45 research outputs found

    Effect of salinity on water relations of wild barley plants differing in salt tolerance

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    Root hydraulic conductivity was decreased by salinity in barley plants in parallel with slower transpiration rates and a down-regulation of aquaporin expression in the roots. The effects were larger and faster in a more salinity-tolerant line

    Effects of phosphate shortage on root growth and hormone content of barley depend on capacity of the roots to accumulate aba

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    Although changes in root architecture in response to the environment can optimize mineral and water nutrient uptake, mechanisms regulating these changes are not well-understood. We investigated whether P deprivation effects on root development are mediated by abscisic acid (ABA) and its interactions with other hormones. The ABA-deficient barley mutant Az34 and its wild-type (WT) were grown in P-deprived and P-replete conditions, and hormones were measured in whole roots and root tips. Although P deprivation decreased growth in shoot mass similarly in both genotypes, only the WT increased primary root length and number of lateral roots. The effect was accompanied by ABA accumulation in root tips, a response not seen in Az34. Increased ABA in P-deprived WT was accompanied by decreased concentrations of cytokinin, an inhibitor of root extension. Furthermore, P-deficiency in the WT increased auxin concentration in whole root systems in association with increased root branching. In the ABA-deficient mutant, P-starvation failed to stimulate root elongation or promote branching, and there was no decline in cytokinin and no increase in auxin. The results demonstrate ABA’s ability to mediate in root growth responses to P starvation in barley, an effect linked to its effects on cytokinin and auxin concentrations

    Normative resistance to responsibility to protect in times of emerging multipolarity: the cases of Brazil and Russia

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    This article assesses the normative resistance to Responsibility to Protect adopted by Brazil and Russia against the backdrop of their international identities and self-assigned roles in a changing global order. Drawing upon the framework of Bloomsfield's norm dynamics role spectrum, it argues that while the ambiguous Russian role regarding this principle represents an example of 'norm antipreneurship', particularities of Brazil's resistance are better grasped by a new category left unaccounted for by this model, which this study portrays as 'contesting entrepreneur'.- (undefined

    Efficacy of lenalidomide, bortezomib, and prednisolone in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma

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    49 patients aged 28 to 81 years old (median age of 55 years old) with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (MM) were enrolled in the study. The relapse was diagnosed in 25 (51 %) patients, the refractory disease was determined in 24 (49 %) patients (including primary refractory disease in 14 (28.6 %) patients). The prior therapy for all patients included bortezomib-based treatment in combination with thalidomide and autologus stem cell transplantation (8.1 %). Lenalidomide had not been used in the previous therapeutic regimens. All patients were given the original treatment regimen, which included lenalidomide, bortezomib, and prednisolone (RVP). The therapy was made up of seven induction cycles with each one lasting for 48 days. Length of courses was 14 days. After seven cycles of RVP therapy were over, such results were achieved: complete response (CR) in 1 (2 %) patient; very good partial response (VGPR) in 4 (8 %) patients; partial response (PR) in 26 (53 %) patients; minimal response (MR) in 2 (4 %) patients; stable disease (SD) in 8 (16.3 %) patients, and progressive disease (PD) in 8 (16.3 %) patients. The objective response rate, including CR+VGPR+PR, was obtained in 31 (63.1 %) patients. The objective response rate, including MR, was seen in 33 (67.1 %) patients. Hematological and non-hematological toxicities were moderate. Taking into account the above, the RVP therapeutic regimen has demonstrated its efficacy as a second-line therapy for MM, and its clinical use can solve the problem of relapsed/refractory to bortezomib-based regimens MM management

    Характеристика ефектів мелатоніну й епіталону на стан гена ранньої функціональної активності с-fos у медіальних дрібноклітинних суб’ядрах паравентрикулярних ядер гіпоталамуса стресованих світлом щурів

