadi hal yang vital dari keamanan data, seperti pada system operasi MikroTik RouterOS. Protokol komunikasi MikroTik RouterOS dirancang khusus untuk melakukan manajemen jarak jauh. Pada umumnya protokol ini ditutup dan tidak dapat diakses oleh publik. Risiko keamanan yang terkait dengan penggunaan protokol komunikasi ini juga dianalisis dalam makalah ini. Serangan yang menggunakan bug konseptual dalam desain salah satu protokol komunikasi ini ditunjukkan pada contoh nyata. Akses penuh ke embedded system yang berjalan dengan sistem operasi ini bisa mengalami serangan ini

    Initial Model Development of an Integrated Shipbuilding Industry in Indonesia: a Case Study of Indonesian State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Shipyards

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    Capacities of the world shipbuilding industry have been dominated by three major countries which are South Korea, China and Japan. The ship tonnage proportion they have been built is approximately 90% of the total ship tonnage in the world. Indonesia with the rest of the shipbuilding countries only share the rest of the proportion which are far less than the total capacities of those three countries. Indonesia has its potency to increase its shipbuilding industry capacity significantly with the support of 250 shipyards in this country. The increasing capacities can be fulfilled if those shipyards are getting involved in collaboration. The increasing capacity of Indonesian shipyard is need to be actualized to prevent order of shipbuilding rejection from overseas as a consequence of shipyard insufficient capacity. In this paper, an initial model for shipyard collaboration in Indonesia is developed. The number of shipyards to get involved in this initial model is limited to 4 BUMN shipyards. The selection of those shipyards is based on the consideration that those shipyards are under central coordination of Indonesian BUMN Ministry. Some aspects related to the model development are discussed and in the end, an initial model of an integrated shipbuilding industry in Indonesia is proposed

    The Visual Character of Colonial Housing in Palembang Case Study: Colonial Housing Settlement of Talang Semut in Palembang

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    Palembang, having been one of the oldest city in Indonesia has inherited buildings that define an era. One of those remains are the traces of the colonial buildings in Palembang. The buildings that were built in those era are very predominant to it's surrounding. The old Palembang area is divided with the 16 ilir in Palembang is an economic sector and the merdeka corridor is the government sector and also the Talang Semut area as a housing and settlement sector. This paper is about the traces of colonial building in the old colonial building in Palembang, represented with the Talang Semut area that have transformed into commercial places. The methods used in this study are using a visual research study to pinpoint the existing nature of the building and the transformation of the buildings as a result of changes in buildings function from settlements into micro commercial areas and also using space syntax analysis as a quantitative method to see how the streets have effected the transformation of the buildings. The transformation of Dutch and colonial places are found many in the colonial settlements in the city of Indonesia and have shaped the vibrant colors of cities in Indonesia. The Talang Semut area acts as one of the areas that transformed from settlements into micro economic, such as stores and culinary spots. The transformation of function have very much affected the visual expression of its original facade and therefore affected the character of the colonial housing settlements of Talang Semut in Palembang