78 research outputs found

    Mental properties’ formation of the personality of athletes specializing in taekwondo

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    Purpose: to determine the characteristics of the manifestation of the mental properties of athletes’ personality in taekwondo. Material and methods: 10 qualified athletes specializing in taekwondo were involved in research. All participants are members of national team of Ukraine on taekwondo. The average age of athletes was 16,7±1,2 years. The studies were conducted during the training camp. All were assigned to the same experimental task. In this experiment, informed consent was obtained from all participants and their parents. For assessing the athletes’ psychological features, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific literature and specialized websites, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, diagnosis of communicative tolerance by V. Boyko, test «Inventory of stress symptoms» by V. Ivanchenko, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: among taekwondo athletes choleric and phlegmatic types of temperament prevalence. Athletes is characterized by average level of neuroticism and stress, combined with a high level of communicative tolerance. Psychological factors occupy an important place in the system of preparation of athletes specializing in taekwondo and are associated with the development of processes of attention, thinking and perception in combination with temporal-spatial orientation abilities. Under the influence of intense physical exertion, taekwondo athletes form a strong and balanced nervous system, as well as pronounced volitional qualities. Conclusions. The presence of specialized mental processes and qualities allows to the athlete to realize his physical and technical-tactical capabilities, that lead to the high-level achievement in sport. These include: the accuracy of the mental reflection of the perceived information, the time sense and distance sense, instantly find the right moments for strikes and defenses, a high level of concentration, fast reaction, well-developed thinking processes that allow to evaluate the combat situation quickly and objectively.Keywords: psychology, taekwondo, mental properties, personality, questionnaire

    Sensitivity of bronchial receptors under the effect of tobacco smoke in the conditions of various activityof the thyroid gland in children

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    Остаточно не визначена роль вихідних порушень гормонального профілю системи «гіпофіз - щитоподібна залоза» у виникненні бронхоспазму у відповідь на екзогенні стимули. Метою нашого дослідження було вивчення характеру і вираженості взаємозв'язку між бронхіальною гіперчутливістю в дітей, які зазнають впливу куріння, і функціональною активністю щитоподібної залози. У дослідженні взяли участь 74 дитини у віці від 10 до 17 років. Серед обстежених дітей було 16 дітей, які не зазнавали впливу тютюнового диму, 50 дітей були пасивними курцями, і 8 обстежених дітей активно курили. Для дослідження рівня бронхіальної чутливості проводилися інгаляційні бронхопровокаційні тести з неспецифічним подразником – бронхоконстрикторами з ацетилхоліном. Функціональний стан щитоподібної залози оцінювали за рівнем у сироватці крові тиреотропного гормона (ТТГ), тироксину (Т4) і трийодтироніну (Т3). Для більшості обстежених дітей типовими були показники гормонів щитоподібної залози, які не відрізняються від нормативних показників для здорових дітей. Аналіз результатів інгаляційного бронхопровокаційного тесту з ацетилхоліном показав, що стан неспецифічної бронхіальної гіперчутливості мав місце в 2 активних курців, в одного пасивного курця і в одного, який не палить (χ2=15,4> χ201=9,21 або р0,05). Згідно з нашими даними, зміни у функціональному стані чутливих рецепторів бронхів (холінорецепторов) у дітей, які зазнають впливу тютюнового диму, активно або пасивно, не залежать від функціонального стану щитоподібної залози (Рχ2>0,05).The role of the initial hormonal profile disorders of the system “pituitary – thyroid” in the emergence of a bronchospasm in response to exogenic stimuli has not been finally determined. The aim of our research was to investigate the character and degree of the relationship between bronchial hypersensitivity in children exposed to smoking and the functional activity of the thyroid gland. The research involved 74 patients aged 10 to 17 years. Sixteen children were not exposed to tobacco smoke, 50 children were passive smokers, and 8 of the children surveyed smoked actively. To investigate the level of bronchial sensitivity, a bronchial provocation test with a non-specific stimulus – bronchoconstrictor acetylcholine was carried out. We assayed the functional state of the thyroid gland by the level of free triiodothyronine (FT3), free thyroxin 4 (FT4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), identified by Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) (Alkor Bio, Russia). Indicators of hormones of a thyroid gland in most of the examined children did not differ from standard values for healthy children. Analysis of the results of the inhaled bronchial provocation test with acetylcholin showed that the state of nonspecific bronchial hypersensitivity was observed in 2 active smokers and in none of the passive smokers and nonsmokers (χ2=15,4>χ201=9,21 або р0.05). According to our data, changes in the functional status of sensitive bronchial receptors (cholinergic receptors) resulting from exposure to tobacco smoke in children exposed to tobacco smoke, active or passive, do not depend on the functional state of the thyroid gland (Рχ2>0,05)

    The format of training family doctors on palliative care in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