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    It has been studied the influence of melatonin and synthetic bioregulator epithalon against a background of the stress-induced changes of gene “over early answer” (c-fos) activity in the medial microcellular subnuclei of the hypothalamic rat’s PVNs during different 24-hour period (day and night). Expression of gene product – protein C-Fos – in animals, which were hold under casual light regime, demonstrated distinct circadian rhythm.  Under influence of light stress the daily index of c-Fos contain in rat’s mdPVN was higher than at night. Under influence of constant light melatonin in dosage 0,5 mg/kg the concentration of  с-Fos protein approached to the  norm of the concentration this protein in subnuclei mdPVNs of hypothalamus at night. Manifest differences in daily aspect were not found during epithalon administration in dosage 0,5mkg/kg.Исследовано влияние мелатонина и синтетического биорегулятора эпиталона с целью коррекции стресс-индуцированных изменений активности гена «сверхраннего ответа» c-fos в медиальных мелкоклеточных субъядрах паравентрикулярного ядра (мдПВЯ) гипоталамуса крыс в разные промежутки суток (днем и ночью). Экспрессия продукта этого гена белка c-Fos – у животных, которых содержали при нормальных условиях чередования освещения и темноты, демонстрировала четкий циркадианный характер. При условии светового стресса дневной показатель индекса содержания c-Fos в мдПВЯ животных был выше по сравнению с ночным. На фоне постоянного освещения мелатонин (0,5 мг/кг массы) приближал к норме концентрацию белка с-Fos в субъядрах мдПВЯ гипоталамуса в ночной промежуток суток. Выраженной разницы в суточном аспекте при использовании эпиталона (0,5 мкг/кг массы тела животного) не регистрировали.Досліджено вплив мелатоніну і синтетичного біорегулятора епіталону з метою корекції стрес-індукованих змін активності гена “надранньої відповіді” c-fos в медіальних дрібноклітинних суб’ядрах паравентрикулярного ядра (мдПВЯ) гіпоталамуса щурів у різні проміжки доби (удень і вночі). Експресія продукту цього гена – білка c-Fos – у тварин, яких утримували за нормальних умов чергування освітлення й темряви, демонструвала чіткий циркадіанний характер. За умов світлового стресу денний показник індексу вмісту c-Fos у мдПВЯ тварин був вище порівняно з нічним. На фоні постійного освітлення мелатонін (0,5 мг/кг маси) сприяв наближенню до норми концентрації білка с-Fos у суб’ядрах мдПВЯ гіпоталамуса в нічний проміжок. Вираженої різниці у добовому аспекті при застосуванні епіталону (0,5 мкг/кг маси тіла тварини) не реєстрували

    Влияние краткосрочных образовательных программ региональных вузов на социально-экономическое развитие региона