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    The first global palliative care resolution WHA 67.19 has been developed recently, in 2014, where the need to improve access to palliative care around the world is first declared. In the article, the authors analyzed the change trends and the state of the medical care delivery system for incurable patients in the world and Ukraine. As the civilization of the state and the humanity of society as a whole is assessed by the level of PHC provision in today's world, this problem has attracted the attention of central (Ukraine) and regional (Dnipro city) government bodies, which was reflected in the search for new medical and educational initiatives. The need of the time is the need to focus the attention of family doctors on the issue that palliative care is a qualification component of their daily work, which will help to remove incurable patients from the periphery of attention of their multicomponent work, and will also help to clearly build the interaction between the primary and secondary link, in particular, with hospice departments of specialized hospitals. In particular, the experience of implementing a joint project of a new format for training family doctors on palliative care issues, realized by the Department of Family Medicine of the SE “DMA” and the Municipal non-commercial enterprise "City Clinical Hospital No. 2” of Dnipro City Council is described. In­novative forms of conducting classes help to expand the boundaries of the possibilities of teaching problematic issues of palliative medicine, which account for only 0.6% of instructional time in the existing program of training family doctors of secondary specialization, and the multicomponent format for studying palliative care issues, implemented, inter alia, with support of Director of the Municipal non-commercial enterprise "City Clinical Hospital No. 2” of Dnipro City Council (visiting hospice and palliative departments delivering secondary level of medical care assistance, a structured regulatory unit for the provision of PHC in Ukraine, working out of patients’ routing issues, interactive teaching methods, etc.) leaves in the memory of physician-trainees not only the essential content, but also a deep emotional trace, which helps to increase the motivation of the physician trainees, improves coordination between primary and secondary palliative care and improves the quality of training

    Психологический отбор в игровых видах спорта на примере баскетбола

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    For the first time, an integrated approach based on the assessment of the technical and tactical skills of basketball players in combination with the psychological selection was used for selectionthe candidates for the Ukrainian cadet team. From the 144 athletes, who participated in the Ukrainian Championship, 36 players were selected based on the level of technical and tactical skills. According to the results of the psychological tests main characteristics of basketball players were defended and recommendations for coaches were given. As a result, 18 players, who were selected using psychological methods, had better technical and tactical mastery. They took part in the training process for preparation for the main competitions of the year (European Championship).Вперше застосовано комплексний підхід на основі оцінки техніко-тактичної мастерності баскетболістів в поєднанні з психологічним відбором кандидатів у кадетську збірну команду України для проведення навчально-тренувальних зборів. Зі 144 спортсменів, які брали участь у чемпіонаті України, відібрано 36 гравців по результатам визначення рівня техніко-тактичної майстерності. За підсумками проведених досліджень по вивченню психологічних характеристик баскетболістів відібрано 18 гравців для проведення навчально-тренувального процесу по підготовці до головних змагань року (чемпіонату Європи).Впервые был применен комплексный подход на основе оценки технико-тактического мастерства баскетболистов в сочетании с психологическим отбором кандидатов в кадетскую сборную Украины для проведения учебно-тренировочных сборов. Из 144 спортсменов, которые участвовали в чемпионате Украины, отобрано 36 игроков по результатам определения уровня технико-тактического мастерства. По итогам проведенных исследований по изучению психологических характеристик баскетболистов отобрано 18 игроков для проведения учебно-тренировочного процесса по подготовке к главным соревнованиям года (чемпионату Европы)

    Analysis of the results of distance learning of medical students

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    Since spring 2020, when the whole world, and Ukraine among them, is facing COVID19 pandemic [4], Ukrainian educational institutions of technical direction without any transitional periods have been rapidly introducing distance learning, but medical universities in Ukraine had to solve the problem of inability to provide access to mastering and improving professional skills of a future doctor [5, 6]. Information and computer technologies have become an integral part of the educational process of the modern generation of students, in this case medical students, which led to the direction of the actual study, namely the analysis of the views of medical students on the use of distance learning in quarantine conditions during the pandemic COVID-19. The aim of our study was to analyse the results of an anonymous questionnaire of 2nd year students of the Faculty of Dentistry of the SI "DMA", on their own expectations regarding the quality of training in a distance format in the conditions of quarantine COVID -19 when studying the discipline "Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine", which will allow to evaluate the format of on - line teaching from the point of view of students

    Epizootic Activity of Natural and Anthropourgic Tularemia Foci in the Territory of the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Khabarovsk City Outskirts during the Amur River Flood

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    Widespread epizootiological investigations were performed to estimate the influence of the Amur River flood on the epizootic activity of tularemia in small rodent populations within natural and anthropourgic foci. Determined were the numbers of the rodent-carriers and epizootic activity of tularemia infection in the forest type, lowland, flood-swamped as well as anthropourgic foci. The capture and enumeration of the rodents was conducted using Gero rat traps. Tested were water and silt samples, rodent nests, pellets and excrements of carnivorous mammals. Blood sera of healthy persons living within the focal territory were examined to reveal the immune-competent cohort. Collected materials were analyzed using bacteriological, genetic diagnostic and serological methods. Extremely high numbers of the carriers were registered in the lowland meadow-field and anthropourgic foci adjacent to the flooded areas. The signs of tularemia epizootic process were observed in the meadow-field and flood-swamped foci. Failed to reveal during the period of high water were the epizooties in the forest foci