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    В последнее время университеты все чаще рассматриваются в качестве драйверов регионального экономического развития. В данном исследовании проанализирована краткосрочная академическая мобильность студентов как фактор интернационализации высшего образования. Количество иностранных студентов (International Student Ratio) - это значимый показатель в глобальных рейтингах университетов. поэтому вузы, стремящиеся улучшить свои позиции на мировом образовательном рынке, активно реализуют программы привлечения иностранных студентов. Краткосрочные образовательные программы академической мобильности характеризуются большой гибкостью, что позволяет удовлетворить широкий спектр потребностей и интересов потенциальных студентов. В июле 2019 г. авторами проведен опрос среди индийских студентов (n = 65), участвующих в программах краткосрочной международной академической мобильности в Уральском федеральном университете (Екатеринбург, Россия). Основная цель эмпирического исследования - изучение роли краткосрочных образовательных программ, реализуемых региональным университетом, в социоэкономическом развитии региона, а также ценности краткосрочной академической мобильности индийских студентов в реализации жизненных стратегий. Выявлены проблемы, препятствующие эффективной реализации краткосрочных образовательных программ в вузах. Результаты исследования показали, что реализация международных образовательных программ ведет к прямым и косвенным экономическим преимуществам и выгодам (иностранные студенты выступают источником дохода и потенциальным актором международного сотрудничества региона). Материалы опроса индийских студентов свидетельствуют о том, что, во-первых, российское образование повышает статусные позиции иностранного студента, способствует успешному карьерному продвижению и становится «мягкой силой» в выстраивании дальнейших международных связей и отношений; во-вторых, знакомство с системой высшего образования формирует потребность продолжить обучение в магистратуре российского университета, укрепляя статус региона и стимулируя платежеспособный спрос на образовательные услуги.Universities are increasingly seen as drivers of regional economic development. In this research, we undertook an analysis of the short-term academic mobility of university students as a factor in the internationalisation of higher education. The number of foreign students (International Student Ratio) attracted from across the world is an important metric in all global university rankings. As a result, universities aiming to improve their positions in the global educational market are actively implementing programmes to attract foreign students. Short-term educational programmes of academic mobility are characterised by a high level of flexibility in terms of management, thus being capable of meeting a wide range of needs and interests of potential students. In July 2019, we conducted a survey among Indian students (n = 65) participating in short-term international academic mobility programmes at the Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia). The main goal of the empirical research was to investigate students’ motivational structure of participation in academic mobility and the role of such programmes in the implementation of students’ life plans. In addition, barriers to the effective implementation of short-term educational programmes at universities were revealed. According to the research results, Russian education is a status characteristic for Indian students, which allows them to gain important socio-cultural and communicative competencies, as well as to build professional trajectories in a foreign country. The respondents expressed willingness to continue their education in Russia as part of Master’s degree educational programmes. Among the main barriers and challenges, the respondents mentioned poor knowledge of the Russian language and financial difficulties.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке гранта Российского научного фонда № 18–18–00236, выданного Уральскому федеральному университету.The article has been prepared with the support of the grant No. 18–18–00236 of the Russian Science Foundation awarded to the Ural Federal University

    The efficacy of therapy with rituximab (R-CHOP) in patients with diffuse large cells lymphoma

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    <p>This study aimed to evaluate treatment results in patients with diffuse large cell lymphoma (DBL CL) received R-CHOP program (as 1 st and<br />2 nd line therapy), including cases with complications. We observed 77 DBLCL patients (50 primary and 27 received other chemotherapy programs, in relapse, progression or treatment resistance phase). The median age is 54.1 years (21–79 years). 33 patients (43 %) had a high risk for unfavorable disease course according to IPI. Complications associated with development of severe compression syndromes, which required the appropriate surgical intervention, w as diagnosed in 45 (58.4 %) patients. From 50 primary patients received R-C HOP as the f irst line therapy objective treatment response was registered in 47 (94.0 %). Complete response was registered in 43 (86.0 %). The proportion of patients in whom response was maintained for 6 months w as 72.0 % in group with maintenance therapy and 28.0 % in group without it. These results were achieved when induction period density was 0.9. The last parameter is the ratio of the courses number to their time in mon ths. The density of standard induction R-C HOP-21 is 1.4. From 27 relapse or refractory patients received R-C HOP as the second line therapy objective<br />treatment response was registered in 85.1 % of patients. Induction period density w as 1.03. The proportion of patients in whom response was maintained for 6 months was 74.0 %. Three classes serum Ig concentrations analysis before and after induction period in 16 pati ents showed normal values. With the median (Me) follow-up time in all patients over 24 months 3-years survival w as 93 % and Me w as not achieved. 3-years survival was 100 % in primary patients and 80 % in patients with previously treatment, and Me is also not achieved.</p

    Treatment of patients with refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia with alemtuzumab, alone or in combination with fludarabine

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    In present study the immediate and long-term therapy results of 14 patients with refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are analyzed. Treatment program included alemtuzumab alone or in combination with fludarabine.</p

    Treatment of patients with refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia with alemtuzumab, alone or in combination with fludarabine

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    In present study the immediate and long-term therapy results of 14 patients with refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are analyzed. Treatment program included alemtuzumab alone or in combination with fludarabine